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Aaron Faustin

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Everything posted by Aaron Faustin

  1. +Support I like this idea. Make this job sort of like the gun dealer job where they aren't direclty a criminal job but they can help facilitate criminal activity and be arrested for their participation. GREAT IDEA KITTY!
  2. If you see that it's a mass family war and know by beans own words that he was standing there with his family with a gun out then common sense says hes going to get shot. It's not, nor should it be the responsibility of David to check every single UMC member to make sure that they also /adverted assist. This just plays into using common sense. If David is doing the best he can in the chaos of the situation to abide by the rules than he should not be warned. And from what it looks like, It's borderline baiting on Beans part to tiptoe the line of being involved in the situation just to make a report on someone.
  3. Full Disclosure: I am in SL and am therefore probably bias. +Support for David. Even IF it is shown that David shouldn't have technically shot him yet. There are lot's of mitigating factors when deciding how to handle a sit. In this instance if there are two families in a major shootout with 10+ players on each side. You can NOT sit there with a gun out and then claim you were rdmed because you yourself did not shoot. Use common sense people. To calrify, I do not blame Galaxy one bit, Since this sit involved SL and UMC there werent much if any staff that could help him and i'm sure he was under lot's of pressure.
  4. -Support. Every single interaction i've had with you was a mingy one. I'm curious to know how many of those warns were just from the last day or two. You've been breaking so many rules. RDM,ARDM, Copbait, NITRP, FailRP, etc. You're lucky you didn't get a longer ban from staff. If you truly enjoy playing on the server, I suggest you take this time off as a break and come back as a new person and actually try and have some fun rp that isn't at the expense of other players enjoyment.
  5. +Support You're a great guy with great activity on the server. Best of luck!
  6. Good Luck in the future but i'd like to see more activity both in game and on the forums before i give my support.
  7. You're a good guy and i can tell that you truly care about the server and your staffing responsibilities. However... As mentioned, I feel you need more time to grow as a staff member. Try and focus on maturing a little bit. You have some room for growth but a'lot of potential. I don't believe it's time for you to be promoted yet but don't give up!
  8. +Support Adding some light in specific areas would be really nice.
  9. Did King just thumbs down me twice?
  10. What he said. Plus, It does help to balance it out that you can't regain 100% of your armor back.
  11. +Support Clear evidence of prop climbing. This merits a warning for sure. Clover should know better.
  12. + / - Support. I truly do see both sides to this. Rules were broken, However there are also mitigating factors that decide if the punishment is anywhere from a verbal warning to the maximum punishment of a warn and barret destruction. In this case i believe Kev was being honest about it being muscle memory. With that being said I think we should still set a precedent on how this should be handled. and in my opinion (trying to be as unbiased as possible) Kev should have his barret removed but not be given a warning. It should not be muscle memory to inv holster a barret. It needs to be clear that there is a risk when using a barret. We need to uphold this risk. Even though Kev won the fight and their was very little chance that he would have lost after the barret shot, I still think the precedent needs to be set here so people understand the risk of pulling out a barret. Anyone can and will lie and use this as an excuse in the future if their isn't some sort of consequence. As for the staff bias, I just don't see it. You can't say, "Because they were in the same family, there was bias." Sure there is always going to be a minute amount of unconscious bias. But even if there was, 1. It can't be proved and 2. It likely wouldn't effect the outcome in this scenario. I don't think you should toss those words around a respected staff member very lightly. Conclusion: I believe the barret should be destroyed purely out of setting a precedent that more care needs to be taken by players when it comes to barrets and inv holstering them. A line needs to be drawn, and i personally believe this is where to draw it.
  13. -Support 1. This would be super boring RP. 2. This would be very OP. 3. Crim using barretts should not be a reason to upgrade govs arsenal. Using a barrett is extremely risky and could result in losing it. 4. Gov already have a major advantage in Gen stores. Crims are literally trapped. Just think of better tactics.
  14. 1. The answer is no it's not enough. 2. You don't have 100k. 3. Again, No.
  15. -Support This was already denied. We are a semi-serious RP server. This would be a pain in the ass to deal with while only adding very minimal RP. Half our playerbase probably couldn't even pass a drivers test.
  16. +Support. In just my personal expierience, It's far too complex and difficult to successfully win a bank robbery. I do partially agree with what Mewy is saying but i think there should be a better happy medium between having RP/Difficulty in robbing the bank but also keep it simple. For example, I like the idea of having alarms in the bank to create more obstacles for you but i don't like the process of transporting the money bags in its current state. I find it near impossible to use a vehicle to move them. This just causes lots of frustration leading to a lack of actual Bank Robbery attempts.
  17. -Support The reasons above but also, If you think about it, If there were to be refunds then the actual value of the vehicle would only be the amount that you don't get back in a refund. It makes these cars realistically way cheaper and essentially allows expensive cars to be a long term placeholder for cash. I hope this made sense. As long as it's made very clear that you don't get a refund then i see no reason to change anything.
  18. But at the end of the day, No department can stand a chance against the 3-4 major criminal families. We run these streets.
  19. What you want to see? - An update to objectives. I'd like to see some sort of passive boost for factions that currently hold an objective. Right now it's not worth it for most players to go around taking objectives. There just isn't really a reward to pay off their efforts. The boost wouldn't need to be big but just a little extra something to keep the objectives competitive. Maybe run a little faster, maybe a little more armor, maybe a slightly faster fire rate, etc. Why should we add it? - Currently i only really see objectives taken when there's nothing else going on in order to get some combat. What are the advantages of having this? - Objectives would be used more. More stuff would go on between factions. Who is it mainly for? - Anyone in a faction Links to any content - N/A
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