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Everything posted by Dane

  1. I'd love to see you as Assistant Cadet!
  2. Name SM Dane 1D66 SteamID STEAM_0:1:79212461 Current Rank Sergeant Major How Long Have You Been In Your Rank? 2 and a Half Weeks Rank Wanted Lieutenant How Many Warns Do You Have? 3 Do You Have a Working Mic? Yes, I do Permission N/A Why Should You Be Promoted? There are many reasons why I should be promoted. Firstly, I'm always happy to train cadets. I always sacrifice my RP time to train cadets so that they have full experience as an OFC. People say that training cadets are actually boring, but for me it isn't. If I do get Lieutenant, I still will train cadets if I have to. I am a trustworthy and a loyal PD member, I try to not break any rules while I am on my duty. I'm happy to help out officers who are in need, and are always happy to answer their questions. I am a nice, calm and collect person. If you get to know me, I will be nice to you. I don't get mad at things very quickly. I always try to always be calm at things and try not to get mad. I will make sure PD runs very smoothly and right when I am on my duty, and I will always teach my fellow officers what is right and what is wrong, the don'ts and do's. I am always active, and I always play SM when I hop onto the server. I also take officers who wants to ride along with me. I will always keep PD very secure and keep everyone out from rule breakers. I will also do teamspeak check often if that is necessary. I will always try to be active on the forums, in-game, and in teamspeak. I will respect all of my superiors, and I will be a great leader. I will show my fellow officers the correct way of doing police work, and how to roleplay properly. I will never abuse any of my powers as a Lieutenant and I will always be responsible of what I am doing when I am on my duty. You Agree That Complaining or Breaking Any Rules Put Down by High Command Will Result In Your Complete Removal From PD Command? Yes sir, I agree. Thank you for your time on reading my Lieutenant application! I hope you have a great day, and adios!
  3. +Support Trains cadets oftenAlways helps out officers in needActiveMatureFriendlyGreat leaderFit for commandGood luck!
  4. Dane

    Nimo's CPT App

    Best of luck though.
  5. Eh, I think Rockford is a nice map. I don't really mind the black sky.
  6. I see you training cadets alot nowadays. Good luck.
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