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Just Johnathen

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Everything posted by Just Johnathen

  1. @NoOne @Nolan Please lock and pin thread and remove my comment after please and thankyou. :)
  2. Me and Gamik have come to the decision to release a discord server to attempt better communication. Please have proof of your FBI rank so we can assign your roles upon joining. This does not mean you can use discord rather then teamspeak. Teamspeak is still a requirement this is just for improved communication and a new style as other departments are doing it. So why not :D. We don’t require you but to keep updated we would like you on Discord. https://discord.gg/mhhNkBk
  3. +Support -It’s to neatly place like it was spawned in. - Clearly was there for a while as it had 100k in each of them. - Yes they shouldn’t of propclimbed but you can’t do much about it as it was in the past. Plus if they prop climbed twice then the issue is how did nobody see the prop climbing up with printers with a half server.
  4. -Support, The problem is you had your tags and I had notified SMT on several occasions that you did even sent them proof. You failed to goto SMT to get them removed. Ban should stick aswell as all you come on and do is minge
  5. Holy crap, take your time man. Will note it on roster.
  6. -Support, You need to change the title of the app. It needs to say (Name) Staff application or (Name) Tmods application
  7. In-Game Name: johnathen SteamID: STEAM_1:0:106791747 Rank: Deputy Director Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 18 of May to 23 of May. Reason for LOA (if private that is fine): Busy with renovations. Trying to compete but just don’t have the time to sit down and play.
  8. Mustard gas doesn’t kill tho but it can make you unconscious or very sick. It’s used to deter the visual sight of the suspects like pepper spray. So when there is hostages it can be used.
  9. I’m fine now I don’t hold grudges. I’m just disappointed as I have relied on zayn before for admin issues for assistance, kinda concerning. I do understand that naby did wrong but that’s a different story.
  10. I will never disrespect someone by their rank, I was a bit mad about the fact that he had 2 warns previously about suicide, so I was stating the fact about the warns on that is repetitive. SMT has said to me it’s disrespectful I don’t know how but in the real workplace your bosses go off your past incidents. So what now if your about to be fired you can now say my boss has bullied me by “disrespecting” me.
  11. Please also explain to me how I "Disrespected" Saying "Bloody Moderator" Is stating his rank. I am more of the fact disappointed he is a repeat offender. He admitted to prop climb warn should stick as well. Plus he didn't value his life.
  12. -Support even using the ladder is still propclimb.
  13. As a staff member you always have to judge of it, what was told that you were trying to commit suicide you were saying no I wasn’t ect ect. Then I looked at your warns you warns show that you have had the same warn before. I clearly have been doing my job correctly. One of those warns was from a SMT member aswell. So me thinking that you would’ve learned. also this isn’t a staff report this is a player report just to give you the heads up. A staff report is if a staff member is breaking the staff handbook.
  14. You were minging, You were also not following your rules. Everything Said was said in context. I stated a fact saying you're a bloody moderator, I just expect better from all the staff. I'm Disappointed you were breaking rules I would more expect it from a trial mod.
  15. there is maybe not be in this forum software, but in more intelligible software like xenforo or other free softwares. It’s easy to even assign people to sections.
  16. Well I’m am 2nd in charge of the department so he hasn’t asked for approval on stuff yet.
  17. yes when it takes 1-2 days to get a reply sometime if it’s something like this due to “chain of command”. The only thing is this isn’t giving us any in game advantages except helping us with out Forum duties for our own departments.
  18. no it won’t forum diplomats hasn’t helped me since day dot. So I’m up for it, I’ve always needed help with my section I need control of my fbi section.
  19. Major question, how do you guys know it causes lag. Stop assuming others decision, trust the people who run servers. I've never seen any of you guys run a server. Please check your sources.
  20. I have no comment. Until I speak to smt..
  21. There was no such thing said at any staff meeting. Snar said that there is no excuse on not getting on. Get people to pm or ask for a admin in ooc. Or if there is more then 2 on duty get them to say who you need to goto.
  22. he means a full global high command meeting of all branches to one. Like the us officer meeting in mil.
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