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Just Johnathen

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Everything posted by Just Johnathen

  1. You have been with the community for a long enough time to know not to. You then claimed that because I didn’t demote him you demoted him yourself. I’m over people trying to overrule staff. Staff has final say you don’t. If you were newer I would’ve given a verbal warning but clearly by your forums account and seeing you on the server everyday almost I find it hard to believe you haven’t seen it once.
  2. What you want to see? - I would like to see it so the judge has more control over things. Why should we add it? - to make it more realistic. What are the advantages of having this? - Having the ability of having real court cases. Who is it mainly for? - everyone Links to any content - https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/1203/judge-police-report-system Zeeptin can easily contact the owner of the script to purchase aswell.
  3. This application will be to apply DCOS and COS. Any left over applications will be held if you click the yes button on the last question. Please feel free to PM Me or Gamik if you have any questions. Senior Special Agent+ Only. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd1rvkNydj3tDf4_OxPxcpIU1UZdY6G5J463tEpbLDk-5Iu7g/viewform
  4. Bug report it please but just check with others on the server.
  5. I plan on having a rank which will be released with all details soon, but this rank is a pretty advanced rank and requires extensive training. This will be released to SM+ but this falls down to SMT. So let’s wait but this is only one rank with one privilege.
  6. FBI has never been whitelist only its donator only.
  7. so there’s my argument so it should be ask Forum Diplomats.
  8. not really, I’ve done so and haven’t gotten a response for 2+days sometimes.
  9. What you want to see? - The Ability to lock and pin our branch threads Why should we add it? - So I can stop annoying and bugging SMT to pin and lock my threads constantly. What are the advantages of having this? - Less breach of chain of command, more ability to work individually Who is it mainly for? - Branch Commands for Both Mil and Police Links to any content - N/A To any keyboard warriors, this can be limited to head of the departments. Just saves us time and smts head space.
  10. probably with a supporting quota, like 30 people with blank and blank.
  11. +Support each department needs it atleast for their high command. If zeeptin can do it for milrp for commanders and officers he could do it for police. But maybe not Pd command as there can be minging. Th3 non staff on mil has access to it for our jobs. It helps so much as there isn’t a staff member always on.
  12. Thanks for letting us know Ord hope everything’s alright :).
  13. Bind (key) say “/administration” bind (key) say “/citizen” If I did that I right it will work. But you can also Type that in chat.
  14. Update, meeting times might go fortnitely to allow A break inbetween.
  15. So we don’t want to put all of our suggestions into the update. So far what I have is new weapons new ranks new vehicle structure and a possible unit (Not going to say as it’s unconfrimed and don’t want to get your hopes up). We are looking for new things on what FBI can do and can have. Please suggest below with any content add ons.
  16. Well tbh this is when Valk was here. But I gave it to the player with that kind of screenshot and I got an earful. So yeah, but you can copy the line and send that apparently.
  17. We Would just like to know some info on which times people can make it to meetings. All times are in EST, Please vote using the Poll Above. This will be on the normal day it is on which is a Friday.
  18. Plus the staff member shouldn't of given you logs aswell as I got yelled at and striked for submitting it in a report.
  19. @gamikzone Message me when you can. Jeff nice work on this pretty well written out.
  20. Can SMT lock this as this is literally no use to being in here and will just cause arguments. @Gaur
  21. On the discord server is a suggestion area so feel free to start suggesting.
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