Noted! We have reviewed this issue with our servers and we will be working hard to fix it ASAP! Please allow up to a week for any bug fixes to occur as we go on a first come first serve basis. Thank you!
Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the player and or staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.
Staff member in question will receive a punishment related to staff.
Point of clarification, he was not demoted from DORS for prop abuse or the previous report.
He will not be warned additionally.
Couple things
Why did you make an alt account on the forums?
Also my own opinion we have banned people for saying what you said (the n word) with no appeal so I don’t really see the difference between you and them.
I’ll shorten your ban to a week when I get back.
Despite your warns being from all of Gaminglights servers it doesn’t excuse the fact that you need to read the rules. Please do so over the next two weeks and remember that you agree to the rules when you click close and are held accountable if you break them.
Noted! We have reviewed this issue with our servers and we will be working hard to fix it ASAP! Please allow up to a week for any bug fixes to occur as we go on a first come first serve basis. Thank you!
There is no proof. Also a point of clarification, SuperAdmins can use their powers off duty however they cannot use their powers in a way that results in an rp advantage for them.
To have your warn removed, go to the "Bans" Section at the top of the forums, navigate to your profile, find the warning for this appeal, and for the reason on the appeal, link this post.
Not going to put a - or + support but staff should never be disrespectful to another player. Regardless if someone insults you or is disrespectful to you, you as the staff member should never be disrespectful if reported could result in a demotion.
While I don’t think it would be wise to demote Yobo, he should be spoken too because it’s not ok for a Senior Moderator to be seen as telling a player to “stfu”.
Also perhaps Game Theorists reply for why a sit was being held in the spawn room and not on a roof.
Noted! We have reviewed this issue with our servers and we will be working hard to fix it ASAP! Please allow up to a week for any bug fixes to occur as we go on a first come first serve basis. Thank you!