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Everything posted by Wolfgangg

  1. +Support Robby he is talking about removing the fact PD or any other Government Officials can act off of a wanted sign.
  2. I used to design and create forums for servers using Mybb, if you make the width a percentile such as "50%" it should expand and compress as needed.
  3. Of course, I fully agree with you but I don't believe it is necessary for me to add this to the original suggestion due to the definition of texting and driving already encompassing that. "Texting while driving, also called texting and driving, is the act of composing, sending, reading text messages, email, or making similar use of the web on a mobile phone while operating a motor vehicle." All in all, meaning that at any time one is using a vehicle they must not be on their phones unless they are parked in a legal position as you stated.
  4. What you want to see? - I want to see "texting and driving" a tickable offense on the server. Why should we add it? - It would increase roleplay on the server by pretending that the in-server chatbox is a phone. So if an officer sees someone typing for let's say more than five seconds in chat (to stop the accidentally clicked it excuse) they can pull the person over and ticket them for texting and driving. If one must type to someone else they should be pulling off the road anyways so they do not block traffic flow, or for roleplays sake hurt someone. What are the advantages of having this? - Increases roleplay, adds realism and potentially will stop some car crashes within Rockford. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone. Links to any content -
  5. @Toaster Strudel @Stormzz All of these things were already answered at least twice, please read all comments in the post and instead of quoting someones early post write your own opinion.
  6. Here’s my thought process, if we were to implement this we would change our punishments to be more time based. Such as you can only get 10 warns in two months otherwise you get banned for week etc.... I have warns from when MilRP was literally a darkRP where you could do anything you wanted two and half years ago, should those still count against me on PoliceRP?
  7. I have to respectfully disagree with your arguement. I personally do not think that minor and major infractures of server rules should both wind up as warnings. As well as the fact we should all be honest here and recognize that this should be an accepting community of love and that we should welcome second chances and ways for prior warns to be removed once one has learned their lesson with open arms. Everyone goes through rough times of mental corruption and we should have the heart to forgive them over time, such as I suggested.
  8. Don’t you think it’s unfair that minor infractions are on the same level as Mass RDM? Maybe that’s something that should be changed...
  9. If someone does that they should be banned, not warned. I’m talking about minor infractions, what earns are meant to be for.
  10. I agree with you but you have to remember this is just a gaming server, people grow and learn and I think we both know most people join the server to minge but stay because they see the potential it has. Implementing my suggestion would still give people the punishment they deserve but give them a break when they start truly getting involved with departments and the roleplay on the server. Such as I said in the suggestion the warns would still last a few months, enough time for one to learn from their mistakes.
  11. +Support This man is an example for everyone to look up to on the server he is a hard worker and a great leader. Fantastic application as well, you topped the charts with this one my friend.
  12. What do you want to see? - I want to see warns removed slowly over time. Preferably I would like them to dissipate every 2-3 months since the time they were given. Why should we add it? - This should be added in order to allow people to change their actions and personalities over time. At the moment the warning system is just another way to permanently strike players and because they are taken into consideration when applying to most departments I do not believe it is fair for a warn made several years earlier to affect someone's chances of getting accepted What are the advantages of having this? - Give players a chance to change Warnings should simply be here to make sure people are not mass minging every time they are on the server. If someone has been on the server for four years and has accumulated 5 warns a year it would put them at 20 warns, past most departmental limits which I believe is not fair. When I first joined the server back in early 2016 I myself was immature and thought I could bend the rules to my advantage, I have gained almost every warn on the server from that time and it is not fair that they should still count against me. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone on the server. Links to any content - N/A
  13. I think it’s funny that you say this because the three departments that you listed take up a very minimal amount of space. If I would have made this post I would have requested moving the position of the NSA base to somewhere that doesn’t affect roleplay as much.
  14. This Teamspeak channel would be completely serious, anybody who conflicts with the purpose of the meeting would be booted and limiting Talk Power to only those with PTS would stop any chance of minging. I don't know man, I think that's the problem right there. For everyone to be onboard with a drastic change in gameplay players have to feel as if they were part of the driving force transforming it. Everyone must be involved in planning and communicating in the meeting otherwise the likelihood of this actually happening is extremely low as well as the chances of it actually doing anything to help the server. So I ask that if you are planning a meeting of the nature I proposed, that it be brought to the public attention immediately. For you guys keeping this all a secret and preplanning what you want to happen will only make this gathering a failure before it even begins.
  15. I gotta keep it real with you chief, I personally believe if this is something we want to actually change the server it can't just be limited to those small groups. It must be available and open to everyone.
  16. I have to disagree with you there my friend. I have heard a series of complaints recently about the horrendous roleplay coming from our server, and even about veteran players considering leaving to different servers because of it. If this is set up correctly so everyone will be granted time for thier voice to be heard by fellow members and by SMT I believe it could be a very important turning point for PoliceRP. As well as the fact it is very easy to take control and handle minges on TS. Also, with minimal planning and by looking at gametracker for the most popular times on the server this could be easily coordinated.
  17. I agree with you but I also believe that we should focus our attention to our regular players. The rest will continue to come no matter what we do because of the community’s status and player population.
  18. What do you want to see? - I want to see a server-wide meeting scheduled within the next few weeks regarding the current state of roleplay occurring on our server. Why should we add it? - It has become apparent to me that a large number of players on our server are starting to become irritated with the gradually decreasing sense of roleplay. It is my hope that a server wide meeting at a time most suitable for regular players will allow everyone to share their thoughts and suggestions for improving and changing the culture of the server to a more desired one. What are the advantages of having this? - It will grant a way for players and staff alike to express their emotions towards the servers current state. It will allow the community to directly address SMT on what they want the server culture to be. Who is it mainly for? - For all of those who are here to roleplay. Links to any content - N/A
  19. +Support The fact that you can only hear the radio if your mic is hot is ridiculous. It doesn’t improve roleplay and it makes it harder to do ride alongs and communicate with people in-game. I would much rather we change the radio back if it’s ever fixed or find a new one that better fits our server.
  20. He’s a West Highland Terrier and he attacks people with kisses.
  21. For most of these to happen, it would require Gaminglight PoliceRP to have a full on "culture" change. At the moment it would be fair to say that we are not a very serious server, besides some of the more specialized departments most people do not take roleplay very seriously. What I think should happen is that a community meeting or vote should take place sometime in the next few weeks to discuss any potential changes that community wants to see take place because I agree with you, I am here for the roleplay and it is absolutely no fun when people ruin it.
  22. Of course it’s not entirely necessary but face reveal posts in the General section can distract people away and block out more important topics posted in that section. Every community I have been in has some sort of picture/ face reveal section because it’s something fun to do that connects players on a deeper level. I truly doubt it will ever die because Garry’s Mod constantly gets new players just as our community. For the potential abuse, that is why we hire forum staff right?
  23. Face reveals are always fun and a great way to connect with other online players. There have been numerous face reveals done in the General section and I feel as though there should be a specific section on the website designed just for people’s face reveals. It would make it easier to decipher them from other topics and it would be easier to find certain people pictures.
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