Steam Name: CHIKEN
Ingame Name:CHIKEN
Have you donated to the server? Yes
Staff Restriction Length:Perm i think
Staff Member that Staff Restricted you: Valk i think
Reason for Staff Restriction: I don't know for sure but i'm pretty sure its because i dint talk to valk after my 48hr
Why do you think that your Staff Restriction should be removed? (longer the better): I've played in this community for a long time now and i've had the staff restriction for about 2 thirds of my time here which is like a year and a half or something. I was originally staff on MILRP but i lost interest in staffing and became inactive. I decided to give staffing on PRP a try and pretty much the same thing happened. The reason i've waited so long to appeal this is because honestly i have no interest in staff in GMOD at all. I've played rust since its been in alpha and I've pretty much became addicted to playing rust, I know pretty much everything about the game and what it takes for a server to be popular. It always irritates me when i get on the server and there's new players who don't know what there doing because we have all been there, and i think i could definitely help out a lot with that type of stuff as well as making the server and community more fun to players. I have been talking to scoot and just trying to sort some things out with the server and i would really love to apply for staff but than i remember that i'm staff restricted.Now I know I do have a little bit of a reputation for thing, but i think for those who really have gotten to know me can say that I could be a pretty good staff member if i really tried to and that's pretty much what i'm trying to do with the new rust server. I would even take if it could be changed to a Perm staff restriction from all GL GMOD servers instead of just GL staffing in general.
I'm pretty horrible at typing these things so please have mercy