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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/2018 in all areas

  1. Hello Nimo, I was saddened to hear that this happened and I do sympathise for you. If you ever feel like the situation was not handled correctly and you have expressed this with the Management member dealing with the particular situation; I and other members of the Senior Management Team would be more than welcoming to hear you through as a second opinion. Furthermore, I would like to restate that we as members of the Senior Management Team do not allow any form of bullying, and especially from staff members. If you have any questions or concerns about my statements, I would be more than happy to accommodate any questions. I hope you have an amazing day and enjoy your time on Gaminglight! Respectfully, Manager John | Human Resources Representative
    2 points
  2. You’ve spent a longer time arguing about the punishment, than the punishment itself.
    1 point
  3. You seem to be going on a rampage with false warns
    1 point
  4. Huge - Support (I was one of the troopers) If this is the situation I am thinking of this is not false During state training I came across this and it was blocking a road that led to the other side of ravine meaning if there was a pursuit cops cant get over there and I asked him to remove it and said what was wrong with this and he said no so i called staff and Mervin counted down from 5 and when he reached 0 he removed it but Darkspiker kept trying to argue with hi saying it was abuse and that he wasn't hurting anyone and before Mervin spoke to Darkspiker I told Mervin exactly why this was a problem and he initially didn't think it was such a problem and he was very nice and gave Darkspiker plenty of time to comply and Darkspiker refused every time. So to conclude Darkspiker refused to remove this after being asked several times by Mervin. Mervin EVEN counted down from 5 as to not remove it without Darkspikers knowledge. @Mervin
    1 point
  5. I've been warned by accident because someone also had the letter Mj and the person who did the warning is @Roleplaygod
    1 point
  6. I just want to point out, no matter how brutally rude this is going to sound. This post does absolutely nothing, It's the same thing we have been saying for years. We always deal with harassment cases if proper evidence is provided. We always make posts regarding these issues and If proper evidence is not provided then there is very little we can do. We might speak with the person starting it, but that usually just ends up with them saying they haven't done anything. In this post, you are doing the same thing. Pointing out something, without evidence, so we can't do anything about it. Trust me, we know people get harassed because of whatever reasons. SMT is not ignorant and we do not always have to be involved in these situations. If someone is being bullied or harassed bring it to an Admin or even a Super Admin. Chain of Command is still in effect, and the majority of the time an Admin or SA can deal with the situations brought to us. Now with that said, to anyone who is being harassed or "Targeted" please come to speak with JMT then SMT. Even if you don't have evidence we will speak with the person being accused and follow up with you.
    1 point
  7. Accepted Active, Over 130 posts in a month. (Ie. the reason why I wait so long to do these apps so I can see your real activity.) Speak with me and only me in TS
    1 point
  8. Accepted Active & dedicated - 100 Posts in a month SPEAK WITH ME AND ONLY ME IN TS
    1 point
  9. Looks like the poll is showing he has a lot of kids XD
    1 point
  10. I would just like to apologize to all the young Troopers and Snookiebear for being inactive over the last week. Some personal stuff has happened in my life and I lost the drive to get on. As a 2LT, am supposed to be a role model for the rookies, but I haven’t been a very good one, so I am sorry. I will try to get back into it this weekend if I feel any better. So once again, I am sorry for the inactivity. ~2LT Phelps
    0 points
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