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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/2018 in all areas

  1. So firstly, this is not an official message, secondly, this is getting ridiculous. Along with the address from SMT regarding targeting, please be completely aware; SMT can only act on things if it is reported. Most of the time, it will require evidence - otherwise, just go quietly let someone know to keep an eye on someone. Along with that, if you see something, speak up, stand up. Be an upstander, not a bystander. Don't let members of our community suffer, even though the server is for mature audiences, users must and I mean must make some attempt to compensate for younger players. Firstly, watch the way you speak with them, watch your language and mind the curse words, treat them as they want - if they're being spastic, just walk away - be the bigger person and same goes for younger members in our community. Sometimes its best to walk away from shitty and dodgy situations. I'm sure myself and various other members in this community can agree this is getting beyond stupid and needs to stop. I know for an absolute fact that the tolerance for this is going to little to nothing. If you want to be blatantly disrespectful to anyone here, people like Nimo, RyanTheEpicGuy, Zayn, Jake Croft; for anything; age, religion, skin tone, appearance, weight or anything then you may as well be talking shit to me. Trust me, be the bigger person and you'll get the respect you desire. Respect and trust is a privilege, not a right, you don't start with it. Some people might be okay with it if you get closer to them but don't start out in the server calling people names cause you think its funny. I mean, I called valk a homeless carrier pigeon with a peg on his nose and I got a spanking for that so like. Just watch the way you speak to people. It's so easy for a little thing to develop into a much larger problem. People are offing themselves, fasting unnecessarily, destroying themselves... All because someone couldn't keep their mouth shut and show some damn respect. - Finch. If this is to be hidden, I respectfully ask that it only be hidden by diplomats higher than SA on any service. @Snarlax @Zeeptin
    3 points
  2. Please do something about targeting.(Not going to start and argument or ruin my reputation but) Snar/SMT said "They want to make GL servers into safe spot" but in reality there are people in the community who are getting targeted constantly! One way to make GL a safe place is to stop this. The people who really get targeted are the younger ones and if the younger people don't feel like there safe then they'll leave which you guys don't want. What i'm trying to say is please do something about targeting maybe ban them for a week or crack down on these kinds of things please. Thank you for reading this if you are. P.S. Don't take this in a bad way just trying to get my honest feelings out there
    1 point
  3. Nice job going to work on these warn appeals btw ??
    1 point
  4. ACCEPTED Speak to admin+ and high command
    1 point
  5. + Support Active staff member who is ready for FD, good luck!
    1 point
  6. + Support Active staff member who is prepared for FD, good luck!
    1 point
  7. I love this guy, such an amazing officer and great supervisor
    1 point
  8. Looks like blended watermelon to me
    1 point
  9. +Support Just look at that beautifully made application. I applaud you sir.
    1 point
  10. All reasons above He deserves it
    1 point
  11. He’s got a weird face...
    1 point
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