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Crunch - Player Report - Warn Request- Denied


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1: Grizzly 

2: STEAM_0:0:102349968

3: Crunch/ R Jihadist Jamal Goongus

4: Sage, STEAM_0:1:49540812

5: The player is very rude and toxic to those in game not caring who it could affect or the out come of it. To some points shouting insults at people again not caring whether he gets in trouble or not. I have done the best to avoid the player on the ship but no matter I still come across him. It's my opinion that I think he abuses the fact he is on CC to think he is better than someone. When actually CC's are a privilege as well and some people may think they are better than others and can't get in trouble. In the videos I will provide you will see how toxic this behavior is and why it can ruin someone's  motivation to play on this server.


7: I'm a pretty chill guy I think its a 3 strikes and you're out. So another warn added to the player. Or if  the staff wants worse thats up to them

8: In the second video if you watch carefully they got themselves arrested which is why I shot the tac, due to the fact I thought that Tarkin would arrest them. Under no other circumstances would shoot a person's tac unless they got arrested. Also side note I use Voicemod in game which does make me sound like a stormtrooper which may sound bad to some people but this is the first complaint I've had. I use it for a more immersive rp experience. It isn't a excuse to treat someone like crap. I like gaminglight and was really one of the servers that stuck out to me as chill, stuff like this makes it harder to get on and stay engaged.

Edited by GrizzlyGames
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Former Field Commander Grizzly | Former Senior Commander | Former Purge Commander

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  • GrizzlyGames changed the title to Crunch - Player Report - Warn Request

My first argument is that you are trying to piece these together as the same or recent situation. They are not. In fact, they are WEEKS apart. The first situation was already handled, I think you should show the part where you followed me around the map after the fact harassing me, or does that not fit your narrative? You already made an in-game report about it, it was handled and I was told to leave you alone. I did so. You knew I had an issue with you and your mic and you DELIBERATELY followed me, for what reason? I have no clue. I was trying to get away from you and you kept following me. Simple as that. Don't antagonize someone who has already stated that they have an issue with you.

Let's talk about the second clip. You want to get me warned for disrespect. 2 seconds into the clip you call me a "madly annoying little shit" or say that I'm "madly annoying as shit". Pick a struggle, are you the victim or the aggressor? Both clips you literally FOLLOW me around like a lost puppy and antagonize me to get a reaction. You're going out of your way to cause an issue with me. I called you a virgin. There's nothing inherently disrespectful about that. You still destroyed my tac with no real reason. You weren't there to see me get arrested, Mann didn't say I was arrested, he didn't re-arrest me, therefore you just ASSUMED I was arrested and shot my tac. You just so happened to be right.

I'll close this off with this, am I abrasive in-game to you? Yes. You annoy me, hunt me down, target me, and then play victim when you get the reaction you want. Just leave me alone, we both go our separate ways and we don't have issues with you. Last night I muted you AS SOON as I joined the server to avoid having to hear your mic like I have complained about before. I took the initiative to distance myself and not interact with you. You broke that. YOU walked up to ME. YOU shot MY tac. I didn't instigate anything in this.


Edit: I’d like to reiterate the fact that the first situation was already handled an in-game sit and dealt with a while back. I forgot it had even happened and just let it be. For the second clip, I really wasn’t doing all that much last night. I was chilling with Silon at BCP, we walked up to say hi to Mann and got arrested. After that we flew some ships and my game crashed. I went doing anything really bad. You want to claim I abuse a CC, how? My attitude and the way I portray myself has nothing to do with me being on a CC. I’d be the exact same on ST, a donator job, or a level job. I fail to see where me owning and having a slot on multiple CCs is in any way relevant to these reports. The last thing I have to say is, just leave me alone when we are both in game. I attempted to do this last time and you took it upon yourself to create an issue with me. I don’t want to interact with you, I attempted to not to by avoiding you in game and muting you and you still walked up to me and shot my tac. I’d like to say I have a fairly clean slate. I’ve been part of this community since 2016? 2017? Somewhere around there. I have gotten 3 warns total. All from YEARS ago. I’ve never even been banned. Was my response uncalled for? Up for debate. Was my response (calling you a “virgin”) disrespectful? No. Who cares. Save yourself for marriage for all I care. If the shoe fits, wear it.


Ps: Thanks Jack for the notification ❤️

Edited by Crunch
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i am always correct and will always be better than you

#JusticeForTrojan #SlideForRacc #:3

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You legit kept following him around bothering him. Of course he is going to get annoyed. What do you think is going to happen if you keep messing with someone? Instead of ignoring what he said you made it your goal to go around and harass him for your "evidence". Why? You could just move on and take it as it is instead of getting offended at someone on a video game. 

This does not warrant a warning, because you legit were following him and making the situation worse. If you get hurt by a couple words and make it your goal to go out of your way to harass them because of one little thing they said, you should evaluate yourself.

Also you legit recorded yourself breaking a rule, which is breaking someones tac. You should yourself get a warn for that. Stop being a menace.


OG DT TI-23 Marksmen V07 (Retired)
FormerSenior Gunnery Officer LX003, Lord I SilonDT 1LT DI3Imperial RP Moderator

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- Support

19 minutes ago, Crunch said:

they are WEEKS apart.

true if this was such a big issue you would report it when you got the first clip! 

The Fact that you follow crunch every time you see him in-game is really sad, as a command member you shouldn't even be bothered and let the staff handle it or follow him since he, is not part of your regiment and your not a staff member. And you are talking about him in TS before you see him very convenient 

Edited by Jaeger.

Former: Grand Inquisitor   Lead Admin
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5 minutes ago, SilonMist said:

You legit kept following him around bothering him. Of course he is going to get annoyed. What do you think is going to happen if you keep messing with someone? Instead of ignoring what he said you made it your goal to go around and harass him for your "evidence". Why? You could just move on and take it as it is instead of getting offended at someone on a video game. 

This does not warrant a warning, because you legit were following him and making the situation worse. If you get hurt by a couple words and make it your goal to go out of your way to harass them because of one little thing they said, you should evaluate yourself.

Also you legit recorded yourself breaking a rule, which is breaking someones tac. You should yourself get a warn for that. Stop being a menace.



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I think that I'm gonna have to agree with the consensus here.
1) You destroyed his Tac, which is a warnable offense in it of itself. You should not be shooting Tactical Insertions because you think someone will be arrested. You aren't Shock or Staff, allow them to deal with it.
2) You want him warned for his abrasive/rude behavior, which is rich when you yourself have been that way with multiple people, including myself multiple times.
3) I've witnessed when you seem to follow him around on ship and fixate on him, as if you are waiting for him to slip up. Your evidence in my eyes is entirely invalid as to me as a Staff Member it seems you were instigating Crunch to get "evidence" so you could post this report.
4) The first clip is literal months ago during Christmas, and you followed him as he left the area to continue the negative encounter.
5) The fact you were talking about him in TS in the start of the 2nd clip shows to me a targeting effort to try and get the individual in trouble. Also, the way you talk about CCs here and in your clip shows you have some negative bias towards them. CCs aren't a privilege. People spend upwards of Hundreds of Dollars to have their own job to play on. Being Command, or in a Battalion is a privilege. Just wanted to clarify that bit.

Be glad you aren't being warned for destroying the Tactical Insertion.

  • Gaminglight Love 1

| FIRST EVER IMPERIAL GOVERNOR || Former 501st "Vader's Fist" Legion Commander || Former Senior Commander || Former SF Crimson || Former IF Agent Lone Six |
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1 hour ago, Theta said:


I think that I'm gonna have to agree with the consensus here.
1) You destroyed his Tac, which is a warnable offense in it of itself. You should not be shooting Tactical Insertions because you think someone will be arrested. You aren't Shock or Staff, allow them to deal with it.
2) You want him warned for his abrasive/rude behavior, which is rich when you yourself have been that way with multiple people, including myself multiple times.
3) I've witnessed when you seem to follow him around on ship and fixate on him, as if you are waiting for him to slip up. Your evidence in my eyes is entirely invalid as to me as a Staff Member it seems you were instigating Crunch to get "evidence" so you could post this report.
4) The first clip is literal months ago during Christmas, and you followed him as he left the area to continue the negative encounter.
5) The fact you were talking about him in TS in the start of the 2nd clip shows to me a targeting effort to try and get the individual in trouble. Also, the way you talk about CCs here and in your clip shows you have some negative bias towards them. CCs aren't a privilege. People spend upwards of Hundreds of Dollars to have their own job to play on. Being Command, or in a Battalion is a privilege. Just wanted to clarify that bit.

Be glad you aren't being warned for destroying the Tactical Insertion.


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Please keep all responses to a + or - support basis.
Disrespect will not be tolerated. Those who continue to do so will be punished accordingly. Thank you.

- Forums Diplomat Theta


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This seems like a way to just get back at Crunch for saying your mic quality is bad. If you truly were not wanting to be "treated like crap" like your post says, why did you follow him? It seems like you were trying to bait a response and now are playing victim, I don't buy it. Destroying a tac regardless of circumstances is FailRP, and wasn't warranted. If Mann wanted to destroy the Tac he could've done it himself, but he didn't. Crunch has been nothing but a great member of the GL community, both as someone to trust and lean on in terms of responsibility, but also someone to have a good laugh with. The only thing wrong I see in either of these clips is you trying to bait out a response. Crunch shouldn't be punished in any way shape or form, this seems like some vendetta you have against him or something he said/did to you judging by the way you trail him looking for more juicy clips. In the future, leave him alone, and he'll leave you alone. It's as simple as that.


Retired GL Member "Dark"

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Well, it seems the people have spoken. Based on the evidence and using my deductive skills from years of practice, I believe this report to be invalid! Mr. Sage/Crunch is innocent of this offense and is acting reasonably when someone is consistently bothering him and trying to get something out of him in order to report him (hence immediately asking Mann if he wants you to clip the arrest/tac situation and doing it anyways when he says no).


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Removed General Keegan

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On 2/18/2023 at 10:08 PM, Theta said:


I think that I'm gonna have to agree with the consensus here.
1) You destroyed his Tac, which is a warnable offense in it of itself. You should not be shooting Tactical Insertions because you think someone will be arrested. You aren't Shock or Staff, allow them to deal with it.
2) You want him warned for his abrasive/rude behavior, which is rich when you yourself have been that way with multiple people, including myself multiple times.
3) I've witnessed when you seem to follow him around on ship and fixate on him, as if you are waiting for him to slip up. Your evidence in my eyes is entirely invalid as to me as a Staff Member it seems you were instigating Crunch to get "evidence" so you could post this report.
4) The first clip is literal months ago during Christmas, and you followed him as he left the area to continue the negative encounter.
5) The fact you were talking about him in TS in the start of the 2nd clip shows to me a targeting effort to try and get the individual in trouble. Also, the way you talk about CCs here and in your clip shows you have some negative bias towards them. CCs aren't a privilege. People spend upwards of Hundreds of Dollars to have their own job to play on. Being Command, or in a Battalion is a privilege. Just wanted to clarify that bit.

Be glad you aren't being warned for destroying the Tactical Insertion.


Former Stormtrooper Captain
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On 2/18/2023 at 3:08 PM, Theta said:


I think that I'm gonna have to agree with the consensus here.
1) You destroyed his Tac, which is a warnable offense in it of itself. You should not be shooting Tactical Insertions because you think someone will be arrested. You aren't Shock or Staff, allow them to deal with it.
2) You want him warned for his abrasive/rude behavior, which is rich when you yourself have been that way with multiple people, including myself multiple times.
3) I've witnessed when you seem to follow him around on ship and fixate on him, as if you are waiting for him to slip up. Your evidence in my eyes is entirely invalid as to me as a Staff Member it seems you were instigating Crunch to get "evidence" so you could post this report.
4) The first clip is literal months ago during Christmas, and you followed him as he left the area to continue the negative encounter.
5) The fact you were talking about him in TS in the start of the 2nd clip shows to me a targeting effort to try and get the individual in trouble. Also, the way you talk about CCs here and in your clip shows you have some negative bias towards them. CCs aren't a privilege. People spend upwards of Hundreds of Dollars to have their own job to play on. Being Command, or in a Battalion is a privilege. Just wanted to clarify that bit.

Be glad you aren't being warned for destroying the Tactical Insertion.


Yeah, you really shouldn’t be using clips that are from two separate incidents months apart from each other.

You should NEVER instigate things to get someone in trouble 

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Field Commander

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On 2/18/2023 at 12:08 PM, Theta said:


I think that I'm gonna have to agree with the consensus here.
1) You destroyed his Tac, which is a warnable offense in it of itself. You should not be shooting Tactical Insertions because you think someone will be arrested. You aren't Shock or Staff, allow them to deal with it.
2) You want him warned for his abrasive/rude behavior, which is rich when you yourself have been that way with multiple people, including myself multiple times.
3) I've witnessed when you seem to follow him around on ship and fixate on him, as if you are waiting for him to slip up. Your evidence in my eyes is entirely invalid as to me as a Staff Member it seems you were instigating Crunch to get "evidence" so you could post this report.
4) The first clip is literal months ago during Christmas, and you followed him as he left the area to continue the negative encounter.
5) The fact you were talking about him in TS in the start of the 2nd clip shows to me a targeting effort to try and get the individual in trouble. Also, the way you talk about CCs here and in your clip shows you have some negative bias towards them. CCs aren't a privilege. People spend upwards of Hundreds of Dollars to have their own job to play on. Being Command, or in a Battalion is a privilege. Just wanted to clarify that bit.

Be glad you aren't being warned for destroying the Tactical Insertion.


| Imperial Governor of Lothal and Tatooine |

"If you don’t take risks, you can’t create a future." - Monkey D. Luffy

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On 2/18/2023 at 3:08 PM, Theta said:


I think that I'm gonna have to agree with the consensus here.
1) You destroyed his Tac, which is a warnable offense in it of itself. You should not be shooting Tactical Insertions because you think someone will be arrested. You aren't Shock or Staff, allow them to deal with it.
2) You want him warned for his abrasive/rude behavior, which is rich when you yourself have been that way with multiple people, including myself multiple times.
3) I've witnessed when you seem to follow him around on ship and fixate on him, as if you are waiting for him to slip up. Your evidence in my eyes is entirely invalid as to me as a Staff Member it seems you were instigating Crunch to get "evidence" so you could post this report.
4) The first clip is literal months ago during Christmas, and you followed him as he left the area to continue the negative encounter.
5) The fact you were talking about him in TS in the start of the 2nd clip shows to me a targeting effort to try and get the individual in trouble. Also, the way you talk about CCs here and in your clip shows you have some negative bias towards them. CCs aren't a privilege. People spend upwards of Hundreds of Dollars to have their own job to play on. Being Command, or in a Battalion is a privilege. Just wanted to clarify that bit.

Be glad you aren't being warned for destroying the Tactical Insertion.



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