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Vertigo's Grand Admiral Application


Grand Admiral Vertigo?  

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-=Section 1=-


In-game Name: The Grand Inquisitor

Steam Name: Vertigo

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:531657396

-=Section 2=-


What is the role of Grand Admiral?

Oversight: A Grand Admiral should work alongside EHC & SHC in managing and overseeing the High Command team. Allowing High Command to learn and problem solve on their own is beneficial, and The Grand Admiral should be there to help guide and mentor High Command to help them to be the best they can be. The Grand Admiral role is important as leading takes a domino effect, so keeping High Command sharp and skilled, while providing assistance and advice will translate down to Low Command and into their battalions. Being the first in the SHC Chain of Command, the Grand Admiral should always be ready to respond and help where needed.

Leadership: SHC have gone through the ranks and they have proven their skills as leaders. It is crucial to have these important figures display leadership, both in RP as well as leadership behind the scenes within the High Command team. Being a role model is a big part of SHC, and good leadership will trickle down to Command and officers and generate more independent and confident Command teams. Leadership takes time to get good at but it's essential for a Grand Admiral to possess this skill.

Presence: A Grand Admiral should be actively engaging with all the branches, both in-game and within Discord and Teamspeak. Working alongside them to make improvements or updates is important, but interacting with battalions can also create good experiences between a Grand Admiral and players on the server. I want to get to know Command all across the server and be there to help in any way necessary. Leading by example is another great way to help a mentor. Being visible and allowing people to take what they can away from interactions, and leaving an impact and impression on the people you work with is essential to perpetuating high performing Command teams.

Why do you want to become the role of Grand Admiral?

I have accumulated enough experience and skill to be able to fill the role of SHC. I have ideas and a fresh perspective I can bring to the other branches. I want to learn as much as I can about the battalions which I haven’t had much interaction with. I want to push myself further and improve as a member of High Command while trying to do the same for my peers. Making this server even more active, immersive and engaging is a big goal for me. The Grand Admiral position would allow me to expand my skills and gather new ones, along with bettering myself and in turn, the server as a whole. I have spent lots of time working alongside and watching SHC, and I feel like I have an excellent idea of what to do. I want to help Senior Commanders and High Command to maximize their potential and ascend up the ranks. Everyone can be a good command member with the right help and mentorship, and I want to make it my focus to help them achieve their best.

List a few of your notable achievements within High Command:?

In my time as IQ High Command, I have worked on plenty of new ideas for the battalions.  My biggest update was the addition of the IQ Assassin job, which is still frequently used and massively helped Inquisitor activity at the time of its addition. A more recent addition has been the holocron system. Since I joined the server, Holocrons were nothing more than a prop that would be picked up and nothing more. With the current holocron system, players can receive rewards from the Holocrons upon finding them. This has massively benefitted the use of holocrons as well as IQ as a whole. Once the merchant and random saber spawns had been removed, there was no way to get IQ Parts until the holocron system reintroduced them. I am very proud of this change and I think it has brought a massive benefit to the battalion. The modularity of the system allows us to build onto it, which is exactly what I’ve done with the newest addition, the Inquisitorius Hunt. This creates far more RP for the branch, both passive and active, that contribute towards a tangible goal. The idea works to include other battalions and our hope is to expand it to touch every single battalion on the server in some way. 

Both of these updates came with lots of documentation. I have spent lots of time writing and editing documents made for ideas within the Inquisitorius. I created a new roster page for Saber Guard, the SOP for IQ Assassin, the Holocron Guidebook/Form/Response Sheet & Command Training Guide as well as editing and formatting things such as the Saber Guard and Shadow Guard Handbooks. I have also spent lots of time editing and updated old information within nearly all of our documents such as tryouts and SOPs. Managing these documents is necessary to ensure everyone has the current information they need to enjoy the server. 

A final achievement would be the culture we have built within the Inquisitorius. I have worked with dozens of Command members to improve the experience for everyone on the server and spent countless hours helping and teaching where I could. Building healthy relationships with peers is paramount to success and improvement, and I pride myself in how I mentor and work with Command. Activity is one thing, but making sure people have fun and enjoy the server enough to come back is more important, and this all starts with an entertaining place to be. I always strive to make IQ more welcoming to everyone and work to get more people to join and stay, even though two thirds of our branch is donator and cannot be accessed by everyone. It is a challenge that I love to face and find ways to improve both myself and everything within the branch. 


Why do you think we should pick you over other applicants?

I am the longest standing member of High Command behind Bon & Bear, and have been High Command for over a year. Over that time I have gathered plenty of experience working with battalions through their highs and lows. I have never been striked in the entirety of my time in High Command. There has never been a member of IQ High Command that has made it to SHC, and I’m looking to change that. IQ operates in a weird way given that it is mostly sabers and donation based, so I feel my insights may be unique from the other branches. I am also accustomed to filling a new position that hasn’t existed before, so that could be seen as an advantage. My branch has been very stable recently, and I feel that I have done a good job at preparing my succession plan. The Command is great and will be able to thrive in part to the insight and teachings I’ve left them with. I am also very confident in the future of my current IQ High Command Zabuza, who I’ve also worked with since his days in Command and did my best to help him become the excellent High Command member he is today.

Please outline some ideas that you could bring to improve the server as a member of SHC:

More Involved Roleplay: Ever since IQ HC brainstormed the Hunt idea, I’ve been thinking about ways to further it into other battalions. Internal RP is fun, but reaching outwards to other battalions or even branches can really enhance the experience for those who want it. The different perspectives and personalities that can be brought together could create a very unique and diverse dynamic that would heighten the player experience. Some ideas would be for Special Forces or specific battalions to collaborate with ISB on intelligence findings and act on them or encouraging all of our Infantry units to work more directly with our Armored Tank Troopers with specific tactics to simulate a real-world Combined Arms team or more interaction between Pykes and Imperials such as information exchanges & purchases. These are harder ideas to come up with, but don’t require new jobs or anything, just taking what we have and trying to make the best out of it and creating depth to the server’s roleplay, rather than the normal surface level changes we see.

Linear Storylines: I’d like to bring more lore and meaning to missions and events. We have made several High Command storylines, but I’d like to make them long drawn out and much more in depth. Storylines that last for weeks or even months, that continue and follow a story that is constantly changing. There are also many excellent stories to follow that have already been written. Storylines could include characters we all know, or completely unknown characters to create a dynamic experience and replicate the scale of the galaxy in a way. I have previously mentioned these ideas and I would like to see them or any other stories come to life on our server:

The Mimban Campaign: Taking place in 10 BBY on Mimban. Imperial forces fought hard to gain control of the planet for vital resources. The Campaign was trench-based warfare that is something we haven’t done much on the server. Ultimately after many support runs and interception missions, the troopers on-board the ISD would be dispatched to participate in the final battle and claim victory over the Mimbanese Liberation Army.

The Gorse Conflict: Taking place in 11 BBY, the Gorse conflict is a unique story as Rebels Hera Syndulla and Kanan Jarrus and the rest of their small rebel cell joined with the Empire to defeat Count Denetrius Vidian, who planned to detonate the entire moon of Cynda to prevent the Empire from claiming its valuable resources for building starships. This would be an interesting story to pursue as it includes an unlikely partnership and pits the Empire against a new enemy. Could include small scale assassination attempts on the Count, as well as ground assaults to capture valuable points and orbital support to weaken defenses for an attack, before the ultimate victory for the Empire.

Large scale continuous battles would be super interesting and having a recurring theme to missions and events is much more engaging. Setting them in real events can cause people to do some research and learn about the conflicts, as well explore the main storyline that is happening at the same time as our missions, but from other points of view. I also want there to be a sense of difficulty and failure, since winning every single battle doesn’t accurately represent lore, the Empire as strong as they are, cannot win every single battle. With the addition of the medal system, we can also award the most outstanding troopers with medals and ribbons, and possibly even Campaign Medals as a one time thing to celebrate the success of a large-scale, hard-fought victory.

More Inter-Command Collaboration: This is a tough thing to accomplish, but I’m up for it. Currently, our Low Command chat is solely used to ask for logging counts, but I see a future where Command teams can communicate extremely effectively between each other. Sharing best practices and solutions to problems can better educate everyone and increase the standards across the board. Not everyone needs to learn from the same mistake, we can share solutions and previous experience to create Command teams that only improve and build off of its predecessors. There is a large disconnect and it could be remedied with incentives for outreach or encouraging the collaboration using real applications to prove its value. It would take time and effort to find what will motivate people, but I think if the time is spent now, plenty of future effort can be saved purely based off perpetuation at the hands of our Command teams.



-=Section 3=-


What would be the most important value you would have as a member of SHC?

Transparency. I am a big advocate for communication and how essential it is. Keeping everyone on the same page is super important to working as a team. Collaboration can only happen when everyone involved communicates effectively. Outside of my peers in SHC, transparency is very important across the ranks too. Being left in the dark and unaware of what’s happening can lead to isolation and a lack of direction for our Command teams. Establishing goals, constantly communicating progress and collaborating on new ideas all requires transparency. While some things must be kept secret, there should be a clear line of discussion between our levels of Command. “Being in the know” or just feeling included is another big motivator for people, and a great way to build trusting relationships. I think I have done a good job with managing this as the Grand Inquisitor and all of my previous positions and to good effect, but I feel the larger reach SHC has could help me move this value all across the server.

Recall a time when you mentored a member of Command? 

The first time I can specifically recall was when I was a Commander and was working with a fella named Kashak. My mentorship skills weren’t what they are today, but I felt that I had left him with enough to take what he learned from me and use it. He ran Purge for a while, as a Commander and then later a Senior Commander, and Purge was in a good spot with him at the helm. I think it was a great learning opportunity for me as well, as I now saw what I could’ve done better. Since then I’ve worked with Command in attempts to move them up the ranks. Jax and Icey would be my most recent attempts. I employed a very similar approach to both of them, working to help them find the motivation and improve in their abilities. I think the most effective thing was developing friendships with them. An amicable relationship makes working together much easier and adds a layer of fun to the mix. I’m glad they were both able to take a thing or two from me and both work their way into Senior Commander positions. I plan to continue to work people in higher positions and build up the confidence and skills for them to maximize their potentials, but now at a larger capacity and more intensively with High Command as well. I’d like to think I lead by example, and hope that other people can do the same down the chain. 

Anything else you would like to add?

Although I love my current position (the Grand IQ is one of my favorite Star Wars characters), I feel I have done nearly all that I can. Last time I applied for SHC, I wasn’t quite ready to leave and felt I still had much I could accomplish for IQ, but standing here now and looking back, I have accomplished those things. My goal was to leave a lasting impression and make an impact as the Grand Inquisitor. I can say that I feel I have done that. I am ready to move up and use my skills to benefit all the branches, not just one. I want to offer new people opportunities to lead the branch, and take my experience and spread it to others in the attempt of moving them into these High Command positions. 

Thank you for your time.


 The Grand Inquisitor Vertigo 

 First Field Commander 

 Former Purge Senior Commander 

darth vader GIF by Upamanyu Bhattacharyya

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+support What do I got to say this man has help me through and through my career. He has help me improve throughout it. He made improve as a command member and Officer Truly a great candidate. 

Also helps me on my gramer 🙂

Current SSO Sub LT Icey

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+mega support
tons of command experience
wrote a behemoth of an application
carried purge and iq when they were the most active battalion 
interacts with every battalion
dedicated to the gaminglight grind


Current: R Overseer 
Ex Ninth Sister/Ex Seventh Sister/Ex Second Sister 
- Joint ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\ ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀) /̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿            smoke smoking GIF by Wiz Khalifa

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14 minutes ago, Joint said:

+mega support
tons of command experience
wrote a behemoth of an application
carried purge and iq when they were the most active battalion 
interacts with every battalion
dedicated to the gaminglight grind



| Super Admin | Senior Forums Diplomat Support Advisor |
| Chaos Insurgency Staff Sergeant | Epsilon-11 Warrant Officer | 
CC Owned: | 47th Clan | Talon | Darth Jar Jar | Banshee Squadron | Door Technicians | CI Banshee Unit

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Massive +Support 


-Understands the purpose and role of a grand admiral 

-Is a dedicated member to the ISD-GL and gaminglight 

-Has lots of experience 

-Can take initiative and be serious at times while also being quite fun to be with.


Edited by Harr y

Current: General Harry, MC R COL Harry, R Pyke Enforcer

Former: Shock CQCS CPT James, naval lieutenant Harry, IC CSE DMS (former DMVL) SSE 1SGT Maroon/Harry, IF Agent Shoto stark, 501st SSGT LENG, DT LCPL AJ8, Nova SGT Conqueror, ST CPL ENG SCT Shore HVY Harry, Deputy Director of Research, MC COmmander Harry 8900, Pyke Sentinel HoR Harry

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Vertigo is one of the best High Commands that I have interacted with he has been on the High Command team for a while now and I believe he could do a good job as the newest member of the Senior high Command team he was the first person I interacted with on the server since I joined the 12/27/21 last year he was the one that showed me the ISD and what to do I enjoy being with him is fun to be with and is committed to do grate changes and he is capable of that and more I know it 100% Vertigo buddy you have my undescribed support you deserve that position for the amount of time that you have been on the server and the effort that you have put in to make the IQ battalions a better place to be in keep it up mate I believe in you!!!


Edited by Iceberkk

| Former: IQ Eighth Brother | Former: IQ Ninth Sister | Former: Junior Managment Team | Former Head Game Master |
rogue one GIF by Star Wars

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51 minutes ago, Joint said:

+mega support
tons of command experience
wrote a behemoth of an application
carried purge and iq when they were the most active battalion 
interacts with every battalion
dedicated to the gaminglight grind



27 minutes ago, Harr y said:

Massive +Support 


-Understands the purpose and role of a grand admiral 

-Is a dedicated member to the ISD-GL and gaminglight 

-Has lots of experience 

-Can take initiative and be serious at times while also being quite fun to be with.


Good Luck on your application!

Ex-Imperial Commando Vice Commander Δ 1140 Fixer (x2)
Co-Creator of the Imperial Commando Hazard Control Division
Former Blacklisted Member!!! (for like 2 hours cause beckett a goat frfr)

Former: First EVER IC Hazard Supervisor | IC Ω OSLD HS Colonel 1309 Niner (x2) Last EVER IC Demo LeadIC CST MaroonISB: IA Junior Operative ISB11 | Shock HVYAL LTCOL SK277 | Inferno Squad Agent IF27 | 69th RCCS 1LT 2711 Nova  SSGT | 501st HVY SGT 2770

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+ Support

- Experienced in Handling Multiple Battalions Alongside Managing Activity and their Respective Documents.

- Understands and Shows knowledge of How to Properly Maintain an Entire Branch and How to Communicate Effectively with their Command Teams.

- Has Shown Great Leadership Skills in His Time in The Inquisitorious, Which has only Increased within his Time as the Grand Inquisitor.

- Shows Capabilities of Writing Competent and Well Structured Documents. 

- Actively Engages with Members of His Branch and Communicates with them.


Overall, Vertigo has Shown and Continues to Show Not Only His Dedication to His Branch, But His Actively Growing Dedication to the Server and His Wishes to Further Improve it. Vertigo In My Opinion would Make an Excellent Grand Admiral, Given the Chance. 



         Dank A.K.A Dante Sham
Ex. Purge Commander | 2nd High Inquisitor

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1 minute ago, its Dank said:

+ Support

- Experienced in Handling Multiple Battalions Alongside Managing Activity and their Respective Documents.

- Understands and Shows knowledge of How to Properly Maintain an Entire Branch and How to Communicate Effectively with their Command Teams.

- Has Shown Great Leadership Skills in His Time in The Inquisitorious, Which has only Increased within his Time as the Grand Inquisitor.

- Shows Capabilities of Writing Competent and Well Structured Documents. 

- Actively Engages with Members of His Branch and Communicates with them.


Overall, Vertigo has Shown and Continues to Show Not Only His Dedication to His Branch, But His Actively Growing Dedication to the Server and His Wishes to Further Improve it. Vertigo In My Opinion would Make an Excellent Grand Admiral, Given the Chance. 


Current - DT VCMDR AL0 | Admin

Retired Staff -  Senior Moderator | Gamemaster V

IC VCMDR 12-7 Sev | Pyke Enforcer ESR Alpha ISB:IA Senior Operative Alpha SF OVL Senior Aviation Officer Rexler Brath | Death Trooper SGT AA0 | IC SSL DMS LTCOL 6654 Alpha | IC CSVL 4060 Gren | Purge LTCOL | Inferno Squad Head Agent | IC OSVL 8015 Fi | 501st ARCLT 2LT ST SCTS 2LT | Medical Research Supervisor 2LT Havoc MSGT | Shock HVYO 1LT | 31st SFC | Nova CSM 

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35 minutes ago, its Dank said:

+ Support

- Experienced in Handling Multiple Battalions Alongside Managing Activity and their Respective Documents.

- Understands and Shows knowledge of How to Properly Maintain an Entire Branch and How to Communicate Effectively with their Command Teams.

- Has Shown Great Leadership Skills in His Time in The Inquisitorious, Which has only Increased within his Time as the Grand Inquisitor.

- Shows Capabilities of Writing Competent and Well Structured Documents. 

- Actively Engages with Members of His Branch and Communicates with them.


Overall, Vertigo has Shown and Continues to Show Not Only His Dedication to His Branch, But His Actively Growing Dedication to the Server and His Wishes to Further Improve it. Vertigo In My Opinion would Make an Excellent Grand Admiral, Given the Chance. 



Field Commander

First Ever IQ Branch Senior Commander(in SNRCMDR Program)

First ever No Helmet Second Sister 

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2 hours ago, Iceberkk said:


Vertigo is one of the best High Commands that I have interacted with he has been on the High Command team for a while now and I believe he could do a good job as the newest member of the Senior high Command team he was the first person I interacted with on the server since I joined the 12/27/21 last year he was the one that showed me the ISD and what to do I enjoy being with him is fun to be with and is committed to do grate changes and he is capable of that and more I know it 100% Vertigo buddy you have my undescribed support you deserve that position for the amount of time that you have been on the server and the effort that you have put in to make the IQ battalions a better place to be in keep it up mate I believe in you!!!



Former: Purge Vice Commander | Nova Vice Commander | Shadow Guard| Saber Guard Interrogatus | Blackhole Squadron

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6 hours ago, Joint said:

+mega support
tons of command experience
wrote a behemoth of an application
carried purge and iq when they were the most active battalion 
interacts with every battalion
dedicated to the gaminglight grind


Former Purge Commander Luke

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6 hours ago, Joint said:

+mega support
tons of command experience
wrote a behemoth of an application
carried purge and iq when they were the most active battalion 
interacts with every battalion
dedicated to the gaminglight grind



Former: Royal Guard Vice Sovereign ImperialRP Assist Head Gamemaster ImperialRP Senior Admin Support Member

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14 hours ago, Joint said:

+mega support
tons of command experience
wrote a behemoth of an application
carried purge and iq when they were the most active battalion 
interacts with every battalion
dedicated to the gaminglight grind



Current: Royal Guard I/Shadow Guard TRN Requiem

Former: Supervisor / ARCL Stec / VCMDR Deadly / DT MSG RX5/S75


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Give this dude SHC, he deserves it

Retired GL Member (R DT CPT DM8)

7 Year Forum Account + Long-Standing GL Supporter

Former: Death Trooper Vice Commander (Unit TI-23 Overseer), 501st ARC Chip, Unit TI-23 Medic M36, Seeker Company SGT SN04, 69th SSGT Chip, Admin/GMVII

star wars animation GIF

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14 hours ago, its Dank said:

+ Support

- Experienced in Handling Multiple Battalions Alongside Managing Activity and their Respective Documents.

- Understands and Shows knowledge of How to Properly Maintain an Entire Branch and How to Communicate Effectively with their Command Teams.

- Has Shown Great Leadership Skills in His Time in The Inquisitorious, Which has only Increased within his Time as the Grand Inquisitor.

- Shows Capabilities of Writing Competent and Well Structured Documents. 

- Actively Engages with Members of His Branch and Communicates with them.


Overall, Vertigo has Shown and Continues to Show Not Only His Dedication to His Branch, But His Actively Growing Dedication to the Server and His Wishes to Further Improve it. Vertigo In My Opinion would Make an Excellent Grand Admiral, Given the Chance. 


| Imperial Governor of Lothal and Tatooine |

"If you don’t take risks, you can’t create a future." - Monkey D. Luffy

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22 hours ago, Iceberkk said:


Vertigo is one of the best High Commands that I have interacted with he has been on the High Command team for a while now and I believe he could do a good job as the newest member of the Senior high Command team he was the first person I interacted with on the server since I joined the 12/27/21 last year he was the one that showed me the ISD and what to do I enjoy being with him is fun to be with and is committed to do grate changes and he is capable of that and more I know it 100% Vertigo buddy you have my undescribed support you deserve that position for the amount of time that you have been on the server and the effort that you have put in to make the IQ battalions a better place to be in keep it up mate I believe in you!!!




Nova Commander NT01

I am a good IPO and I will not let my VIP die

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23 hours ago, Joint said:

+mega support
tons of command experience
wrote a behemoth of an application
carried purge and iq when they were the most active battalion 
interacts with every battalion
dedicated to the gaminglight grind



Former Shock Vice Commander
Former Sen Mod  Former Security Director

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23 hours ago, Joint said:

+mega support
tons of command experience
wrote a behemoth of an application
carried purge and iq when they were the most active battalion 
interacts with every battalion
dedicated to the gaminglight grind



      CURRENT: Top G         #justiceforTrojan#slideforRacc
"We were on the verge of greatness. We were this close to providing peace and security for the galaxy". -Director Orson Callan Krennic

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On 12/16/2022 at 8:51 PM, its Dank said:

+ Support

- Experienced in Handling Multiple Battalions Alongside Managing Activity and their Respective Documents.

- Understands and Shows knowledge of How to Properly Maintain an Entire Branch and How to Communicate Effectively with their Command Teams.

- Has Shown Great Leadership Skills in His Time in The Inquisitorious, Which has only Increased within his Time as the Grand Inquisitor.

- Shows Capabilities of Writing Competent and Well Structured Documents. 

- Actively Engages with Members of His Branch and Communicates with them.


Overall, Vertigo has Shown and Continues to Show Not Only His Dedication to His Branch, But His Actively Growing Dedication to the Server and His Wishes to Further Improve it. Vertigo In My Opinion would Make an Excellent Grand Admiral, Given the Chance. 


Summer 2022 ❤️
FMR. 501st VCMDR - ARCAL Former Royal Guard VII Best Duelist
Ex: Moderator|| Ex. Gamemaster VI
season 4 episode 10 GIF by Star Wars

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