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RussTime - False Warn Report- Denied


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2. Your In-game: Romron Gramsay


3. Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:76158169


4. The admin's name in-game: DT VCMDR RU8


5. The admin's steam name (If you know it): [GL] RussTime


6. What warning did you receive: ERP


7. Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://gyazo.com/69844a00f7e2e7c9791b8962fc4d573a https://gyazo.com/5c009bf673cbdaf19224aef48b847be9


8. Why do you think this warn was false: I wasn't aware playing 3 entire seconds of music which everyone knew as a joke was ERP. The intention was to play a small snip of the music, which I did, considering I stopped playing it before even being gagged. It was not a roleplay scenario, it was OOC after a SIM. The only thing "erotic" about it is the lyrics, which again, barely played. Got about 4 whole words out before I stopped.


9. Any extra information: I would just want the warn removed, considering it has no context. I don't want Russ to be reprimanded, as we did talk about it after. I would have appreciated a simple verbal warning, being told not to play it, rather than an instant gag and formal warn. I'm not going to be doing it again, either way. Here's the song if you're interested in listening to the first 4 words that I played.


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its a meme song. ive had literal groups of command members in teamspeak vibing to this song before lmaoo, understandably shouldnt be played in game but if he played it for ~3 seconds like claimed and didnt even receive a verbal before being gagged and warned I feel its excessive formally warning him, as I have heard higher ranked staff than the admin in question play this song fully before and nobody batted an eye 🧐🤷‍♂️ 

Edited by Joint

Current: R Overseer 
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In response to Jack, I wasn't aware it had the Nword because I usually don't play it to completion. Upon re-listening to the entire thing, I've come to the conclusion that by making a claim it says the "Nword", would be the same as claiming "X Gon Give It To Ya" also says the Nword. Either way, this is about an ERP warn, not racism, which it isn't racist anyway.

As for it being ERP, I already stated I won't be playing music again no matter the outcome, as you are stating any lyric that has the word dick/booty/etc, is ERP.
Despite song lyrics not being Roleplay, and it was an OOC scenario, which I have done more than once around other staff before, with no verbal warning or information of it being ERP.
I don't believe song lyrics are Erotic Role Play, but if they are, again, my bad. I wasn't aware. Wish I could have been informed before an instant formal warning.

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4 hours ago, JackForPrez said:

The song literally has the Nword in it and has ERP.... -Support


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Sry for not responding sooner but in my judgment, I walked by DB and I heard him playing the song. I then stayed there for a sec then I heard and knew what the song was and after it said “big dick, dick, dick” was when I started typing out a gag. Then it continued playing for a second longer while I was typing the gag. Once I gagged him I did warn him as I knew what the song was and I know what words are said in it. He then made a sit of which I took and told them “we both know what that song says. Like come on bro”. I also don’t think this is the kind of song you want to play when kids run around the server and are just trying to play. I as always, stand by my warns and take full responsibility for the actions that occur during and after a sit.

Edited by RussTime
Added a bit more

Currently: PoliceRP Lead Admin / JMT, Senior Forum Diplomat, Support Advisor, EMS Chief Car 1, SL Boss (Family Head), PD COL 1L93, State CPT 1H05, CERT TL 1TL01, FBI AD RA13, HRT CPT LC2, DF CPL 1U21
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DMs are always open (russtime)

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It's mostly gotten to the point where I'm over this, whether the warn stays or not.
I just don't believe, in my opinion, song lyrics are Role Play when used in an OOC scenario.
Especially considering what ERP actually stands for.
Basically, I'm less concerned that I was warned. I'm more concerned that I was warned for ERP, specifically.

And finally, this sets a precedent. I'm not sure how a song can contain Role Play in the Erotic variety, but three people above me seem to think so.
Same for the N-word, according to them. Just keep that in mind, please.
Do what you will.

Edited by Rizzo
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On 12/10/2022 at 12:18 PM, JackForPrez said:

The song literally has the Nword in it and has ERP.... -Support

I would say that be greatfull that you receive a warn for ERP with out the racism because if russ heard the N word then you will be ban automatically by the console for playing a song with the N word or ban by russ but which the warn will be ERP|Racism and you know that you can't play this type of songs on the server and you still play it so there for you know what you where doing.

Retired E-11 COL and EX GENSEC MAJ

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On 12/10/2022 at 1:33 PM, Joint said:

its a meme song. ive had literal groups of command members in teamspeak vibing to this song before lmaoo, understandably shouldnt be played in game but if he played it for ~3 seconds like claimed and didnt even receive a verbal before being gagged and warned I feel its excessive formally warning him, as I have heard higher ranked staff than the admin in question play this song fully before and nobody batted an eye 🧐🤷‍♂️ 

+ Support 
First thing first, This report is not a racism report, its a ERP so please only mention the topic at hand, As claimed he only played the first 4 words and stopped it before he get gagged as he thought. 
And he is a new player to the server I feel like he shouldn't be warned off  the bat for something he didn't know was ERP

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On 12/10/2022 at 1:33 PM, Joint said:

its a meme song. ive had literal groups of command members in teamspeak vibing to this song before lmaoo, understandably shouldnt be played in game but if he played it for ~3 seconds like claimed and didnt even receive a verbal before being gagged and warned I feel its excessive formally warning him, as I have heard higher ranked staff than the admin in question play this song fully before and nobody batted an eye 🧐🤷‍♂️ 


Currently vice marshall

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On 12/10/2022 at 1:18 PM, JackForPrez said:

The song literally has the Nword in it and has ERP.... -Support

- Support

• you seem to minge(from what I’ve seen recently) when you’re on as well as name yourself “Local Terrorist Rizzo”

• you knew what the song was when you played it and you knew the consequences 


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1 hour ago, Jacstur said:

- Support

• you seem to minge(from what I’ve seen recently) when you’re on as well as name yourself “Local Terrorist Rizzo”

• you knew what the song was when you played it and you knew the consequences 

Actually, I'm usually on Purge. The only time I name myself "Local Terrorist Rizzo" is when I'm literally playing Raider, and Raiding the ISD. My CMDR and VCMDR can vouch.
I would like to know how I minge though.

9 hours ago, Chineseman said:

I would say that be greatfull that you receive a warn for ERP with out the racism because if russ heard the N word then you will be ban automatically by the console for playing a song with the N word or ban by russ but which the warn will be ERP|Racism and you know that you can't play this type of songs on the server and you still play it so there for you know what you where doing.

"Know what you were doing"
Is a very bold assumption considering there isn't even an "ERP" section in the MOTD that specifies music can be considered "Erotic Role Play".
Already stated I wasn't aware music was applicable.

Oh, I totally forgot Chineseman since I noticed it was you, I've played "Mr. X On The Rocks" on SCP RP several times in front of you, over a span of months, without you saying a word about it.
But thank you, for the input.

Edited by Rizzo
Adding a tidbit.
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My final word on the matter, because it's getting long and winded, and I've said it 10 times already.

If you want to warn me for Mic Spam, go ahead. My bad. I was playing it in public.
I simply don't believe ERP applies to music, especially in an OOC scenario, following a SIM. If it did, you'd have a lot more people to warn for it than just me.
Music is not Role Play unless sang by a character (which I don't even have a mic, I use soundpad), and can not contain Role Play, therefore can not be Erotic Role Play.
The same goes for racism. Making the claim that the Nword in music is racist, implies the music and therefore the creator of the music are racist, which would obviously make no sense whatsoever.

I have played similar music before, in SCP RP, in front of staff.
I have played similar music before, in Imperial RP, in front of staff.
This is the only instance I have been informed that music can be considered ERP and/or Racism due to lyrics, let alone 4 lyrics.

If it is, my apologies, won't happen again, and I'm fine with taking the warn, my ignorance is on me.
But please do consider what this decision implies for the future of the servers.

That is all, most of this is my opinion when it comes to what should and should not be allowed, given there is no reason for me to believe music as a medium can convey ERP in an OOC scenario.
I have nothing left to say, thank you to those who have supported me, and I apologize to those who havn't, given my hotheadedness and irritability.

Apology Rat.jpg

Edited by Rizzo
Grammar correction.
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when i see you on, you kinda just complain in chat when you get dogged on in PVP. this just looks like a reason to argue. the "it was out of character" argument really has no stance because its very loophole-y and is just semantics. garry's mod is a game that has a large fanbase of younger players, further more this server is star wars based, bringing in another young age group. just be careful what you say and/or play and you shouldn't have an issue.

i am always correct and will always be better than you

#JusticeForTrojan #SlideForRacc #:3

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8 minutes ago, Crunch said:


when i see you on, you kinda just complain in chat when you get dogged on in PVP. this just looks like a reason to argue. the "it was out of character" argument really has no stance because its very loophole-y and is just semantics. garry's mod is a game that has a large fanbase of younger players, further more this server is star wars based, bringing in another young age group. just be careful what you say and/or play and you shouldn't have an issue.

I think the only recent thing I mentioned about pvp recently was when I said.
"46 damage in 6 hits vs 300 damage in 6 hits"

I've already said it's my bad if it isn't allowed, but not sure what my vague statements on pvp have to do with this current appeal.
Not a reason to argue, just my belief of what should and shouldn't be allowed. And summing up my belief as a "Reason to Argue" is kinda disrespectful.
I've acknowledged it wasn't a good idea, but I still don't believe it should be classified as ERP.

I'm not sure where this sudden notion of me being "minge" and "complaining" comes from, other than singular comments I make about how I die, once in a blue moon. Which aren't even complaining.
I'm sorry if you take offense to that, and I would like some feedback and maybe even some moments pointed out of me doing it.
Thank you.

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-= Forum Diplomat Message =-

Please make sure all reply's are handled maturely and are related to your opinion on the appeal with posting - or + Support.

Any and all unnecessary or inappropriate responses shall be hidden.


Thank You,

Forum Diplomat Frosty

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I'm just going to say stop bringing up other stuff 

"Oh when you where on today you annoyed me" dosent matter stick to what the warn says


"Oh if you kept playing it was possible that a n word woul have came out." But it didn't so it dosent matter

The only thing that matter is playing the song ERP. Also this meme song isn't new and he isn't the 1st person to play it. Enforce the rule on everyone or no one



Edited by what a name.

Currently vice marshall

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On 12/10/2022 at 6:33 PM, Joint said:

its a meme song. ive had literal groups of command members in teamspeak vibing to this song before lmaoo, understandably shouldnt be played in game but if he played it for ~3 seconds like claimed and didnt even receive a verbal before being gagged and warned I feel its excessive formally warning him, as I have heard higher ranked staff than the admin in question play this song fully before and nobody batted an eye 🧐🤷‍♂️ 


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Former: Grand Inquisitor   Lead Admin
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As since this thread is getting long I’m going to say this. Me and Rizzo have come to common terms and have both acknowledged this warn and have decided to put it behind us. Any messages and or posts that go against any person (including Rizzo) here will be handled accordingly. Now of course you can still give your support however, do not say anything that is disrespectful or even could be to anyone here. SMT will have final say so once again, of course your supports no matter + or - are HIGHLY appreciated. 

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Currently: PoliceRP Lead Admin / JMT, Senior Forum Diplomat, Support Advisor, EMS Chief Car 1, SL Boss (Family Head), PD COL 1L93, State CPT 1H05, CERT TL 1TL01, FBI AD RA13, HRT CPT LC2, DF CPL 1U21
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Ex ImperialRP: Super Admin / JMT and Senior Forum Diplomat, DT VCMDR RU8/ TI-23 L21, 69th/ MC VCMDR and first ever ParaRescue Lead Marshal and last Rescue Squadron Marshal, Lord I, Purge CPL, IC CSVL SSS DME 2LT Maroon, Shock SPC/ SGT/ MSGT, K2S8 SK385, Pyke Muscle II JSR RussTime

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- Support

Damn thats the longest Warn appeal/Report i ever seen around here, heres the thing you broke the rules buddy and this music was not supposed to be played in VC, even if's something Silly you still deserved the warn, heres an example ~ once i was banned for 1 week for Racism, i said the N word in chat? Yes i did, but i was training someone for my branch and typed it out by accident, the sentence was "This is SCP-432, its a Cabinet that its Bigger than it looks" (However i typed N instead of B and in my defence both B n N are pretty close to eachother in the keyboard), at the time i tried to get unbanned as it was clearly a silly mistake and even the Head of Staff at the time admited it to be a missunderstanding, however i still had to wait the full week to get unbanned as i indeed said the N-word in chat, so in my humble opinion this warn should Stay and my advice for you is to be more careful in the future!

Edited by Avalon Levi

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I don’t think we should punish someone for playing a meme song the most the punishment should be is a gag. If we punish someone for playing a song that says “Big dick” we are setting a dangerous precedent, if that’s what we’re to expect moving forward every typed message and everything said out loud must be scrutinized now. First of all the state of the quotes channel in all GL discords have some mention of sexual content most times directed at another player. Some staff members and command who I know that still play make flirtatious remarks towards eachother but nobody cares. If a meme song saying “big dick” is ERP then saying out loud in game “I’m gonna fuck you up” is ERP cause fuck is synonym for sex or saying “let’s blow him away” is ERP because it’s 1000 degrees away from a reference to Oral sex. I say the warn should be removed and if it was truly annoying anybody while he was playing the 4 seconds of the song then change the warm to micspam. To add a note I feel situations like this are what make the staff team learn and gain experience and truly I think RussTime though I’ve had little interactions with him is a good staff member and was just making a judgement based on what he thought he should do or was taught, I have also never met Rizzo but whether or not he “minges” which already has such a broad interpretation he’s on the server and a part of the community for a reason. Remember people this server is semi-serious and a no training server it’s probably the reason all of you joined in the first place so have your own fun the way you want and if something happens that bothers you think if it really does bother you or if you were just taught to be bothered by it. 

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