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Neon lights

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Everything posted by Neon lights

  1. Major +support Really stepped up as a gamemaster when it was needed. Really cares about making Events inclusive to every battalion and making Sure everyone enjoys what they're doing. Quickly learns from mistakes And always has a drive to improve himself in his events. Already Drives the game master team to be better and to do more.
  2. +support mortars would be cool for tanks to have. and give them more things to do when tanks are banned {which is to many times} -Support for the bikes steps on scout troopers' toes to much
  3. +support from me as well. He always trying to improve himself and peoe around him
  4. +support this is a officer app and it's alright size
  5. +SUPPORT Really cool guy and is already a vice commander for tanks.
  6. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name): Neon 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Starfighter Corps - Vice Marshal (Vice CMDR) 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I would like to become the Vice Marshal of SF for several reasons, some of these reasons would be I became a little lost after I had resigned from RG as a Senior Guard if my memory serves me well. After this I had lost interest in the server a little bit, but after this. I just happened to have stumbled across naval and then SF. Once this happened, I ended up finding a home within SF while working alongside other SF and Skarlet. After this had all happened, I really found it in myself to become dedicated and loyal to SF because of my love and joy to and from the battalion. With this, when it comes to helping other SF, I never strafe away and always do my best to help SF at all times. Another reason why I would like to become the Vice Marshal of SF is to better the battalion and to help better improve it as well, this could include the following: helping Officers/NCO’s learn the ropes and to help further their connection and their career within SF. I would love to be a crucial steppingstone in SF’s history. These are some of the main reasons why I would like to become the Vice Marshal of the Star Fighter Corps and work alongside Marshal Skarlet. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? According to BattleMetrics I have about 800 hours on the server https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/1024940153 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The main purpose of a Vice Marshal is to help push activity while also making sure sims and trainings are being hosted, that way we can help improve SF activity by showing the Server and other SF that we are here, we are active, and that we are ready to regain the members that we had in the past. With that said, I would also encourage my Officers and NCOs to host Sim’s and trainings to all of SF and to Know SF so that the community can get a feel of what SF is and what we do on a day-to-day basis. One Of the most important roles of a Vice Marshal is to be fair to all Members within SF and not within SF as well as to never hold a Vendetta against someone. Another obligation that I would hold myself to as the Vice Marshal is to ensure I am helping the Officer and NCO core even more than I already am doing in my current position. Another big thing that I would and already do is treat everyone with respect as well as enforce Naval and SF rules. This would include not minging. There is a time to have fun and also a time to be serious. I would like to show SF when it is appropriate to do certain things and to hopefully in the near future, teach them how to have fun on job so they enjoy their time in SF. Doing so, would help encourage the battalion and all battalions to help with their professionality as well as to strive to be better at all times! Finally, I would like to state that without a Command Team a battalion would fall. To give an analogy of this, the Command Team are the pillars that hold the family together, without the pillars the family will slowly fall. From this we need a stable and reliable command team, which is why I believe I'm fit for the position and can move into the position of Vice Marshal. 8. Why should we trust you to be a commander?: I should be trusted as Vice Marshal because everything that I have tried to help within SF and within Onyx Squadron. I believe I am one of the most active SF and am trusted by all SF within this battalion. Most people on the server I think feel comfortable talking and bringing issues up to me involving SF. With that I try to give everyone a chance within this battalion whether they do something wrong in SF or not, they always deserve a chance to prove themselves to us. I am always of course trying to get more members into SF at all times, I also feel that I have done my part in SF and proved myself trustworthy to become the Vice Marshal. I am a part of the Onyx Command Team as well. I feel I have proved myself there as well. Overall, I feel that I deserve a chance to become Vice Marshal 7. How often can you be Online?: I am normally on after work which ends at 1pm EST. 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?): At this time I have no Warnings and or Stikes within SF or Gaminglight.
  7. +plus, support will help SF really feel like a part of the navy and not just tacked on with. also, the Tie hunter for officers will give a ship that isn't used to someone and give people a reason to be on the officer job.
  8. +support would also love to see you in SF
  9. You where a cool guy. Good luck as krennic
  10. Nothing useful to say outside of that so. Here this
  11. So criminal ipo? If I'm not mistaking doesn't the governor still work for the Empire? What exactly will they be doing when the governor is not online And if they're gonna openly be criminals what makes them different than Pike? Or is this just going to be a elite Pike subbrance
  12. Allot of plus supports? But i honestly dont see the point in this. Like arent the tanks troopers suppose to be on tat?. -support pointless tanks already are on tat and do what they seem to want to do. Would +support if tanks get turned into this or changed in some way to To compensate but lets not hurt what we already have
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