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SC01's DT VCMDR Application


SC01's DT VCMDR Application  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Am I ready to be VCMDR of Death Troopers?

    • Yes
    • No (Please Provide Feedback would love to hear it!!)

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : SC01 when on DT, also known as Anomaly on Admin job.


2. What Regiment are you applying for? Death Troopers


3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I want to be a VCMDR of DT to help the battalion that has given so much to me to thrive. In my mind DT is in a pretty good place regarding activity and standards, but there is always room to improve and that's what I want to bring. I want to improve DT's abilities in some areas I feel we lack in as well as make sure DT maintains it's standards and good reputation on the server. I also want to become VCMDR to help guide the Enlisted, NCO's and Officers much as how my Seniors guided me. Without their assistance I would not be writing this app! And that's the kind of VCMDR I want to be, I want to be approachable, helpful and always available to help guide and teach those of a lower rank. Anyone who has seen me as AHGM will know my leadership style makes sure that, if you put in the effort, you can go far. I want to bring that style of Leadership to DT, help people grow. There are several things I want to bring to DT and work on as a VCMDR. 

1:  Battalion Integration - A big thing for me is having DT do more inter battalion sims and missions. I want DT to be able to work together with all battalions on the server for varying tasks, such as VIP sims, PVP, defense or guarding sims with IPO, Spec ops missions with ISO and public sims and trainings with other battalions. I want DT to be open and inclusive to everyone, not closed off. We as DT don't exist in a vacuum, we are one cog of a greater machine and I really want to stress working together with command teams and other Battalions to improve cohesion. It's something that's been said several times but I think it is always an important thing to stress, that no matter what battalion you are in, you always work as a team both within you battalion and without.

2: Standards - I also want to help bring the DT standards up, by bringing in better, more determined players and ensure all existing DT remain up to the elite standards and codes that Death Troopers operate by. DT is supposed to be a serious and very professional battalion and while that doesn't mean we can't have fun, there is a time and a place for that. I want to make sure every DT knows our rules and abides by them.

3: New things - I want to always update our SOP with new and improved things to do and ways to do them. In this way it helps keep the battalion fresh for new and old players alike, breaking up the monotony and giving DT something to be excited about. 

4: Tryout and training changes - In my mind something DT has been lacking recently is a lack of clarity in how we conduct our tryouts and trainings for new members. There have been several instances of standards being lowered to push people through or failure to read a new trainee our SOP. I want to help make our tryout and training system more fluid and streamlined so that everyone can do their tryouts the same way. I want to make the tryouts harder as well, adding changes to the document such as new faces or changes to the striking system. The hope is that by doing this we will receive the best of the best players and help raise DT's standards as a whole to truly fit with the moniker of elite Imperial forces. 


4. How much game time do you have on the server? As of time of writing this app BM shows I have 715:07 hours on the server.


5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? In my eyes, the main purpose of a VCMDR is to assist the CMDR of the regiment in any way shape or form needed. Many day to day activities can be passed down to a VCMDR by the CMDR so that they can focus on larger things. VCMDR's are a very high rank and are considered one of the faces of the battalion therefore they should be active, approachable, helpful, and willing to assist not just their own battalion but any others as well. Which brings me to my next point, one of the main jobs in my mind of a VCMDR is to maintain good relations with other battalions on the server. Make sure everything is going well between battalions and if not, that it gets sorted out right away before it becomes a problem. VCMDR's are also there as a stepping stone to CMDR if someone has a question that an Officer cannot answer. They supervise Officers and help manage DT when needed. VCMDR's can deal with Issues an officer cannot handle without needing to get the CMDR involved. They also help handle administrative duties for the battalion such as document work and roster updates. Out of everything, I think the most important job of a Battalion Commander however is to be a teacher. A leader, someone people can look up to and ask without fear of repercussion for guidance and advice on how to get where they want to be in life. 


6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I believe trust is something that is earned, and I've certainly put a lot of time into earning it on GamingLight. DT was my first ever GamingLight Battalion and I have stayed in DT through thick and thin, Even during the most difficult times I remained with DT as I am committed to DT. I love DT, it is a family to me and like anyone, I want to see my family thrive. I am a very approachable and friendly person as I think most everyone on the server can attest to. I am always available to help people and I will always try my best to do so. I also have already been trusted with Leadership positions before on other servers as well as GamingLight. On BLN Clone Wars RP I was ARC 2IC and during that admitally rather short tenure as the server went down not long after, I maintained the battalions standard. But that's not what I want to do with DT, rather than simply maintain our standards I want to improve DT to the best of my ability. I also have High Leadership positions in GamingLight already. I am currently one of the Assistant Head Gamemasters and have been serving as it for some time. Helping lead the GM team has given me a lot of experiance that I can directly use as a VCMDR of a battalion, as while some things are different, many remain the same, especially your style of leadership. I had time in the GM team to develop that Leadership style and now I believe I am ready to use it. 


7. How often can you be Online? :  I am online almost every day except for the days I work late during the night when I won’t get on. If anyone needs to get a hold of me quick I answer Discord pretty quick. I am always available to answer questions and help people. 


8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : I have no warnings on any GL servers.

Come what may, DT will always be my home. Thank you for giving me the chance to apply and taking the time to read this application! If you have any feedback or constructive criticism it would be much appreciated! -SC01

Current: DT M36 | Imperial RP GM III | ImperialRP Moderator
Former: DT Commander EX1 IF21 | ImperialRP AHGM | ImperialRP Senior Admin

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MEGA +support

The dude has been through a lot in DT but has stayed at it through thick and thin. Anomaly has a good head on him and has tons of experience within the battalion at this point. It’s really nice seeing his forward-thinking on this app by discussing things he actually wants to change within the regiment, which seems to be becoming a rarity nowadays. I think his time and dedication to DT shows he is trustable for this position and I have good faith he would fulfill his role as a VCMDR valiantly. 

Best of luck!!

Retired GL Member (R DT CPT DM8)

7 Year Forum Account + Long-Standing GL Supporter

Former: Death Trooper Vice Commander (Unit TI-23 Overseer), 501st ARC Chip, Unit TI-23 Medic M36, Seeker Company SGT SN04, 69th SSGT Chip, Admin/GMVII

star wars animation GIF

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7 minutes ago, Firekirby said:

MEGA +support

The dude has been through a lot in DT but has stayed at it through thick and thin. Anomaly has a good head on him and has tons of experience within the battalion at this point. It’s really nice seeing his forward-thinking on this app by discussing things he actually wants to change within the regiment, which seems to be becoming a rarity nowadays. I think his time and dedication to DT shows he is trustable for this position and I have good faith he would fulfill his role as a VCMDR valiantly. 

Best of luck!!

I love Anomaly when i was dt he was very helpful and worded hard


Edited by Jok3R
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1 hour ago, Firekirby said:

MEGA +support

The dude has been through a lot in DT but has stayed at it through thick and thin. Anomaly has a good head on him and has tons of experience within the battalion at this point. It’s really nice seeing his forward-thinking on this app by discussing things he actually wants to change within the regiment, which seems to be becoming a rarity nowadays. I think his time and dedication to DT shows he is trustable for this position and I have good faith he would fulfill his role as a VCMDR valiantly. 

Best of luck!!


Current SSO Sub LT Icey

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1 hour ago, Firekirby said:

MEGA +support

The dude has been through a lot in DT but has stayed at it through thick and thin. Anomaly has a good head on him and has tons of experience within the battalion at this point. It’s really nice seeing his forward-thinking on this app by discussing things he actually wants to change within the regiment, which seems to be becoming a rarity nowadays. I think his time and dedication to DT shows he is trustable for this position and I have good faith he would fulfill his role as a VCMDR valiantly. 

Best of luck!!


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2 hours ago, Firekirby said:

MEGA +support

The dude has been through a lot in DT but has stayed at it through thick and thin. Anomaly has a good head on him and has tons of experience within the battalion at this point. It’s really nice seeing his forward-thinking on this app by discussing things he actually wants to change within the regiment, which seems to be becoming a rarity nowadays. I think his time and dedication to DT shows he is trustable for this position and I have good faith he would fulfill his role as a VCMDR valiantly. 

Best of luck!!


| Imperial Governor of Lothal and Tatooine |

"If you don’t take risks, you can’t create a future." - Monkey D. Luffy

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18 hours ago, Firekirby said:

MEGA +support

The dude has been through a lot in DT but has stayed at it through thick and thin. Anomaly has a good head on him and has tons of experience within the battalion at this point. It’s really nice seeing his forward-thinking on this app by discussing things he actually wants to change within the regiment, which seems to be becoming a rarity nowadays. I think his time and dedication to DT shows he is trustable for this position and I have good faith he would fulfill his role as a VCMDR valiantly. 

Best of luck!!


   Former: Grand General / Havoc Commander / ST Vice Commander

EX Imperial Army Branch Representative.

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On 12/4/2022 at 9:29 PM, Firekirby said:

MEGA +support

The dude has been through a lot in DT but has stayed at it through thick and thin. Anomaly has a good head on him and has tons of experience within the battalion at this point. It’s really nice seeing his forward-thinking on this app by discussing things he actually wants to change within the regiment, which seems to be becoming a rarity nowadays. I think his time and dedication to DT shows he is trustable for this position and I have good faith he would fulfill his role as a VCMDR valiantly. 

Best of luck!!

Massive + Support 

Dragon - Former Fennec
Current: The Eighth Brother | Dragon

Insidious Clan Owner/Leader
Former: The High Inquisitor, Senior Admin X 2 , Second Sister, Sovereign Protector Ved Kennede, Ninth Sister, First Vice Sovereign Sun Tzu, GM V

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On 12/4/2022 at 7:29 PM, Firekirby said:

MEGA +support

The dude has been through a lot in DT but has stayed at it through thick and thin. Anomaly has a good head on him and has tons of experience within the battalion at this point. It’s really nice seeing his forward-thinking on this app by discussing things he actually wants to change within the regiment, which seems to be becoming a rarity nowadays. I think his time and dedication to DT shows he is trustable for this position and I have good faith he would fulfill his role as a VCMDR valiantly. 

Best of luck!!


Former DT EX5
Former L21 of DT TI-23
Retired DT VCMDR EX5

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On 12/4/2022 at 8:29 PM, Firekirby said:

MEGA +support

The dude has been through a lot in DT but has stayed at it through thick and thin. Anomaly has a good head on him and has tons of experience within the battalion at this point. It’s really nice seeing his forward-thinking on this app by discussing things he actually wants to change within the regiment, which seems to be becoming a rarity nowadays. I think his time and dedication to DT shows he is trustable for this position and I have good faith he would fulfill his role as a VCMDR valiantly. 

Best of luck!!


Retired Fleet Admiral
Retired GM VII
Retired 501st Commander 


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On 12/4/2022 at 9:29 PM, Firekirby said:

MEGA +support

The dude has been through a lot in DT but has stayed at it through thick and thin. Anomaly has a good head on him and has tons of experience within the battalion at this point. It’s really nice seeing his forward-thinking on this app by discussing things he actually wants to change within the regiment, which seems to be becoming a rarity nowadays. I think his time and dedication to DT shows he is trustable for this position and I have good faith he would fulfill his role as a VCMDR valiantly. 

Best of luck!!


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On 12/4/2022 at 7:29 PM, Firekirby said:

MEGA +support

The dude has been through a lot in DT but has stayed at it through thick and thin. Anomaly has a good head on him and has tons of experience within the battalion at this point. It’s really nice seeing his forward-thinking on this app by discussing things he actually wants to change within the regiment, which seems to be becoming a rarity nowadays. I think his time and dedication to DT shows he is trustable for this position and I have good faith he would fulfill his role as a VCMDR valiantly. 

Best of luck!!


Ex-Imperial Commando Vice Commander Δ 1140 Fixer (x2)
Co-Creator of the Imperial Commando Hazard Control Division
Former Blacklisted Member!!! (for like 2 hours cause beckett a goat frfr)

Former: First EVER IC Hazard Supervisor | IC Ω OSLD HS Colonel 1309 Niner (x2) Last EVER IC Demo LeadIC CST MaroonISB: IA Junior Operative ISB11 | Shock HVYAL LTCOL SK277 | Inferno Squad Agent IF27 | 69th RCCS 1LT 2711 Nova  SSGT | 501st HVY SGT 2770

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On 12/4/2022 at 7:29 PM, Firekirby said:

MEGA +support

The dude has been through a lot in DT but has stayed at it through thick and thin. Anomaly has a good head on him and has tons of experience within the battalion at this point. It’s really nice seeing his forward-thinking on this app by discussing things he actually wants to change within the regiment, which seems to be becoming a rarity nowadays. I think his time and dedication to DT shows he is trustable for this position, and I have good faith he would fulfill his role as a VCMDR valiantly. 

Best of luck!!


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On 12/4/2022 at 8:29 PM, Firekirby said:

MEGA +support

The dude has been through a lot in DT but has stayed at it through thick and thin. Anomaly has a good head on him and has tons of experience within the battalion at this point. It’s really nice seeing his forward-thinking on this app by discussing things he actually wants to change within the regiment, which seems to be becoming a rarity nowadays. I think his time and dedication to DT shows he is trustable for this position and I have good faith he would fulfill his role as a VCMDR valiantly. 

Best of luck!!


Current - DT VCMDR AL0 | Admin

Retired Staff -  Senior Moderator | Gamemaster V

IC VCMDR 12-7 Sev | Pyke Enforcer ESR Alpha ISB:IA Senior Operative Alpha SF OVL Senior Aviation Officer Rexler Brath | Death Trooper SGT AA0 | IC SSL DMS LTCOL 6654 Alpha | IC CSVL 4060 Gren | Purge LTCOL | Inferno Squad Head Agent | IC OSVL 8015 Fi | 501st ARCLT 2LT ST SCTS 2LT | Medical Research Supervisor 2LT Havoc MSGT | Shock HVYO 1LT | 31st SFC | Nova CSM 

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Congratulations on reaching this position and good luck moving forward, please speak to NHC for training and a whitelist.

Emperor Palpatine

| Ex. Shock Commander | Ex. Storm Trooper Captain | Ex. Nova Lieutenant-Colonel


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