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Billybob Senior Event Team Application


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In-game name: Billybob

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:61232729

Current RP rank in All Divisions (Ex. Senior Medic, Security Officer): Research Administrator, Grand Operations Advisor (RFA/FA)

How long have you been a Event Team Member: Roughly 7 months. Starting back in February, resigned for a month back at the end of may and came back end of July.

Have you received any strikes (please give reasons if you remember): 1 strike; FailRP (was my first week on SCP-RP, guy ran into D-block after engaging me as 682... He was playing peekaboo with me and I killed him. Got the warn with no evidence from either party.

How much time do you have on the server? (Press F1): 7 Weeks, but been playing since December 2021

How well do you know the SCP lore in general?: Very well, on my free time I prefer watching and reading about SCP lore to make the events I run more lore accurate and more interesting.

Why do you WANT to become a Senior Event Team Member?: Due to the nature of events and operations I run, it would open the door for more possibilities to create in-depth stories for the server to participate in. It would allow me to flourish as a storyteller with lessened restrictions. 

Why should you be trusted to be a Senior Event Team Member?: I've been an active member on SCP-RP since December 2021, I was a moderator prior to my short lived resignation, as well as a trusted ET member. Since my return to the server I quickly rejoined the event team as I love creating stories for the server to participate in. 

Have you mastered ULX?: Mostly yes, and if there are area's that I feel as I am lacking, I will quickly learn them

Are you experienced with planning Mega Events?: Yes, as I am currently putting the final touches on one right now, to ensure everyone on the server has fun, and nothing too chaotic occurs. 

Give an example of a mega event: OVERALL EXAMPLE: Megaevents are events that involve the ENTIRE SERVER... everyone has some kind of involvement with the movement of the story

                                                          PERSONAL EXAMPLE: I've created 2 major operations for the "Foundation Agencies" each major operation had 10 events with a storyline following up into one major fight at the end. (Think almost TV series). The choices that the agents made for these operations could drastically change the outcome the rest of the events and either give them advantages or disadvantages.

What do you consider to be the best event you have ever created:  The first main operation I ran for the Foundation Agencies, the operation prior to the announcement really made the story more life as they found the VHS tape on a barrel next to a TV, then showing them this. 

What is your Total Amount of Events according to the "Events Hosted" column on the roster?: Roster doesn't show the total amount of events I've hosted. If someone could help me find it that'd be great.

How active can you be: I can try to be active 4/7 days. As I have to take into consideration being an active duty Marine, and that as an NCO I have Marines that are my responsibility to take care of. 

  • Thanks 1
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RESEACH ADMINISTRATOR Billybob | THE RFA GOD | Wanderers Library Award Recipient X2 |

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Billy has an awesome reputation around the community and he would do amazingly as SET.

 FORMER:  Foundation Doctor , RFA SIC/OA1 , SEC SFC, WD-V Eqvites Antonius MONK CI DHLS , CI SM , RRH Analyst , D5 MSGT , Maintenance ME

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You host some really good events for RFA, but I haven't really seen you on hosting public events in the server (could be a timezone thing). As long as you're willing to host more events on the server, not just for RFA, I'll give my support.

The Double Barrel Bandit...

Former Ranks: RRH Analyst Echo-39 - G9 Wendigo GF5 - Elite Medic - Deputy Head of Medical Research D5 2nd Lieutenant - Deputy Head Raptor Operative - GOC Private x2 - CI Sergeant - O1 Specialist x2 (first O1 enlisted) - Event Team Executive AWPD Office Manager - RAU Advanced Unit - Advanced Medic - RFA Secretary of Investigations and Counter Intelligence - RAU Sentinel Unit - D5 Sergeant Major Head of Research - CI Captain - EOI Capulet - E4 Goon

CCs owned: Class D Special Forces - Horizon Initiative Legion I II and III Horizon Initiative Apollyon Unit

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2 hours ago, Domz said:


Billy has an awesome reputation around the community and he would do amazingly as SET.

+ Support ^

 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God" ~ Isaiah 41:10
Currently: Head Of Research | HOSM Sub-Zero | Ghost OA0 Emeritus Professor | R.A.U  Grand Commissioner 
Former: Security 1LT | Medical Supervisor | Moderator | Event Team Member 965374741_Designsemnome(14).png.95821f8db19c49555eea551835e2a17e.png

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3 hours ago, Domz said:


Billy has an awesome reputation around the community and he would do amazingly as SET.

Had the opportunity to work closely with him throughout the ops as his co-host for most of his RFA ops, he's a very creative individual who would be a massive asset to ET with this position.

Former SCPRP: CI R&D Chief Director of Operations || Research Administrator || RFA Operations Advisory || RRH Analyst Xray 77 || CI General || Senior Event Team || CI Lieutenant Commander || Exemplary Investigator Award Recipient || STF D4 Poseidon PL7 || A1 SPC "Quantum"

Former ImperialRP: Naval Captain || Security Director || GM VI 

Former PoliceRP:  EMS Captain || RRU Rapid Response Team Manager || FBI Assistant Director 

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billybob may not be the most active event team but he sure puts in the effort when he hosts events.

Freedom at last.

Former: Assistant Inspector, Head of Longshot, Research Assistant Supervisor & Operations Supervisor, G.O.C. Officer & Head of bulldozers, CI COL, EOI D-2, DJ

Former: Scout Captain, Second Lieutenant, Senior Crewman, Storm Commando Captain.

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Moved to the Right Section

|   Head Administrator  |  Director of Intelligence  |

| Death Trooper Commander Epsilon-11 Commander Alpha-1 Commander High General Goat | Shock Vice Commander |

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Application Pending

Thank you for your interest in the Event Team!

At this time, the Event Leadership Team has decided to place this application on "Pending". During this time responses will still be allowed on this application.

The Event Leadership Team will be watching this applicant closely.

- Goat

|   Head Administrator  |  Director of Intelligence  |

| Death Trooper Commander Epsilon-11 Commander Alpha-1 Commander High General Goat | Shock Vice Commander |

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On 10/12/2022 at 11:11 PM, Cintal said:


You host some really good events for RFA, but I haven't really seen you on hosting public events in the server (could be a timezone thing). As long as you're willing to host more events on the server, not just for RFA, I'll give my support.


Its a video game


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Thank you for your interest in the Event Team!
Unfortunately, after reviewing, the Event Leadership Team has decided to deny your application. 
Please do not contact anyone regarding the denial of this application. 
You may reapply in 2 weeks
- Goat

|   Head Administrator  |  Director of Intelligence  |

| Death Trooper Commander Epsilon-11 Commander Alpha-1 Commander High General Goat | Shock Vice Commander |

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