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Logan - Admin Application - Denied


Should I become an Admin?  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I become an Admin?

    • Yes
    • No

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What is your in-game name?: Logan


What is your steam name?: [GL] Logan


What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:149846194


Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) I have previous Admin experience on Gaminglight PoliceRP


What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) January 2018


What date did you make your forums account? January 7, 2018


Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Senior Moderator/Event Team


How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot) 0


What rank are you applying for? Admin


Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No


Have you read the staff guidelines? You will be tested on it: Yes


Timezone: EST


Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): Jimmy, Drippy, BopMikeY, Phil, Zerg, Will, Tactical, MiniEpic, Brucey


Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)  I believe that I deserve Admin for many reasons. One of the reasons is because I go above and beyond my staffing abilities. I take initiative when it comes to staffing and always one of the first ones to hop when staff sits pop up letting other staff members enjoy and finish their RP experience. I am also a part of the PoliceRP event team to help create events for the server to help the player count and to help change up the way the server is going to have fun. I am very patient and friendly to other people on and off duty. I am very patient with other people and listen to both sides of the story before I make my judgment. I am a very fair staff member and don’t let any grudges or any RP scenarios affect the outcome of the sits that I make. I have learned many things as a Senior Moderator and I believe I am ready to take on the rank of Admin to continue learning the staff duties and responsibilities. I am always available when no higher staff members are online to assist lower staff members with banning people and issuing longer jails. If I were to become Admin, I would be able to assist in more situations and overall be a better staff member as I have more that I can assist with, such as banning people for longer or jailing them. I have been on the staff team for almost 3 months and I believe I have learned many things through that time. I am always there if someone needs help or if they just have any advice on staff or just advice in general. I treat every player the same no matter the situation, no matter if they have done anything negative in the past, I don’t let that cloud my judgment. As an admin, I am able to handle the majority of things that fellow staff members need assistance with, whether it’s deleting props, jailing someone for Mass RDM, or banning someone for racism. I believe that I am very responsible for this position as ever since I became staff, I never missed my staff quota once, and if anything, have over exceeded it. Although I am EST, I am on the server majority late at night after work when there is a lack of higher ranking staff members, which is another reason I believe I am ready to take on the rank of Admin. To wrap things up, I am very knowledgeable of the MOTD from playing on this server for as long as I have. 


How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?

If someone was Mass RDMing, I would bring the person to a sit. If the person then starts using profane and inappropriate language I would gag them. I would then explain to them what they did was against the server rules and is wrong. I would then ungag them and give them a chance to speak after my turn of talking is over. I would then issue the person the warning and the jail.



What would you do if you think a player is an alt account?


If I believed someone was an alt account I would not make any form of contact with the player. I would gather as much evidence as I could and put all the evidence in the requesting SMT channel and let SMT deal with it further.



What would you do if a player is threating to chargeback?


If a player was threatening to charge back I would collect as much evidence of these said accusations as much as I can and post it in the requesting SMT channel for further review.



A family is mass minging and causing issues, how would you stop the family from minging?


If the said family is committing mass rule breaks I would teleport the whole family into the sit, let them know of the server rules that they broke. I would then warn the specific members that were breaking the rules in front of the family to make an example and then just explain to the family that if this negative behavior continues it could lead to punishments to the whole family and that the possibility that the family could become disbanded.


How would you deal with a situation you don't know what to/don't know the answer to? (Don't answer with "I know everything!")


I would reach out to a staff member that is higher ranking on the staff team than me and ask for their assistance in the situation and ask them of any questions that I may have and get their input on it. I would then use the information we gather to agree on a decision for the situation.

Edited by Logan
Typo in title


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  • Logan changed the title to Logan - Admin Application
57 minutes ago, Infinity Foxlet said:

Great staff member

Really helpful
good reputation

Gl on the app!


Ex FBI DCOS | Ex FTO Director | Ex HRT 1LT | Ex PPD Overseer | Forum Diplomat | PoliceRP Admin | Ex Event Team Co-Leader | SL Capo | Negev abuser

Former | State 1T | Lord III | PO2 | Imperial Senior Mod | GM3

Barret Deleter 28-7

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On 7/20/2022 at 4:04 PM, Mewy Minge said:


Really Active 

Very Caring 

Very Nice 

Cares About The Server 

 Goes On Staff When No One Else Wants To Take a Sit 

Good Reputation  To The Community  

Never Had Any Issues  



On 7/20/2022 at 4:07 PM, Infinity Foxlet said:

Great staff member

Really helpful
good reputation

Gl on the app!


20 hours ago, Ridgeland said:


Logan is one of the most active members of the community and extremely professional

he's the one that goes above and beyond for almost everybody He Helps.


19 hours ago, Alonzo said:


Amazing staff

Helps everyone who needs help on the server





Im back


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On 7/20/2022 at 1:04 PM, Mewy Minge said:


Really Active 

Very Caring 

Very Nice 

Cares About The Server 

 Goes On Staff When No One Else Wants To Take a Sit 

Good Reputation  To The Community  

Never Had Any Issues  




i dont care GIF 

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On 7/20/2022 at 9:58 PM, Alonzo said:


Amazing staff

Helps everyone who needs help on the server




PoliceRP I Head Admin I PD: Colonel I Retired SWAT Commander Deputy Sheriff 

ImperialRP I Retired Grand Inquisitor 47th Battalion I Chimaera Legion I

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On 7/20/2022 at 4:04 PM, Mewy Minge said:


Really Active 

Very Caring 

Very Nice 

Cares About The Server 

 Goes On Staff When No One Else Wants To Take a Sit 

Good Reputation  To The Community  

Never Had Any Issues  




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On 7/20/2022 at 9:27 PM, Ridgeland said:


Logan is one of the most active members of the community and extremely professional

he's the one that goes above and beyond for almost everybody He Helps.



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On 7/21/2022 at 6:04 AM, Mewy Minge said:


Really Active 

Very Caring 

Very Nice 

Cares About The Server 

 Goes On Staff When No One Else Wants To Take a Sit 

Good Reputation  To The Community  

Never Had Any Issues  



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Thank you for your interest in the Police-RP Staff Team!

Unfortunately, after intensive review by Police-RP SMT, this application has been denied. Please do not contact anyone regarding the denial of this application. 

You may re-apply in 2 weeks.


~Police-RP Senior Management Team


PoliceRP - Retired Manager

Retired SWAT Commander | UMC 

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