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Go Prone/Lay Down - Denied


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What you want to see? - The ability to go prone/lay down

Why should we add it? - More realism when using snipers, able to RP injuries more realistically for those that want immersion

What are the advantages of having this? - Would make combat more varied rather than only running around in a circle and shooting, would allow more tactical sniping on both the crim and gov sides allowing for more options in combat such as hiding behind a low wall or laying to use a sniper, RPing injuries would also be a great thing.

Who is it mainly for? - Both Gov and Crim

Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1100368137&searchtext=Prone

Imperial RP

  • Stormtrooper Lance Corporal Snake 3120
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34 minutes ago, MiniEpic said:

+Support Seems like good concept buttt

This is extremely glitchy at times as I have used this in singleplayer games long time ago but it could have been fixed. It's with certin playermodels I believe tho

The standalone version I don't believe has these issues, it's the WOS version that's problematic.

Imperial RP

  • Stormtrooper Lance Corporal Snake 3120
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large addon 

probably would lag the server 

break certain models 

Make hit boxes super small while proned making it harder to kill people. 
can easily be abused in base building to make it nearly impossible to raid 

overall it’s a fun idea but when you think on the logistics and how it would be abuse not worth it. 

 PD SM | SWAT LT | SL Consigliere 

MLG Pro Negev player 



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1 hour ago, ~𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓛~ said:


probably would lag the server 

break certain models 

That's the WOS version, the standalone doesn't have those issues

Imperial RP

  • Stormtrooper Lance Corporal Snake 3120
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4 hours ago, ~𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓛~ said:


large addon 

probably would lag the server 

break certain models 

Make hit boxes super small while proned making it harder to kill people. 
can easily be abused in base building to make it nearly impossible to raid 

overall it’s a fun idea but when you think on the logistics and how it would be abuse not worth it. 

I don't really see a need for going prone, as we already have crouching.

State Command | SPRT Commander | PoliceRP Super Admin SS Agent | FBI Agent | Umbrella Corp Member

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16 hours ago, Mag1c said:

I don't really see a need for going prone, as we already have crouching.



PoliceRP I Head Admin I PD: Colonel I Retired SWAT Commander Deputy Sheriff 

ImperialRP I Retired Grand Inquisitor 47th Battalion I Chimaera Legion I

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On 5/21/2022 at 6:04 PM, ~𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓛~ said:


large addon 

probably would lag the server 

break certain models 

Make hit boxes super small while proned making it harder to kill people. 
can easily be abused in base building to make it nearly impossible to raid 

overall it’s a fun idea but when you think on the logistics and how it would be abuse not worth it. 



Ex: EMS: Captain RRU: Advanced Rapid Response Medic Staff: Senior Moderator 

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Would be a cool add on and can help on concealing. 

Low file size.



Chief of Police || Police RP Super Admin


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