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iyun man

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Everything posted by iyun man

  1. +Support Makes it near impossible to tell if you're being raided or not, do to the fact that they don't advert raid. Either add a rule saying no code raiding or if you are code raiding it has to be adverted
  2. + support The cop in the clip was very obviously pulling over the white vehicle so how is he supposed to know that he changed traffic stops to him.
  3. What you want to see? - Another solar cable for Platinum users Why should we add it? - Already added an extra Solar Panel for Plat, but with no cable to use it What are the advantages of having this? - Allows Plat to use both Solar Panels Who is it mainly for? - Platinum Users Links to any content -
  4. - Support The car has to be unlocked and can be repaired if broken during the timer. You can get in the car and move it or destroy it and wait the 2 minutes. I get it's annoying, but why take yet another thing from Crim. Just because it gives crim an advantage, doesn't mean you need to take it out.
  5. My biggest issue with the report is that it isn't in the MOTD, and after being told it could even be considered fail rp, I immediately stopped doing it. I just want to keep my record clean.
  6. What you want to see? - A Bailiff Job for Judicial Why should we add it? - Keep people from running in and out of the court room and to uncuff freed civilians if found not guilty. What are the advantages of having this? - No need for PD or Tac units to waste time mediating the court room. Who is it mainly for? - Judicial Links to any content -
  7. Your In-game: iyun The admin's name in-game: Andre The admin's steam name (If you know it): n/a What warning did you receive: Fail RP Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): Why do you think this warn was false: I was unaware that they had been raiding and came back from being afk to kill them, after killing them a sit was made and he was revived and instantly RDM'd me in front of the admin. Neither one of us lost anything, he was immediately respawned in the base and so was I. I was unaware sitting in the base while AFK was FailRP, after being told so I went AFK while standing up. I was given a verbal warning and immediately complied with what Andre asked, but after coming back from being AFK the 2nd time I had been issued a FailRP warn. Any extra information: I'm not mad at Andre, the entire situation was pure confusion, I just believe in that confusion I was falsely warned.
  8. that's fair, but serial killers are supposed to kill the most. 2 minutes is extreme, what if it was like 10, 7, 5?
  9. What you want to see? - Murderer cooldown - 10 minutes, Expert cooldown 5 minutes, Serial Killer, 2 minutes Why should we add it? - Spices up murderer classes and changes your awareness of who can murder when What are the advantages of having this? - Another incentive to buy platinum and level up or buy levels Who is it mainly for? - Murderer, Expert Murderer, Serial Killer Links to any content - I understand the disadvantages and confusion that this could bring, but I thought it was a decent idea and murder feels stale right now.
  10. + Support 100% deserves it. Unbiased, super active, loyal and trustworthy. If you ever need anything Trumpo will drop what he is doing and help. He is a great leader and one of the only Gov command I see on at night.
  11. Delta Force as a Dept. is great, I just don't think it's for me. I mainly play crim anyway and have been inactive on gov since I joined. Thank you guys for your time.
  12. Rest in piss, you will not be missed GLHF
  13. + Support seems like a cool concept
  14. What you want to see? - Spiderman Swep Why should we add it? - Mobility Choice for Crim What are the advantages of having this? - RP would be good as a grapple / webshooters. Gives Crim a way to move around in unique way without taking a swep from a specific dept. Who is it mainly for? - Crim CC's like $300-$500 to add Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=114578864
  15. + Support Makes Crim v Crim more competitive. Right now feels like a very slow race to get XP.
  16. What you want to see? - AS VAL Spread Buff Why should we add it? - A main GOV and CRIM gun that was one of the only guns that gave CRIM equal playing ground (GOV has way more options + high command in Dept. have SMT guns) What are the advantages of having this? - CRIM and GOV both have it so its a huge hit for both groups and now it almost unusable Who is it mainly for? - Both GOV and CRIM Links to any content -
  17. + Great Leader Super active on PD Knows what he's doing
  18. + Support I don't hate the concept of having to workout to level up certain things, but having it be something you have to do so often to keep your stats up makes it more of a chore than a fun rp addition.
  19. What you want to see? - Fail RP it pull a shield out in an gunfight / active situation. Why should we add it? - Gov (DF) in 3v1 situations, and even 1v1 situations, will pull out shields from there ass which isn't realistic. What are the advantages of having this? - Make gunfights a little more fair for crim. Who is it mainly for? - Crim. Links to any content - https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/hKCb0Bwnw6Qbg/d1337pBtQER8?invite=cr-MSxWSkksNTk0NTkxNTAs
  20. What you want to see? - A new gun, swep, and/or armor upgrade Why should we add it? - Ever since serial killer couldn’t base, all it takes is a couple SRT or DF to run through an entire family/base without it even being a close fight. DF/SRT has, I believe, a huge leg up against crime atm. With explosive Barrett's, Parkour swep, the shotgun, shield rush/flee, crim has had a hard time standing a chance against gov if there's more then a few tac. It doesn't have to be anything crazy, but if a police commissioner can run in and wipe 6 people by himself that doesn't seem very fair. What are the advantages of having this? - Crime would happen more giving gov more to do. Most people hate EMS on the server because if there's tac on you know you're going to lose, be revived, and put in jail, so why bother doing crime in the first place. The Barrett on Serial Killer was the only consistent weapon against Tac, but now its a 30/70 chance if you're gonna walk away from a fight with the Barrett that you grinded for or that you got a lucky roll on. Who is it mainly for? - Crim CC and/or High Level Crim Jobs Links to any content -
  21. Switching it over now, Im sorry
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