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Suns Nova commander application.- Accepted


Should I be Nova commander?   

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I be Nova commander?

    • Yes
    • No

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :

Suns/ Zixcly/ Moon

2. What Regiment are you applying for?

Nova, aka my favorite battalion  

3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

I’ve been Vice commander for some time now. I’ve learned a lot about commanding and document work, as well as supporting other members of command or people within the battalion. I want to be commander so I can further Nova to the best of my abilities. With the time I’ve spent, me and the command team we’re able to make Nova one of the most active battalions and I believe I’m right for this position due to my dedication in Nova. I do not plan on leaving and love the battalion so much. I’m a hard worker and loyal. I would also like to continue to help the command team even further with this position! I never minge and I know when to be serious. I’m also ready for any task and I know the SOP like the back of my hand (I have to read through it often). Within my term as Vice commander I’ve also learned to be stern and enforce the rules. I’ve had to kick many people out, even those I would’ve liked to have stayed and considered friends. That is why I believe I’m the right fit for this position.

4. How much game time do you have on the server?

7 weeks in game time  I’ve been playing the server for a few months now.

5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

He’s the figure head of the command team. He will receive information from his command team and send it to high command. He’s also the enforcer of rules, he will even decide new rules and discuss them within the command team. A commander is also someone to depend on, not only in the battalion but also within high command. He will receive orders from army high command and send it through out the rest of the battalion. A commander is also friendly and inviting, if anyone has any problems he may be able to speak to the commander without worry (following the CoC of course). He will lead Nova into battle and raise his troopers moral when it is low. A commander all in all must be a good, dependable, honest and hard working person.

6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

I’ve spent a good while within the Nova command team and have proven I’m both capable and competent to be a commander. I’ve done a lot of work within the battalion to help improve it and keep it living. Not for my enjoyment but for the betterment of the server as a whole. I’m always active and you can count to always see a Nova commander active. I’ve never had any bad relations with any battalions and I strive to always keep things peaceful between all battalion relations. As a vice commander I hear out any and all concerns my troopers give me and make sure that they are met with appropriate actions as I take peoples thoughts and feelings seriously. I’m also deathly loyal to Nova! I would never leave or resign, even in Novas worst times I remained in the battalion fighting to get it in a better spot (which I’m proud to say we have) 

my big pushes for the future of Nova:
1. more activity within the battalion ( of course) as ive always felt Activity has always needed work with activity and we have honestly gotten a lot better at it!

2. Nova needs to be more serious if we want to be taken serious. I will enforce this on all fronts, that includes Minging off job, inappropriate advert, breaking of the SOP (even the small things such as talking with a VIP without being granted PTS) and enforcing Nova as a VIP protection battalion

3. pushing for more activities within Nova. I want everyone to have the same great time that i had in Nova and if they decide that they want to leave then they can walk away being happy with what they've done and the time they spent within Nova.

4. better structuring the Command team. I believe the Command team within Nova (including myself) needs some changing. such as being more serious while on job and enforcing the rules.

7. How often can you be Online? :

Everyday at all hours, but if I need to make a schedule then the best I can say is everyday anytime after 2 PM EST. I’m usually on the most during evenings to night times.

8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :


a ridiculous situation that happened forever ago that I honestly should have just made a report about it instead of fighting them. But it was a lesson learned. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my application!

Edited by Zixcly

Current:  High General Suns
Former: First Brigadier General

Nova Commander Suns 
DT ZY5 [Admin]

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-Knows when to enforce rules
-Great guy to talk to
-Means well
-Solid App
-Leads very well
-Wonderful Ideas

Overall Suns has some amazing future additions to Nova and I believe Suns has the potential to lead Nova into an amazing era. If these ideas are implemented Nova will most certainly become one of the best Battalions and one of if not the most elite Battalion. Not to mention the fact that Nova will have a Commander which values communication which is one of if not the most important thing a successful command team needs

Current: Shock LTCOL
Former: Grand Inquisitor | Shadow Guard Lead | Sovereign Protector

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2 hours ago, Zabuza said:

-Knows when to enforce rules
-Great guy to talk to
-Means well
-Solid App
-Leads very well
-Wonderful Ideas

Overall Suns has some amazing future additions to Nova and I believe Suns has the potential to lead Nova into an amazing era. If these ideas are implemented Nova will most certainly become one of the best Battalions and one of if not the most elite Battalion. Not to mention the fact that Nova will have a Commander which values communication which is one of if not the most important thing a successful command team needs

Suns is overall an incredible guy, he genuinely cares about his regiment and always shows people proper respect and is a great example of how a leader should act. 



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2 hours ago, Zabuza said:

-Knows when to enforce rules
-Great guy to talk to
-Means well
-Solid App
-Leads very well
-Wonderful Ideas

Overall Suns has some amazing future additions to Nova and I believe Suns has the potential to lead Nova into an amazing era. If these ideas are implemented Nova will most certainly become one of the best Battalions and one of if not the most elite Battalion. Not to mention the fact that Nova will have a Commander which values communication which is one of if not the most important thing a successful command team needs


SCP/Medical Senior-Command/Manager/Head of Field Work 




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20 hours ago, Zabuza said:

-Knows when to enforce rules
-Great guy to talk to
-Means well
-Solid App
-Leads very well
-Wonderful Ideas

Overall Suns has some amazing future additions to Nova and I believe Suns has the potential to lead Nova into an amazing era. If these ideas are implemented Nova will most certainly become one of the best Battalions and one of if not the most elite Battalion. Not to mention the fact that Nova will have a Commander which values communication which is one of if not the most important thing a successful command team needs


EX-Star fighter Marshall

EX-NCM Secretary


x-wing GIF by Star Wars

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On 3/19/2022 at 6:31 PM, Zabuza said:

-Knows when to enforce rules
-Great guy to talk to
-Means well
-Solid App
-Leads very well
-Wonderful Ideas

Overall Suns has some amazing future additions to Nova and I believe Suns has the potential to lead Nova into an amazing era. If these ideas are implemented Nova will most certainly become one of the best Battalions and one of if not the most elite Battalion. Not to mention the fact that Nova will have a Commander which values communication which is one of if not the most important thing a successful command team needs


Ex. Medical Commander Zug
Senior Admin | Forum Diplomat | Support Member


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On 3/19/2022 at 6:31 PM, Zabuza said:

-Knows when to enforce rules
-Great guy to talk to
-Means well
-Solid App
-Leads very well
-Wonderful Ideas

Overall Suns has some amazing future additions to Nova and I believe Suns has the potential to lead Nova into an amazing era. If these ideas are implemented Nova will most certainly become one of the best Battalions and one of if not the most elite Battalion. Not to mention the fact that Nova will have a Commander which values communication which is one of if not the most important thing a successful command team needs


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Knows what to do. 
Great guy to speak with. 
Solid App 
Leads very well 
Wonderful ideas 
Cool headed commander 

Previous Positions: Ex-Death Trooper | Ex- Inferno Squad Leader | Retired HRT LT | Retired FBI DCOS | Retired FBI FTO DD | Retired PD Major 

Current Positions: SRT Member spacer.png


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+Good guy 

+good leader

We haven't had many interactions but goodluck.

                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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On 3/19/2022 at 10:31 PM, Zabuza said:

-Knows when to enforce rules
-Great guy to talk to
-Means well
-Solid App
-Leads very well
-Wonderful Ideas

Overall Suns has some amazing future additions to Nova and I believe Suns has the potential to lead Nova into an amazing era. If these ideas are implemented Nova will most certainly become one of the best Battalions and one of if not the most elite Battalion. Not to mention the fact that Nova will have a Commander which values communication which is one of if not the most important thing a successful command team needs


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On 3/19/2022 at 5:31 PM, Zabuza said:

-Knows when to enforce rules
-Great guy to talk to
-Means well
-Solid App
-Leads very well
-Wonderful Ideas

Overall Suns has some amazing future additions to Nova and I believe Suns has the potential to lead Nova into an amazing era. If these ideas are implemented Nova will most certainly become one of the best Battalions and one of if not the most elite Battalion. Not to mention the fact that Nova will have a Commander which values communication which is one of if not the most important thing a successful command team needs


Real Ass G
the sopranos smoking GIF

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On 3/19/2022 at 2:31 PM, Zabuza said:

-Knows when to enforce rules
-Great guy to talk to
-Means well
-Solid App
-Leads very well
-Wonderful Ideas

Overall Suns has some amazing future additions to Nova and I believe Suns has the potential to lead Nova into an amazing era. If these ideas are implemented Nova will most certainly become one of the best Battalions and one of if not the most elite Battalion. Not to mention the fact that Nova will have a Commander which values communication which is one of if not the most important thing a successful command team needs


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On 3/19/2022 at 5:31 PM, Zabuza said:

-Knows when to enforce rules
-Great guy to talk to
-Means well
-Solid App
-Leads very well
-Wonderful Ideas

Overall Suns has some amazing future additions to Nova and I believe Suns has the potential to lead Nova into an amazing era. If these ideas are implemented Nova will most certainly become one of the best Battalions and one of if not the most elite Battalion. Not to mention the fact that Nova will have a Commander which values communication which is one of if not the most important thing a successful command team needs


OG DT TI-23 Marksmen V07 (Retired)
FormerSenior Gunnery Officer LX003, Lord I SilonDT 1LT DI3Imperial RP Moderator

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On 3/19/2022 at 6:31 PM, Zabuza said:

-Knows when to enforce rules
-Great guy to talk to
-Means well
-Solid App
-Leads very well
-Wonderful Ideas

Overall Suns has some amazing future additions to Nova and I believe Suns has the potential to lead Nova into an amazing era. If these ideas are implemented Nova will most certainly become one of the best Battalions and one of if not the most elite Battalion. Not to mention the fact that Nova will have a Commander which values communication which is one of if not the most important thing a successful command team needs


Ex: Seventh Sister and Second Sister

Star Wars Dancing GIF


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