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Zug's Marshal Commander Application- Denied


Should Zug become Marshal Commander?  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Zug become Marshal Commander?

    • Yes
    • No

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What is your IGN? (In Game Name):

69th Medical Corps Commander Zug

Why do you want to become the position of Marshal Commander?:

There are a lot of reasons why I wish to hold the position of Marshal Commander. The reason that currently gives me the most motivation to become this rank is the community, however. I have now been in the ImperialRP community for about nine months, and during my time here I have had a huge amount of fun within the Medical Corps along with other battalions that I have been in during my time here, however I want everyone to feel welcome, joyful and feel the same enjoyment on the server that I receive whilst playing these various jobs. In my current posting as a Medical Commander I can improve people’s fun within my own battalion by answering questions quickly, hosting simulations and trainings to ensure people are updated with knowledge, and streamlining my tryouts and documents to minimize confusion, however, I cannot do this for all battalions as I am only stationed as a Medical Commander. My urge and passion to better people’s experiences on the server, keep players entertained and resolve any issues are also shown during my time as a staff member and gamemaster on Gaminglight. Throughout my time in Gaminglight I have risen high within both the staff ranks and gamemaster ranks, providing me with more experience in helping players, hosting Simulations and creating fun environments for troopers to explore and enjoy. To simplify the points I have made here, my main reason for applying for this position is to improve the user experience on ImperialRP, help newer and older players settle into new battalions and become acquainted with the many complicated mechanics of the server, and all-around create a positive atmosphere within the server.

Another driving force behind my application is my desire to assist some of the battalions on ImperialRP that may be struggling at the moment. If I receive the position of Marshal Commander, I will be able to improve activity across the board, hosting missions and Passive Roleplay for battalions which I notice are struggling on numbers and adapting to the situation whilst working with the GM team to improve the Roleplay and activity of said battalions. I can also assist the Commanders by noticing talented Non-Commissioned Officers and Officers and promoting them, allowing the Commanders of these battalions to build a strong and stable Non-Commissioned Officer / Officer team. This will also benefit me as I’ll be able to notice immature and underperforming  Non-Commissioned Officers and Officers to further increase the quality of any battalion’s Officer team. I will always encourage anyone online for a battalion to host tryouts, to make sure newer players can join the battalion they wish and that all battalions are recruiting as much as possible, as this is one of the most important factors behind a battalion’s activity. Whilst assisting  Non-Commissioned Officers and Officers with tryouts and ensuring the influx of new players to a battalion is high, I can also make sure that newer members of battalions are sure of how to get their voices heard, and make suggestions that will actually get listened to. I am aware that when people are at a lower rank, they may have a lot of opinions and suggestions which are valid, however, are not heard out due to a bulky process to suggest a new feature which usually alienates lower ranks from doing so. By making it clear to newer recruits how they can suggest a new feature, and opening the communication barrier between Army High Command and the enlisted troops I can hopefully improve the experience of enlisted personnel, leading to more of them staying on the server.

To finalize what I am saying in this in-depth answer, the main reason I wish to become Marshal Commander is to assist the community, and allow newer players to the server a more easy route to getting settled into the server. Joining a new Garry’s Mod server can be daunting, and by holding the position of staff, Garry’s Mod and Army High Command I would be able to fully ensure that a player’s experience is as unhindered as possible. Everything I’ve done as a Commander has shown me that I really enjoy helping others, and making this server a fun experience for other people, as that is what brings me joy, and becoming a Marshal Commander is, at least to me, the most logical next step in my journey of helping new and old players enjoy the server to its fullest potential. I know I certainly would’ve loved a lot more clarity, communication and help when I first joined this community so I think by helping other people with their issues, questions and qualms I can really improve the experience on ImperialRP.

What is the biggest thing you would bring to Army High Command?:

In my honest opinion, the biggest thing I would bring to Army High Command is my friendliness. I admit there may be some people with more experience in a High Command position than me applying for this role, however I do think that my friendliness, openness and the time I make for others is unparalleled in other applicants and even across the Low Command team. I pride myself on being easy to talk to, welcoming to newer players, and a helping hand to anyone on the server, whether they be in my battalion, or out of my battalion. I think this kind of friendliness goes a long way in the position of a Marshal Commander, as experience can be earned on the job, especially with the help of the fantastic General team, however something that isn’t so easy to learn is a change in personality trait. I have always been and always will be a friendly person, and I think transferring this over to Army High Command will really help me go far during my time there, if I am to be accepted. Along with this, however, I would like to note that my love, dedication and care for this community will bring a lot of success to my time as Army High Command, as everything I ever do will be in the best interests of the server, and I will always put the server before myself, even if I do disagree with a suggestion, if the community is in favor of it, and I can see a reason that it would benefit the community, I would happily strive to get the suggestion in place. I believe that my friendliness, and my love for this community, both together, would make a huge addition to the Army High Command.

What is the purpose of a Marshal Commander?:

I personally believe that Marshal Commanders have more than one key purpose. However, there are a few primary objectives of a Marshal Commander which are quite important. Firstly, and most notably, a Marshal Commander usually directly assists the command of a battalion in addressing any notable issues within their battalion. A Marshal Commander is a seasoned command member, with knowledge and experience, who can come work with a command team to resolve issues, improve their battalion and fix any problems within their battalion. Along with this, a Marshal Commander acts as a liaison between Army High Command and the Low Command team. Marshal Commander’s often face a lot of questions from Commanders, and are tasked with answering these questions promptly and correctly, to help these Commanders. A Marshal Commander is more or less a commander with the power to move about and assist any other Commander as needed. As such, their main purpose changes on a day-to-day basis, and one day I could be doing a completely different task from another. Finally, an often overlooked responsibility of a Marshal Commander is hosting and providing missions and simulations for the troopers to take part in. I believe this is quite an important part of being a Marshal Commander, however, most people don’t think about it when applying. Marshal Commanders should be ensuring everyone is having fun, and if there is an event drought, can improve people’s experiences by hosting a simulation, a training, or a mission for everyone to take part in. A Marshal Commander should be experienced at catering to everyone’s needs to assist this, too. That's what I believe the purpose of a Marshal Commander is for.

Why should we trust you to be Army High Command?:

I believe that there are many reasons why I should be trusted with Marshal Commander within Army High Command. To start with, I have been the Commander of the Medical Corps for almost 10 months now, and I have been in the command team for even longer. During my time as a Commander, Vice Commander, and even as an Officer, I have always been trusted, held myself up high and treated others with respect, and not run into any issues whatsoever, and I think anyone who I have interacted with can testify to the fact that I do not abuse my power in any way, shape or form. I wholeheartedly agree with every rule in place for Commanders, and I follow them and uphold them at all times. Along with this, during my time as a Commander I have proven myself capable of holding this position well. I have also been granted the rank of GM Tick VIII in the past and currently am a Senior Admin, Support Member and Forum Diplomat within the staff team. All of these roles involve a fair amount of power, as a GM I am tasked with hosting mega events and even training the lower ranked GMs, something which grants me access to multiple classified documents, and puts me in a position where I could crash the server if I do not adhere to the guidelines set in place. As a Senior Admin, I have multiple tasks within the server to assist lower staff members, and also assist with interviews and staff training, with a lot of trust being placed within me. In total, I am currently given a lot of power, along with a lot of rules and guidelines to follow, and during my tenure on the server I have never abused this power, or broken these rules or guidelines. As a Support Member, I’ve been trusted with a spot that takes a lot of responsibility and trust to hold, you will have to help many people and have to have a basic understanding of the Gaminglight Rules, Teamspeak and Discord. As a Forum Diplomat, you will have to deal with many things that happen within Gaiminglight Forums and you have been trusted with many abilities within the forums that you have been trusted with not to abuse. I’m extremely disciplined, mature and sensible with my power, and none of this will change if I am to become Army High Command, if anything, I can only see myself holding myself to a higher standard than already.

How often can you be Online?:

I’ve been extremely active on the server throughout my time on this server, and have shown this on the Gaminglight Imperial RP server and when I am off of the server it can be shown on the Gaminglight Forums and Discord. I have over 3000+ hours on the server and plan to continue to increase that number throughout the rest of my time here. I can usually be on during the weekdays from 2pm to 12am which is a total of 10 hours, and on the weekends from 8am to 12am which is a total of 16 hours. I won’t consistently hit these numbers but I will definitely try to and be on throughout those time periods whether it's on discord or on the server I will be available.

Do you have any Warnings? (What for?):

No, I don't have any current warns.

Ex. Medical Commander Zug
Senior Admin | Forum Diplomat | Support Member


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+ really active 

+ Has ALOT of leading experience 

+ Really good in making documents, websites and all those things.

+ Friendly 

+ Always ready to help/teach people. 

+ Proffesional 

+ Keeps his head calm in chaotic situations. 

+ Realistic thinker 

+ Loves the community 

+ One of the oldest command members on the server.

Ive known zug since day 1 that i joined the server. He is always ready to do whatever is asked or necessary. He is able to update documents and forums. I never had any negative ecperiences with zug and i think most people will tell the same too.

Zug will be the perfect next marshal commander.




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6 hours ago, Bub said:


+ really active 

+ Has ALOT of leading experience 

+ Really good in making documents, websites and all those things.

+ Friendly 

+ Always ready to help/teach people. 

+ Proffesional 

+ Keeps his head calm in chaotic situations. 

+ Realistic thinker 

+ Loves the community 

+ One of the oldest command members on the server.

Ive known zug since day 1 that i joined the server. He is always ready to do whatever is asked or necessary. He is able to update documents and forums. I never had any negative ecperiences with zug and i think most people will tell the same too.

Zug will be the perfect next marshal commander.




Good Luck Mr. Zug!!

ImperialRP SMT & Head Admin

Former Marshal Commander

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7 hours ago, Bub said:


+ really active 

+ Has ALOT of leading experience 

+ Really good in making documents, websites and all those things.

+ Friendly 

+ Always ready to help/teach people. 

+ Proffesional 

+ Keeps his head calm in chaotic situations. 

+ Realistic thinker 

+ Loves the community 

+ One of the oldest command members on the server.

Ive known zug since day 1 that i joined the server. He is always ready to do whatever is asked or necessary. He is able to update documents and forums. I never had any negative ecperiences with zug and i think most people will tell the same too.

Zug will be the perfect next marshal commander.




Good Luck!

Former: Pyke Underboss, Shock VCMDR, RG COL/SHG Lead, Agent Kallus, Admin, GMIII.

Current: Lord Kat.

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9 hours ago, Bub said:


+ really active 

+ Has ALOT of leading experience 

+ Really good in making documents, websites and all those things.

+ Friendly 

+ Always ready to help/teach people. 

+ Proffesional 

+ Keeps his head calm in chaotic situations. 

+ Realistic thinker 

+ Loves the community 

+ One of the oldest command members on the server.

Ive known zug since day 1 that i joined the server. He is always ready to do whatever is asked or necessary. He is able to update documents and forums. I never had any negative ecperiences with zug and i think most people will tell the same too.

Zug will be the perfect next marshal commander.






30 Second Darth Vader Kio

Stepped down General Kio |  Retired Dupe Builder for Army/Navy High Command | Last Ever Nova Senior Commander | Retired Assistant Head GameMaster | Admin | ST Vice Commander Revenant

Bleach Bankai GIF

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- Support

Not gonna lie dude, I don't see you on a whole lot. It's nothing personal against you as a person, I just think there are a lot of better candidates at this time.


| FIRST EVER IMPERIAL GOVERNOR || Former 501st "Vader's Fist" Legion Commander || Former Senior Commander || Former SF Crimson || Former IF Agent Lone Six |
| Former Imperial RP Senior Administrator || Former Senior Forums Diplomat || Former Imperial RP Gamemaster VII || Retired 501st VCMDR |
season 1 duel of the droids GIF by Star Wars

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*Is incredibly hard to work with.
*Stubborn to an insane degree.
*Even with incredible activity was unable to revive medical.
*Promoted Officers who have little to no activity.

 Keeper of the Turdium Pantaloons 


Former: Marshal Commander, 501st Senior Commander, SF Vice Marshall, 501st "Stinky" HVYL, & Former 501st Fossil.
[ Also really bad at PvP plz no bully. ]

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-Support: Very difficult to work with at times, and can be extremely stubborn in the simplest of situations. Explaining the simplest of things can be excruciating.

Recently your activity has fallen off as well. This whole month you have logged a mere single command logging, which is very poor activity for someone trying to get Marshal Commander, and is something that will likely result in a command strike if not improved anyways.

Also, the “document work” on the new medical website is mostly copy pasted work from old medical documents that I and others made, and and you outright refused to put those original creators on there, skipping CoC to get approval from someone above me. Don’t try to steal other’s work and call it your own. 

Im not even going to go into detail about the Medical Nurse CC and how it’s introduction into medical has led to constant gender change operations being acceptable somehow when that was something that was banned. 


Your ability to work with others and maintain solid activity (going back the past several months it has always been a struggle to get you to do your command logging requirements, with you barely escaping strikes) should rule you out from getting this position. 

Removed General Keegan

Former Medical Senior Commander Keegan 4571

Former ImperialRP Senior Admin

Former ImperialRP Senior Gamemaster

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On 2/25/2022 at 3:38 AM, Bub said:


+ really active 

+ Has ALOT of leading experience 

+ Really good in making documents, websites and all those things.

+ Friendly 

+ Always ready to help/teach people. 

+ Proffesional 

+ Keeps his head calm in chaotic situations. 

+ Realistic thinker 

+ Loves the community 

+ One of the oldest command members on the server.

Ive known zug since day 1 that i joined the server. He is always ready to do whatever is asked or necessary. He is able to update documents and forums. I never had any negative ecperiences with zug and i think most people will tell the same too.

Zug will be the perfect next marshal commander.





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11 hours ago, NebelFir said:

*Is incredibly hard to work with.
*Stubborn to an insane degree.
*Even with incredible activity was unable to revive medical.
*Promoted Officers who have little to no activity.

this so true lmao, and he didn't need to revive it I gave over an active battalion it just died 🤪 wonder why🤓wonder who🕵️

and what keegan said about the document work he just copy and pasted what was on the old docs and took out the names 

and he afks thats where most of his time comes from hes not actively playing and interacting with players 


Edited by TheCatBob


EX. Medical Commander CatBob

Most Serious Role Player, Totally


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On 2/25/2022 at 2:38 AM, Bub said:


+ really active 

+ Has ALOT of leading experience 

+ Really good in making documents, websites and all those things.

+ Friendly 

+ Always ready to help/teach people. 

+ Proffesional 

+ Keeps his head calm in chaotic situations. 

+ Realistic thinker 

+ Loves the community 

+ One of the oldest command members on the server.

Ive known zug since day 1 that i joined the server. He is always ready to do whatever is asked or necessary. He is able to update documents and forums. I never had any negative ecperiences with zug and i think most people will tell the same too.

Zug will be the perfect next marshal commander.





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Please continue to perform to the best of your ability while your application is under review. 

- Advisor Bear -
- = was Darth Vader (fortnite) & killed a lot of people (MRDM)= -
R IC COL 6150 BEAR | R ST COL Barrett 6150

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On 2/26/2022 at 3:22 AM, Keegan said:

-Support: Very difficult to work with at times, and can be extremely stubborn in the simplest of situations. Explaining the simplest of things can be excruciating.

Recently your activity has fallen off as well. This whole month you have logged a mere single command logging, which is very poor activity for someone trying to get Marshal Commander, and is something that will likely result in a command strike if not improved anyways.

Also, the “document work” on the new medical website is mostly copy pasted work from old medical documents that I and others made, and and you outright refused to put those original creators on there, skipping CoC to get approval from someone above me. Don’t try to steal other’s work and call it your own. 

Im not even going to go into detail about the Medical Nurse CC and how it’s introduction into medical has led to constant gender change operations being acceptable somehow when that was something that was banned. 


Your ability to work with others and maintain solid activity (going back the past several months it has always been a struggle to get you to do your command logging requirements, with you barely escaping strikes) should rule you out from getting this position. 


Police RP (retired): Staff | PD Major | SWAT MSGT

Imperial RP (retired): Naval Commodore | Staff & Gamemaster

Military RP (retired): USMC Captain | DI LT | kamikaze pilot

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Thank you for your interest in applying for Army High Command. 
Please contact me for denial reason and areas for improvement if you would like.

- Advisor Bear -
- = was Darth Vader (fortnite) & killed a lot of people (MRDM)= -
R IC COL 6150 BEAR | R ST COL Barrett 6150

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