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Boomer's Admiral Piett Application- Accepted


Should Boomer Become Admiral Firmus Piett  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Boomer become Admiral Piett?

    • Yes
    • No

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :


2. What Regiment are you applying for?

Naval/Admiral Firmus Piett

3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?
So to start off the reason I want to be Admiral Piett is so I can overall help Naval and help with SF anyways that I can. I do believe I personally have what it takes to help lead Naval to be its best as well as assist SF in making their battalion strive as well. During my time in Naval so far I have been given tremendous opportunities to show my leadership abilities and learn new ways to be a leader in general. One of the main reasons I want the rank of admiral is to bring back unity within the battalion as a whole. As we know naval is in a bad shape at the moment with everyone leaving either because they feel not included or they are just sick and tired of all the in fighting we have with our battalion, which is not right at all. My goal is to have everyone's voices heard within the battalion and implement those changes for the better of Naval. Naval to me is like a mini family, where we should all have the same goals in trying to make our battalion the best on the server and get everyone to want to join us and be part of this family. Another reason I want this rank is to try to better the activity of Naval. At the moment our activity is not the best and I want to change this as a whole. With this rank I can guarantee that I would bust my butt to find new ways for the battalion to be fun, whether that is coming up with new sectors or sims all together. As well as working on getting everyone's thoughts on how to make it fun because without our enlisted and supervisors we don't have a battalion. As for SF I would bust my butt for them as well with sims/ trainings as well as helping the SF command team in any way I can. As well as helping our CAO keep order within the Aviation Officer ranks. I would make sure our AO's are on task and are continuously doing tryouts and helping the battalion grow, as well as assisting them to do so. Id also like to bring a closer relationship with SF and Naval as a whole, doing this would be the better for both battalions. To do this I would hold either weekly sims/ trainings including both battalions so we can build a better relationship or plan out missions with the help of Naval Command as well as SF command. 

4. How much game time do you have on the server?

I currently have 3 weeks of playtime on the server or 667:01.


5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

The main purpose of being a commander is to make sure the battalion is being kept in check as well as making sure standards and procedures are being followed. As a commander we are also expected to deal with any complaints and reports and deal them with measurable effects. The job of a commander is to basically have the goals of the battalion known by every rank in the battalion, as well as showing new and important information to everyone in the battalion as well. Our job as a commander is to also oversee our low command and lower ranks as well and making sure they are all doing their part in the battalion to get our goals achieved. Also the purpose of a commander is to be able to be competent with the power you receive and to not get power hungry, as well as being a role model for the future of the battalion.

6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

I believe I should be trusted for many reasons. One being my reputation that I have built on being an honest leader and a leader that everyone can count on. Another being the reputation I have built in Naval. Naval has been the very first battalion I joined and is the main battalion I interact with while being on the server. I believe my work in Naval being the Chief Medical Officer as well as being a Rear Admiral has really improved the leader I am today. Using these I have been given great responsibilities and I believe I have done a great job in handling these task. Another reason is due to me having no warnings or bans it shows that I know the rules and will uphold the rules of the server to anyone.

7. How often can you be Online? :

I am usually on everyday for about 2 hours. On my off days from work I am on the server longer.

8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :
I do not have any.

 Current: 69th PRFS SFC BOOMER

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2 hours ago, Marshall Manjini said:


+seems like a good guy

+is experienced

+knows what's asked from him

+also, i want him to oversee SF with me 

+also, CMO so i trust him, as personally ik what is asked of me


Current Gideon Hask

Resigned DT Command AX4/SC0 [Command member for nearly a year]/Fomer DT SC01/ Retired Rear Admiral/Naval LT/Tenn Graneet/Nova Maj/Havoc Maj/Naval SO/ DT NCO x2

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Major + Support

  • Does his job extremely well
  • Knows what it means to be Admiral Piett
  • This application shows that he really wants to become Admiral Piett
  • Great effort within the application

Throughout my time in naval, Boomer was the one who trained me and I always saw him do great work and never fooling around. If anyone were to be in type of position it would be him!

Good luck, my old friend 

Edited by Sad Mario


High Admiral | Imperial Navy High Command

ISB-021 Agent (Hairline) Kallus 

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49 minutes ago, Marshall Manjini said:


+seems like a good guy

+is experienced

+knows what's asked from him

+also, i want him to oversee SF with me 

+also, CMO so i trust him, as personally ik what is asked of me


Ex: Seventh Sister and Second Sister

Star Wars Dancing GIF


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58 minutes ago, Marshall Manjini said:


+seems like a good guy

+is experienced

+knows what's asked from him

+also, i want him to oversee SF with me 

+also, CMO so i trust him, as personally ik what is asked of me


Current: Outside enjoyer

Ex: Tenn Graneet/Vice Admiral || Purge BTO CSM Daddy || E-11 SFC MageZX || Security SGT MageZX || GM III || DT HVE 1SG SK3

onigiri eating GIF

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54 minutes ago, Sad Mario said:

Major + Support

  • Does his job extremely well
  • Knows what it means to be Admiral Piett
  • This application shows that he really wants to become Admiral Piett
  • Great effort within the application

Throughout my time in naval, Boomer was the one who trained me and I always saw him do great work and never fooling around. If anyone were to be in type of position it would be him!

Good luck, my old friend 



30 Second Darth Vader Kio

Stepped down General Kio |  Retired Dupe Builder for Army/Navy High Command | Last Ever Nova Senior Commander | Retired Assistant Head GameMaster | Admin | ST Vice Commander Revenant

Bleach Bankai GIF

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1 hour ago, Marshall Manjini said:


+seems like a good guy

+is experienced

+knows what's asked from him

+also, i want him to oversee SF with me 

+also, CMO so i trust him, as personally ik what is asked of me


   Former: Grand General / Havoc Commander / ST Vice Commander

EX Imperial Army Branch Representative.

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6 hours ago, Sad Mario said:

Major + Support

  • Does his job extremely well
  • Knows what it means to be Admiral Piett
  • This application shows that he really wants to become Admiral Piett
  • Great effort within the application

Throughout my time in naval, Boomer was the one who trained me and I always saw him do great work and never fooling around. If anyone were to be in type of position it would be him!

Good luck, my old friend 


Former: Imperial Lord Darth Vader | DT Senior Commander WH0

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7 hours ago, Marshall Manjini said:


+seems like a good guy

+is experienced

+knows what's asked from him

+also, i want him to oversee SF with me 

+also, CMO so i trust him, as personally ik what is asked of me


Primary Life:
Pyke Henchman I JSR Matrix
Secondary / Former
Admiral Garrick Versio || Nova MMO SFC || SF GSO TP || Lord IV  || 69th MSGT || IC SSS SGT || Senior Moderator

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On 1/31/2022 at 7:23 PM, Marshall Manjini said:


+seems like a good guy

+is experienced

+knows what's asked from him

+also, i want him to oversee SF with me 

+also, CMO so i trust him, as personally ik what is asked of me


OG DT TI-23 Marksmen V07 (Retired)
FormerSenior Gunnery Officer LX003, Lord I SilonDT 1LT DI3Imperial RP Moderator

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+ Boomungus Support!!!
+ Has a long and exceptional record as CMO

+ Has performed very well as Rear Admiral

+ A trustworthy and mature guy

+ Defines what it means to be a Naval Command

+ Excellent Application

I have personally witnessed Boomer's incredible sense of responsibility and dedication to every part of the server he's associated with. Between the time the previous MC VCMDRs left and of Zug becoming swamped with IRL things, until when Bub and I got Roster Access, Boomer stepped up big to keep everything moving in both Medical and Naval. He took on such a workload even when he caught COVID during that timeframe. Anyone who can show such determination and drive to maintain the health of two battalions in those circumstances is truly worthy of this position! Good luck, you absolute legend!


"Medentes sustendo postestas de nostra Imperium!"

Former: Brigadier General Hex, (Last) Medical Senior Commander HexR DT MAJ HX3R Nova CPT Heresiarch NT00

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Speak with a member of NHC as soon as possible.

Resigned Grand Moff Tarkin | Retired Army General | Former Senior Commander of Death Troopers |



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