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ST: Shoretrooper Corps Rework (ST: Part 1) [Accepted] [In Progress] [Completed]


ST: Shoretrooper Corps Rework  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Would these changes benefit Shoretrooper Corps?

    • Yes.
    • No.

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Multiple suggestions for Shore listed below.

I believe ST and Shore is in need of a revamp or rework to bring it up to date with the rest of the server. Changing the Job section name for Shore, I believe, makes it look more appealing for someone who may want to join.

Battalion Name (F4 job listing): ST: Shore Troopers (As named on server)
New Battalion Name (F4 job listing): ST: Shoretrooper Corps

Job/Class Name: Shoretrooper: Trooper
Change name to: Shoretrooper

Reason for name change:
Having the Job section name ST: Shore Troopers and having "Shoretrooper:" is a little redundant. These name changes clean up the listings and make it look cleaner/more appealing/professional.

Weapon Kit: E-22, DH-17A
Current loadout: Binoculars (white), E-22, DH-17A

Add: Binoculars (desert) (rw_sw_bino_desert)
Add: E-11 (rw_sw_e11)
Add: Scatter Shotgun (rw_sw_scattershotgun)

Remove: DH-17A (rw_sw_dh17a)
Remove: Binoculars (white) (rw_sw_bino_white)

Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?):

I believe the changes listed above are fair. The Training Guide has been made a bit harder for applicants to get into the battalion for this very reason. The DH-17A is a weapon that I do not believe adds any strength to the class. The removal of that and addition of the Scatter Shotgun adds a stronger defensive feature to the class that it did not have before. The Shoretrooper Corps is a defensive frontline specialized battalion. Their weapons and armor reflect as much. These changes above and below reflect what myself, ST CMDR Grim, and AHC think is the best course for Shore. Additionally, the E-11, in lore, was a weapon that all Shore had in their immediate arsenal. The Binocular change is just an aesthetic change that fits Shore more appropriately due to the color scheme of their armor.

- Current: 200
- New: 250

- Current: 125
- New: 150

Reason for health/armor changes:
I understand the Shoretrooper base class is an entry level job in an entry battalion, but with the changes to the training guide I believe the small buff to HP and Armor are warranted. Drawing inspiration from my Havoc battalion update from a couple months ago. Shore is a defensive frontline specialty, and I believe it would be best that the entry class has a little more HP/Armor to better suit their role as the frontline defense.

Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?:
Explanations will be given at the end of the post.

Job/Class Name: Shoretrooper: Specialist
Changes: Removal of Class/Job

Specialist does not have a purpose in the current line up of Shore. Having 5 total jobs for Shore, I believe, stretches the regiment too thin. Simplifying the job list will help with this.

Job/Class Name: Shoretrooper: Sergeant
Change name to: Shoretrooper Heavy

Reasoning for Name and Job Change: 
The models in use on Sergeant and Specialist are the same. The actual NCO model is on the CQB class which is further down this post. The Sergeant Job being renamed to Heavy seemed a logical choice due to its higher HP. The model is perfect due to the issue in Lore for armor patterns. This model fits the specialty armor and would work well as the subclass for Shore.

Weapon Kit: E-22, DH-17A, DLT-19
Current Loadout: Binoculars (White), DH-17A, E-22, DLT-19

Add: Binoculars (Desert) (rw_sw_bino_desert)
Add: Z-6I (rw_sw_z6i)
Add: Scatter Shotgun (rw_sw_scattershotgun)

Remove: DH-17A (rw_sw_dh17a)
Remove: Binoculars (White) (rw_sw_bino_white)

Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?): 

The Scatter Shotgun change is directly reflected in the Shore mission calling. Defensive Frontline Force. They are given the tools to hold at short to medium ranges while Scouts attack or defend from afar.
Additionally, for Heavy, the Z-6I fits the mission calling extremely well with Heavy troopers as the support members of the Shoretrooper Corps. With the greater hp, armor, and weapons to represent the calling, Heavy troopers will be a force to be feared and instrumental to their comrades in the heat of battle.

- Current: 300
- New: 300 or 350

- Current: 125
- New: 200

Reason for health/armor changes:
These HP and Armor changes best reflect what I believe Shore Heavy should be. The increased HP/Armor will better improve the Heavy in both their ability to complete their assigned tasks and their presence on the battlefield. The subclass will be, on average, a little harder than normal to get into in order to justify these increases.

Job/Class Name: Shoretrooper: CQB
Change name to: Shoretrooper Squad Lead

Reason for name change:
When Shore was initially implemented, the CQB class was the NCO subclass. The model in use on this class reflected as much. The change from CQB to Squad Lead reflects the ranking structure that Grim and myself would like it to change to. Something more streamlined and lore friendly. Squad Lead job is the NCO+ job for the Shoretrooper Corps.

Weapon Kit: E-22, DH-17A, Scatter Shotgun
Current Loadout: Binoculars (White), DH-17A, E-22, Scatter Shotgun

Add: Binoculars (Desert) (rw_sw_bino_desert)
Add: E-11 (rw_sw_e11)
Add: DLT-19 (rw_sw_dlt19)
Add: Cross Arms Swep (Behind back) (cross_arms_swep)
Optional Add: RK3 (rw_sw_rk3)

Remove: DH-17A (rw_sw_dh17a)
Remove: Binoculars (White) (rw_sw_bino_white)

Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?): 

In the Shoretrooper Corps, the Squad Lead job is a frontline command class. Its job is to be no less in the heat of the battle than the rest of their lower ranked comrades. As so, the job should sport a sufficient deal of strength in order to better lead their troops. For the addition of the DLT-19, both Grim and myself wanted a weapon similarly found on the Heavy class. Something not overpowered but useful and would be shown as a sort of progression out of the subclass and into the NCO job.
The addition for the RK-3 is a progressionary weapon. The Dual RK-3 is found on the next job up in rank, so, in carrying, would show a representation of status or rank.

- Current: 225
- New: 350 or 400

- Current: 150
- New: 150

Reason for health/armor changes:

The increase HP/Armor should be representative of a NCO+ job. Armor that does not overreach beyond the Heavy job makes sense. Heavy should be clear and defined as having the most armor to fulfill their support role. Squad Lead fulfills a similar role from a leadership position, though not to as much of an extreme. The HP increase we view as necessary since this NCO job takes such a frontline position. This would allow them to more effectively lead their troops in combat.

Job/Class Name: Shoretrooper: Captain
Change name to: Shoretrooper Captain

Reason for name change:
Removal of the colon to match new job names.

Weapon Kit: E-22, DH-17A, TL-50, Dual RK-3, Scatter Shotgun
Current Loadout: Cross arms, Cross arms in front, Binoculars (white), E-22, DH-17A,
TL-50, Dual RK-3, Scatter Shotgun

Add: Binoculars (desert) (rw_sw_bino_desert)
Add: Hunter Shotgun (rw_sw_huntershotgun)
Add: DLT-19 (rw_sw_dlt19)

Remove: Binoculars (white) (rw_sw_bino_white)
Remove: TL-50 (rw_sw_tl50)
Remove: Scatter Shotgun (rw_sw_scattershotgun)
Remove: DH-17A (rw_sw_dh17a)

Reason for change (do you think that said weapons is suitable for the job and is fair considering current loadouts of other battalions?): 

The addition of the Hunter Shotgun to the Shoretrooper Captain job shows a natural progression to the uppermost job of the sub regiment. With the possible addition of the Scatter Shotgun to the other classes, the Captain job should have that upgrade to its kit. Something visibly different from the lower classes. The DLT-19 addition is for the same reasons as the Squad Lead addition, since Shore is a very frontline-centric class. With the removal of the TL-50, even though it's well-used on the job, it just seems out of place with the other Shore kits in game. The addition of the DLT-19 would replace it.

- Current: 350
- New: 400 or 450

- Current: 200
- New: 200

Reason for health/armor changes:

With the armor already being high, I believe there is no need to change it. The HP change I view as necessary due to the potential HP changes to the classes below it. The small HP buff would allow this frontline lead job to lead to a better extent and mirror HP similar to that of a frontline officer and lead job.

Do you believe these changes are fair to the battalion/job role it is responsible for and will benefit the server, if so, why?:

After careful consideration, all of the listed changes are believed to be both fair and balanced. The Stormtrooper/Shoretrooper Corps has been long overdue for much needed adjustments. This, as well as, other planned changes, if accepted, will ideally straighten out a lot with the ST/Shore Battalions and give it a specific function. Over the last several months, Shore has undergone changes without any real direction being given. The changes listed above straighten all this out and put the Shoretrooper Corps on a definitive path on the server. I believe, with the ever-changing meta and additions, that these suggestions are not only fair but also needed. 

All of these changes have been thoroughly vetted and thought through by myself (Bear), ST CMDR Grim, among all AHC, and other various people. These changes will benefit the battalion and the server by strengthening their jobs and the battalion as a whole.

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- Advisor Bear -
- = was Darth Vader (fortnite) & killed a lot of people (MRDM)= -
R IC COL 6150 BEAR | R ST COL Barrett 6150

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+ Support

I have been in Shore Troopers for 4 months and I can tell you this update is needed really badly. Shore don't have a lot going for them right now they really only get a a good weapon. Shore Troopers have Been recently popping off recently and I think they could really use this update to boost their numbers. Grim and Bear have worked really hard on the new system and I think it deserves to get implemented. I really hope this gets accepted i think it will help the Stormtroopers look more attractive.


Shore LTCOL Kurt SF FC Josef

Ex Naval Commander


Edited by Mystery RHC

Shore LTCOL Kurt / SF OP Josef

Ex Naval CPT

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Bear and I have worked tirelessly for months on both these changes as well as other miscellaneous tweaks to Stormtroopers as a whole. All of our work on Shoretroopers has lead up to this post. Not only does it give Shoretroopers a definitive role on the server, that being defensive frontline as a dual DPS/Tank as opposed to "just a better Stormtrooper" that they were before, but it also completely rebalances their loadouts in a way that makes sense and will help them fill out their newly-assigned role. Everything you see has been thought over more times than I can count, both by myself and by Bear.

  • Gaminglight Love 1

Current: N/A

Former: Stormtrooper Commander Grim

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3 minutes ago, Bell said:


Bear and I have worked tirelessly for months on both these changes as well as other miscellaneous tweaks to Stormtroopers as a whole. All of our work on Shoretroopers has lead up to this post. Not only does it give Shoretroopers a definitive role on the server, that being defensive frontline as a dual DPS/Tank as opposed to "just a better Stormtrooper" that they were before, but it also completely rebalances their loadouts in a way that makes sense and will help them fill out their newly-assigned role. Everything you see has been thought over more times than I can count, both by myself and by Bear.


Removed General Keegan

Former Medical Senior Commander Keegan 4571

Former ImperialRP Senior Admin

Former ImperialRP Senior Gamemaster

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+ Support

I honestly think that this change would really benefit Shore, we don't really have anything special and nothing really represents us as a unit. I think it is very unique to be a CQC Regiment as it is not seen much on the server. It would be a really nice change and would make it a lot better for us. With a lot of hard work and time spent for us I am greatful that someone is looking out for us to try to make it better. For the Empire! As always have a great day.

Current: Naval Crewman Bett | ST LCPL Bett

Former: ST Vice Commander Bett | Shock 2LT Zett


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14 minutes ago, Bell said:


Bear and I have worked tirelessly for months on both these changes as well as other miscellaneous tweaks to Stormtroopers as a whole. All of our work on Shoretroopers has lead up to this post. Not only does it give Shoretroopers a definitive role on the server, that being defensive frontline as a dual DPS/Tank as opposed to "just a better Stormtrooper" that they were before, but it also completely rebalances their loadouts in a way that makes sense and will help them fill out their newly-assigned role. Everything you see has been thought over more times than I can count, both by myself and by Bear.


Ex Grand General!

Ex Nova Senior Commander


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21 minutes ago, Bell said:


Bear and I have worked tirelessly for months on both these changes as well as other miscellaneous tweaks to Stormtroopers as a whole. All of our work on Shoretroopers has lead up to this post. Not only does it give Shoretroopers a definitive role on the server, that being defensive frontline as a dual DPS/Tank as opposed to "just a better Stormtrooper" that they were before, but it also completely rebalances their loadouts in a way that makes sense and will help them fill out their newly-assigned role. Everything you see has been thought over more times than I can count, both by myself and by Bear.


Former: Darth Vader

Former: Super Administrator | Forum Diplomat | Support Advisor

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1 hour ago, Bell said:


Bear and I have worked tirelessly for months on both these changes as well as other miscellaneous tweaks to Stormtroopers as a whole. All of our work on Shoretroopers has lead up to this post. Not only does it give Shoretroopers a definitive role on the server, that being defensive frontline as a dual DPS/Tank as opposed to "just a better Stormtrooper" that they were before, but it also completely rebalances their loadouts in a way that makes sense and will help them fill out their newly-assigned role. Everything you see has been thought over more times than I can count, both by myself and by Bear.


Emperor Palpatine

| Ex. Shock Commander | Ex. Storm Trooper Captain | Ex. Nova Lieutenant-Colonel


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57 minutes ago, Bell said:


Bear and I have worked tirelessly for months on both these changes as well as other miscellaneous tweaks to Stormtroopers as a whole. All of our work on Shoretroopers has lead up to this post. Not only does it give Shoretroopers a definitive role on the server, that being defensive frontline as a dual DPS/Tank as opposed to "just a better Stormtrooper" that they were before, but it also completely rebalances their loadouts in a way that makes sense and will help them fill out their newly-assigned role. Everything you see has been thought over more times than I can count, both by myself and by Bear.


Former Stormtrooper Captain
Former Nova Commander Comet 
Former Admin | Former GM Tick X


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 this will make Shore more useful and different than just st with more amour HP and a better blaster this will make them more CQC than anything else and most ST jobs are mid to long range so this will be a good thing for shore and ST.

Edited by checkedsauce7

goto go fast


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1 hour ago, Bell said:


Bear and I have worked tirelessly for months on both these changes as well as other miscellaneous tweaks to Stormtroopers as a whole. All of our work on Shoretroopers has lead up to this post. Not only does it give Shoretroopers a definitive role on the server, that being defensive frontline as a dual DPS/Tank as opposed to "just a better Stormtrooper" that they were before, but it also completely rebalances their loadouts in a way that makes sense and will help them fill out their newly-assigned role. Everything you see has been thought over more times than I can count, both by myself and by Bear.


| FIRST EVER IMPERIAL GOVERNOR || Former 501st "Vader's Fist" Legion Commander || Former Senior Commander || Former SF Crimson || Former IF Agent Lone Six |
| Former Imperial RP Senior Administrator || Former Senior Forums Diplomat || Former Imperial RP Gamemaster VII || Retired 501st VCMDR |
season 1 duel of the droids GIF by Star Wars

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On 11/29/2021 at 12:09 AM, Bell said:


Bear and I have worked tirelessly for months on both these changes as well as other miscellaneous tweaks to Stormtroopers as a whole. All of our work on Shoretroopers has lead up to this post. Not only does it give Shoretroopers a definitive role on the server, that being defensive frontline as a dual DPS/Tank as opposed to "just a better Stormtrooper" that they were before, but it also completely rebalances their loadouts in a way that makes sense and will help them fill out their newly-assigned role. Everything you see has been thought over more times than I can count, both by myself and by Bear.


-IC CMDR 1138 Boss -Senior Admin  -Senior Gamemaster 


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On 11/29/2021 at 12:09 AM, Bell said:


Bear and I have worked tirelessly for months on both these changes as well as other miscellaneous tweaks to Stormtroopers as a whole. All of our work on Shoretroopers has lead up to this post. Not only does it give Shoretroopers a definitive role on the server, that being defensive frontline as a dual DPS/Tank as opposed to "just a better Stormtrooper" that they were before, but it also completely rebalances their loadouts in a way that makes sense and will help them fill out their newly-assigned role. Everything you see has been thought over more times than I can count, both by myself and by Bear.




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On 11/29/2021 at 5:09 AM, Bell said:


Bear and I have worked tirelessly for months on both these changes as well as other miscellaneous tweaks to Stormtroopers as a whole. All of our work on Shoretroopers has lead up to this post. Not only does it give Shoretroopers a definitive role on the server, that being defensive frontline as a dual DPS/Tank as opposed to "just a better Stormtrooper" that they were before, but it also completely rebalances their loadouts in a way that makes sense and will help them fill out their newly-assigned role. Everything you see has been thought over more times than I can count, both by myself and by Bear.


Current: ST Pvt
EX Head Admin
EX Gamemaster Overseer / Head Game Master
EX Inferno Squadron Commander

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On 11/29/2021 at 12:09 AM, Bell said:


Bear and I have worked tirelessly for months on both these changes as well as other miscellaneous tweaks to Stormtroopers as a whole. All of our work on Shoretroopers has lead up to this post. Not only does it give Shoretroopers a definitive role on the server, that being defensive frontline as a dual DPS/Tank as opposed to "just a better Stormtrooper" that they were before, but it also completely rebalances their loadouts in a way that makes sense and will help them fill out their newly-assigned role. Everything you see has been thought over more times than I can count, both by myself and by Bear.


Current: R 501st SNRHVY Gaz

Former: IC OSE DMS CPT Gaz/Phi Φ 501st JTO HVYAL PZ0 ARC04 CPT Gaz |  Naval CAO Vice Admiral Gaz | Shock CPT Gaz K2S4 SK518 | Moderator

CCs: Imperial Janitorial Brigade Lead Gaz

"Eagles should show their claws, though dying."

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On 11/29/2021 at 12:09 AM, Bell said:


Bear and I have worked tirelessly for months on both these changes as well as other miscellaneous tweaks to Stormtroopers as a whole. All of our work on Shoretroopers has lead up to this post. Not only does it give Shoretroopers a definitive role on the server, that being defensive frontline as a dual DPS/Tank as opposed to "just a better Stormtrooper" that they were before, but it also completely rebalances their loadouts in a way that makes sense and will help them fill out their newly-assigned role. Everything you see has been thought over more times than I can count, both by myself and by Bear.


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On 11/29/2021 at 12:09 AM, Bell said:


Bear and I have worked tirelessly for months on both these changes as well as other miscellaneous tweaks to Stormtroopers as a whole. All of our work on Shoretroopers has lead up to this post. Not only does it give Shoretroopers a definitive role on the server, that being defensive frontline as a dual DPS/Tank as opposed to "just a better Stormtrooper" that they were before, but it also completely rebalances their loadouts in a way that makes sense and will help them fill out their newly-assigned role. Everything you see has been thought over more times than I can count, both by myself and by Bear.


Senior Moderator

GameMaster [2]

SO Commander

KitChan-ISB Kitty-Rebel High Admiral Kitten-Rebel Kat

Shore PVT 


2LT Purge BAL, 501st 1LT, Shock, AO, Havoc, MC SPC 


30 Second Darth Vader Kio

Stepped down General Kio |  Retired Dupe Builder for Army/Navy High Command | Last Ever Nova Senior Commander | Retired Assistant Head GameMaster | Admin | ST Vice Commander Revenant

Bleach Bankai GIF

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Thank you for your suggestion! Please allow up to a week for this suggestion to be successfully implemented into the server.


*SMT reserves the right to reverse this decision at any time, even after the suggested contents addition to the server*

hotshot manager.png

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