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Mary - Event Team Application


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In-Game Name: 

SteamID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:123456789): 

What is your ULX Rank?:

What is your RP Rank?:
RA/SGT in CI and CPL in E11.

What is your timezone?:

How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10):

Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): 

How Active are you? (1/10):

How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers):
None that I know of.

Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?:
If I were to be apart of the event team, I would help make cool and fun events for everyone that plays on the server. I would host some GOI Raid events, fun SCP themed events and even some special rescue missions if I were to be allowed to. I would also love to be apart of the event team because I would love to be able to get more involved with the community and make everyone have a good time while playing. I would also love to help out others and myself by being able to help with PTs, setting up little test areas, or even putting up a light here and there. It would also be a great opportunity to connect with more great and amazing people on the server. I could help other ET members with some events or I could ask them to help me with my own. If I were also to be picked to be apart of the ET family, I would help show new players that the server can be fun and more enjoyable than sitting in d-block getting killed. I am also not known for being a very mingey player, and when I am I know how to bring myself back and act more mature. I could be trusted with the powers of ET when others would only abuse it. 

Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better):
One event I could do is use the SCP 1762 and maybe do a fun event that doesn't evolve killing foundation personnel. I would first start off my adverting for the event, then give it a couple of seconds until I would do the bring command. After all the people were there and the event was closed, I would line them up and tell them more around the SCP. SCP-1762 is a neutralized SCP, but for the event it could be brought back or a portal could be opened up to its' realm for the time being. The SCP is basically a small box that when opened will release SCP-2, small paper dragons in different shapes and different kinds of dragons. 
Going back to the event, I could then get the dragon model from the server, or get the link to it, and model all the d-class as it. I would then change their sizes to they would be rather small but still easy to see and spot. I would then explain how they were passive and to NOT kill anyone while doing the event. After they were modeled, I would go into d-block or somewhere in the building and spawn a small cardboard box. I would then advert something like "The small box as then opened by a unknown force" then bring all the modeled d-class, who would be named SCP 1762-2, and let them run around for a bit. However, following the lore of the SCP, every now and then one of the SCP 1762-2 would die off due to someone starting not to believe in them. This could be stopped by someone adverting "I believe in the dragons!" and instead of them dying, they would return to their realm to which they would still live on. After all the dragons were either killed or sent back, the box would then close and disappear forever. 

Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?:

What is your favorite SCP? Why?
That would be SCP-1762, otherwise known as "Where The Dragons Went." I love this SCP because it doesn't kill nor hurt people. It shows a sweet and rather interesting side of the SCP world. To me, it shows that as we grow up, our dreams will die off sooner or later and the world we had before would also disappear along with our dreams. However, they could be saved if we only believe in them and don't loss faith. 

Thank you for reading my application! Sorry if my event idea was lame, I just thought it was something different and sweet. Anyway, thanks for reading!

Free From GL ❤️

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- Teleported me into D-Block as SCP-096, and all parties involved had an absolute ball in Upper D-Block

Nah but in all seriousness I think that Mary has a lot of creative ideas to bring to the table, and she would make a great addition to the team.

Edited by Sixx :)
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+ support

+ genuine member that cares a lot

+ your reasoning is sound a shows promise

+ your event idea is good, would have hoped to see a little more though

I wish you luck with your application 

  • Gaminglight Love 1

Former E11 1LT/Head Ranger,  Former Event Team/Staff Member| GENSEC SGT Foundation Chef

ezgif.com-gif-maker.gif.133a59eca14307e607c6ed8c10b1d560.gif<- me when the quiet guy in D-block begins to reach into his pocket

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-Event idea is original and sounds fun
-Responsible when taking sits from her time being a T-Mod
-Extremely active
-Deserves the position

  • Gaminglight Love 1

 Former Security 2LT | Former EWD|  Former OM5|Former Medical SM|Former Reznov Klushkie| Former SCP-RP Senior Moderator


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17 hours ago, Dect said:

-Event idea is original and sounds fun
-Responsible when taking sits from her time being a T-Mod
-Extremely active
-Deserves the position


  • Gaminglight Love 1

SCP-RP: G.O.C MAJ | Alpha-1 SGT 'Rose' | Strike Team Hammer 'Goose'Event Team Member     

Retired: E11 LTCOL Omi9 MAJ Nu7 LTCOL OH3 | Senior Mod | Event Team Member



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On 10/25/2020 at 3:38 PM, Dect said:

-Event idea is original and sounds fun
-Responsible when taking sits from her time being a T-Mod
-Extremely active
-Deserves the position
-Not stinky


 Foundation Archivist | Operations Supervisor | SCP-RP Senior Admin Forums Diplomat | Support 1 |

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Please come speak to me in Ts3.

"Without morals, are we truly any better than the things we've set ourselves to contain?"

EX-Site Director   EX-Super Admin | EX-Event Team Lead | Otter Lover Regardless of what SMT Says, not a furry. R&D Senior Inspector


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