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Player Report: Infamous


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Your in game name: J0LT

Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:229658671

The player's in game name: Infamous

The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:173374652

Date and Time This Incident Occurred: 9/28/20, around 10:00pm

What did the player do:  breaking FearRP and Meta game

Evidence (required): https://medal.tv/clips/33672896/d1337JqTQycg

What do you believe should happen to the player: 1 formal warn

Any extra information: @Sprinklertek was at the sit, i allowed infamous to go with just a verbal, but something seemed to tick me off,  he said 527 told him  in TeamSpeak to turn around because we were about to capture him, he also defended his get away by saying "ive been captured like twice already today and im tired of it.". 


Senior Admin/Forums dip/Support Supervisor | former the following: HTF/E4 Head | Only Anubis award winner | Former Nu7 HFTO and CI OFTO | Sec MSGT+Pertinax

Owns: Omi-9 'Last Remnants' | Farmer Tucker | Farmer Darius XIIReznov Klushie | Foxx       On:  Alpha-8 |  S.T.A.R.SIota-13 'Luxxy's Soldiers' 


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Deserves more than just a verbal, this is a serious issue as CI don't often get HCMD hostages

https://medal.tv/clips/33672896/d1337JqTQycg shows that he had *at least* two guns on him at all times, and didn't comply with all orders (specifically hands up), and furthermore if he was cooperating with SCP-527 in TeamSpeak, that could be considered serious metagaming.. and from a staff?

This is not the kind of conduct I'd expect from a branch HCMD.

Punishment seems biased, further punishment is neccessary

TCM Jack CI Heinz / J03 Italian Mob Boss Zepelli 😳Former CI Research Administrator Heinz - Not [REDACTED] Researcher   

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Staff decided to go with a verbal. Not to mention after hearing his story he didn't notice yall were there, while trying to take a screenshot of the siren head. Then the 572 told him to "don't turn around" jokingly, and which he does so to surprising sees CI. He then turns around and bolts, not noticing the fearRP in chat and he isn't focusing on it. Also looking at before he bolts 2 CI members, the one recording and the hotshit on the right. Look away from infamous breaking fearRP and he then bolts. This is not him breaking fearRP, not to mention it's kinda weird since shades have to type fearRP and not most people look at chat when CI raid and it's hard to notice that so oof.

There are gods in Alabama: Jack Daniel's, high school quarterbacks, trucks, big tits, and also Jesus.

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Definitely seems like admin bias in every way 

Infamous is a really nice guy I am not sure he'd do this on purpose 


3 minutes ago, Jack (utility one) said:

Staff decided to go with a verbal. Not to mention after hearing his story he didn't notice yall were there, while trying to take a screenshot of the siren head. Then the 572 told him to "don't turn around" jokingly, and which he does so to surprising sees CI. He then turns around and bolts, not noticing the fearRP in chat and he isn't focusing on it. Also looking at before he bolts 2 CI members, the one recording and the hotshit on the right. Look away from infamous breaking fearRP and he then bolts. This is not him breaking fearRP, not to mention it's kinda weird since shades have to type fearRP and not most people look at chat when CI raid and it's hard to notice that so oof.

Well they did type it regardless also how we he not notice all the CI surrounding him? this just seems like a barrage of excuses which we don't need.


Edited by Dragin
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SCP-RP - Former: Moderator/ETSecurity SFTO SM, Research Researcher, MTF Alpha-1 Sgt, MTF Alpha-1 "Alpha-6", Noob-7 CplD5 RCT, R&D SIN, T-2 Blackjack, HFR, DHBI and E-11 DoFTO HCE SM | Current: CI Military DHLS SFTO SM 

Imperial-RP - Former - ModeratorRoyal Guard Senior Guard, Shadow Guard Lead, Stormtrooper 2LT, 501st MSG

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4 minutes ago, Jack (utility one) said:

Staff decided to go with a verbal. Not to mention after hearing his story he didn't notice yall were there, while trying to take a screenshot of the siren head. Then the 572 told him to "don't turn around" jokingly, and which he does so to surprising sees CI. He then turns around and bolts, not noticing the fearRP in chat and he isn't focusing on it. Also looking at before he bolts 2 CI members, the one recording and the hotshit on the right. Look away from infamous breaking fearRP and he then bolts. This is not him breaking fearRP, not to mention it's kinda weird since shades have to type fearRP and not most people look at chat when CI raid and it's hard to notice that so oof.

He had a solid 5 seconds, and could've even looked at chat and came back, and "the hotshot turned away" isnt valid, 2 armed with heavy > 2 unarmed, not to mention he did point his gun at him during the FearRP. And him saying "ive been captured by CI like twice today and didnt want to again" shows that he knew he was about to capture him


Senior Admin/Forums dip/Support Supervisor | former the following: HTF/E4 Head | Only Anubis award winner | Former Nu7 HFTO and CI OFTO | Sec MSGT+Pertinax

Owns: Omi-9 'Last Remnants' | Farmer Tucker | Farmer Darius XIIReznov Klushie | Foxx       On:  Alpha-8 |  S.T.A.R.SIota-13 'Luxxy's Soldiers' 


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1 hour ago, Jack (utility one) said:

Staff decided to go with a verbal. Not to mention after hearing his story he didn't notice yall were there, while trying to take a screenshot of the siren head. Then the 572 told him to "don't turn around" jokingly, and which he does so to surprising sees CI. He then turns around and bolts, not noticing the fearRP in chat and he isn't focusing on it. Also looking at before he bolts 2 CI members, the one recording and the hotshit on the right. Look away from infamous breaking fearRP and he then bolts. This is not him breaking fearRP, not to mention it's kinda weird since shades have to type fearRP and not most people look at chat when CI raid and it's hard to notice that so oof.

IMO less than two guns were pointed at him at all times, therefor fearRP wasn't in effect, he bolted, I saw two guns on him once, you guys were focused on others.



I would like to point out, before he ran you guys were looking at a different Utility and an RFA, only one gun was on infamous. Weapons are not fullly pointed at him.


Edited by [GL] loudyfam (Jack S)
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Retired DHOS || Former Wardens Comissioner Caligula || Former SRIC in R&D || Former OH8 Funni [Redacted] Man | | Retired OPSV in Maintenance || Former MMF Duck || Former HLPR Bot AC3 || Retired 2LT in E-11 || Former Head Field Scout || Former Ranger Pax || former ET || Former Omicron-9 CPT  || Former OM9 EXP Delta PoliceRP: PD LCPL | SCU LT

"We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. " -John F Kennedy, Rice University, Sept. 12, 1962



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1 minute ago, [GL] loudyfam (Jack S) said:

IMO less than two guns were pointed at him at all times, therefor fearRP wasn't in effect, he bolted, I saw two guns on him once, you guys were focused on others.


The guns were repointed to him before he ran, therefor re-applying FearRP


Senior Admin/Forums dip/Support Supervisor | former the following: HTF/E4 Head | Only Anubis award winner | Former Nu7 HFTO and CI OFTO | Sec MSGT+Pertinax

Owns: Omi-9 'Last Remnants' | Farmer Tucker | Farmer Darius XIIReznov Klushie | Foxx       On:  Alpha-8 |  S.T.A.R.SIota-13 'Luxxy's Soldiers' 


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 I can understand the Fear RP, but the metagaming I don't mainly because in TS it's now 90% of the time an In RP channels, so if he is told about CI or whatnot it can be taken the same if someone were to use /f. Even if it's an SCP telling him to turn around, its a Safe Class SCP that can talk and was in an In RP channel.

As for the Fear RP, it looks like in the video that only one person was near infamous with a gun, and a second person at a distance, but infamous at the time was looking at someone's build (AKA he was distracted) which explains why he wasn't looking at chat. Also Infamous wasn't Expecting CI to be out as it is Defcon 4 in the video, so CI weren't even called out yet. On top of all of that the people Fear RPing were BEHIND Infamous, so how could he have known there were two guns on him with all the other factors I listed.

In Conclusion i believe that Infamous' Current punishment is in the right, he does deserve a Verbal but not a Warn. Also Ci can learn a thing or two from this by expecting people not not always look in chat 24/7 (hell I don't half the time), and be in front of the person you are Fear RPing so then they KNOW they are being Fear RPd.

Former Assistant Head Of Maintenance & Engineering

You're a winner kid, don't you ever forget that.

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10 minutes ago, Jack (utility one) said:

Staff decided to go with a verbal. Not to mention after hearing his story he didn't notice yall were there, while trying to take a screenshot of the siren head. Then the 572 told him to "don't turn around" jokingly, and which he does so to surprising sees CI. He then turns around and bolts, not noticing the fearRP in chat and he isn't focusing on it. Also looking at before he bolts 2 CI members, the one recording and the hotshit on the right. Look away from infamous breaking fearRP and he then bolts. This is not him breaking fearRP, not to mention it's kinda weird since shades have to type fearRP and not most people look at chat when CI raid and it's hard to notice that so oof.


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1 minute ago, General Borealis said:

 I can understand the Fear RP, but the metagaming I don't mainly because in TS it's now 90% of the time an In RP channels, so if he is told about CI or whatnot it can be taken the same if someone were to use /f. Even if it's an SCP telling him to turn around, its a Safe Class SCP that can talk and was in an In RP channel.

As for the Fear RP, it looks like in the video that only one person was near infamous with a gun, and a second person at a distance, but infamous at the time was looking at someone's build (AKA he was distracted) which explains why he wasn't looking at chat. Also Infamous wasn't Expecting CI to be out as it is Defcon 4 in the video, so CI weren't even called out yet. On top of all of that the people Fear RPing were BEHIND Infamous, so how could he have known there were two guns on him with all the other factors I listed.

In Conclusion i believe that Infamous' Current punishment is in the right, he does deserve a Verbal but not a Warn. Also Ci can learn a thing or two from this by expecting people not not always look in chat 24/7 (hell I don't half the time), and be in front of the person you are Fear RPing so then they KNOW they are being Fear RPd.

Metagame being he listened to a fish who cant really tell him that 

SCP-RP - Former: Moderator/ETSecurity SFTO SM, Research Researcher, MTF Alpha-1 Sgt, MTF Alpha-1 "Alpha-6", Noob-7 CplD5 RCT, R&D SIN, T-2 Blackjack, HFR, DHBI and E-11 DoFTO HCE SM | Current: CI Military DHLS SFTO SM 

Imperial-RP - Former - ModeratorRoyal Guard Senior Guard, Shadow Guard Lead, Stormtrooper 2LT, 501st MSG

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I was in fact the moderator on the scene. I decided to go with a verbal because it was clearly miscommunication from both sides. J0LT was typing in chat which could have been easily overlooked and in the clip not all of the CI were actually pointing there guns at him.  I also see no evidence really of meta gaming and in the original staff sit this was not said so that part I have no idea what happened.  The thing that really ticks me off is that people are saying that is "staff bias" which it defiantly was not. I handed out a punishment which is the necessary punishment for this report according the staff handbook and it seemed like a complete miscommunication in the clip and when Infamous was there he explained the situation and even admitted he did not see all the CI and did not see the chat. Also 527 can talk so it was not metagaming for the Fish to tell him that there was CI there.

Edited by Sprinklertek
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1 minute ago, Dragin said:

Metagame being he listened to a fish who cant really tell him that 

SCP-527 is neutral, and may either chose to assist foundation staff or ignore their requests.

This is found in the MOTD, it was 527's decision to assist the foundation, I am no longer gonna reply as to avoid arguments here.

Former Assistant Head Of Maintenance & Engineering

You're a winner kid, don't you ever forget that.

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(Missed in the clip) i told him he cant run from FearRP, which he shouldve seen along with the pther 2 messages about FearRP. And i got no responce from him at all, and no one has mentioned him talking about "not wanting to be captured again" or 527 in a radio channel


Senior Admin/Forums dip/Support Supervisor | former the following: HTF/E4 Head | Only Anubis award winner | Former Nu7 HFTO and CI OFTO | Sec MSGT+Pertinax

Owns: Omi-9 'Last Remnants' | Farmer Tucker | Farmer Darius XIIReznov Klushie | Foxx       On:  Alpha-8 |  S.T.A.R.SIota-13 'Luxxy's Soldiers' 


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13 minutes ago, Jack (utility one) said:

Staff decided to go with a verbal. Not to mention after hearing his story he didn't notice yall were there, while trying to take a screenshot of the siren head. Then the 572 told him to "don't turn around" jokingly, and which he does so to surprising sees CI. He then turns around and bolts, not noticing the fearRP in chat and he isn't focusing on it. Also looking at before he bolts 2 CI members, the one recording and the hotshit on the right. Look away from infamous breaking fearRP and he then bolts. This is not him breaking fearRP, not to mention it's kinda weird since shades have to type fearRP and not most people look at chat when CI raid and it's hard to notice that so oof.

Fear RP should never be type because either it can be annoyed and  no really proof if is it broken or someone could have missed it.  Say it, don't type it.

🍪Supreme Leader Cookie🍪   🍪Ex Admin🍪 🍪Old GENSEC SM🍪

OLD ACCOUNT- Cookie__Gaming

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3 minutes ago, Cookie_Gaming said:

Fear RP should never be type because either it can be annoyed and  no really proof if is it broken or someone could have missed it.  Say it, don't type it.

Sorry to second post, E4 can't speak.

Retired DHOS || Former Wardens Comissioner Caligula || Former SRIC in R&D || Former OH8 Funni [Redacted] Man | | Retired OPSV in Maintenance || Former MMF Duck || Former HLPR Bot AC3 || Retired 2LT in E-11 || Former Head Field Scout || Former Ranger Pax || former ET || Former Omicron-9 CPT  || Former OM9 EXP Delta PoliceRP: PD LCPL | SCU LT

"We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. " -John F Kennedy, Rice University, Sept. 12, 1962



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I'm choosing to stay out of this one.

HOWEVER, everyone saying that chat can easily be overlooked, makes it extremely unfair for mutes. (Or anyone that can't use voice chat at the time)

If you can claim "oh i didn't see chat" and get away with failrp all the time, it puts mutes at an even bigger disadvantage. Super annoying...

Pay attention to chat...

Edited by [GL] Fizz-y Soda




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Here is my side of the story.

Me and 527 were in a RP Channel in Teamspeak [Security Room 1 (In-RP) to be exact]. We were roaming around LCZ and ran into the Apprentice that was building the "Siren Head" in that room. I got distracted by the build (tried to take a screenshot) and you and 2 other CI snuck up behind me. I did see the guy on the far right in the corner of my eye, but I can't tell the difference between CI and MTF and because it was Defcon 4, I thought that guy was a MTF. In Teamspeak, 527 told me, "Don't look behind you," jokingly and I turned around. I saw you and the other 2 CI and ran. I will admit, I did not look at text chat (I do not pay attention to chat a lot of the time.) . 

So two things. 
First, y'all should of got into my face instead of staying behind me. If you got in my face I would have instantly surrendered. I am not a person to try to run from a fearRP by a CI.
Second, when I said "I didn't want to be capture again", Three to four hours before this incident, I got on to the server, switched to Department Head, left the spawn, and when I was closing the door to the spawn, CI roll up and capture me instantly. 

2 hours ago, [GL] Jack I the One & Only said:

CI don't often get HCMD hostages

That's kind of false during active hours.

Edited by Lead Engineer Infamous
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Infamous was on a Non Combatant class and if you notice in the clip there were 2 guns actively pointed in his general direction at 12 seconds (Aguila and Liberty).
From Rookieblue "Voice chat distance is FearRP distance, barring closed doors, walls, and any other cover. They must be within line of sight."
He was in the line of sight of the 2 E4 therefore this would constitute FearRP and im pretty sure Rookie has stated  "Additionally, there isn't a requirement to yell out FearRP, but it makes it much easier for all involved

I understand the argument here about the 527 but with regards to just in general FearRP saying that you shouldn’t follow it cause we don’t yell it out doesn’t make sense. It was put in chat for a solid 5-10 seconds before the hostage ran. The fact that E4 have a COS doesn’t really help as well.

Edited by [GL] Zeus

SCP-RP: Commander of Epsilon-11 || Chaos Insurgency Captain || Senior Admin ||  Forums Diplomat || Rho-36 Arcane Autonomous Scout ||

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2 hours ago, General Borealis said:

 I can understand the Fear RP, but the metagaming I don't mainly because in TS it's now 90% of the time an In RP channels, so if he is told about CI or whatnot it can be taken the same if someone were to use /f. Even if it's an SCP telling him to turn around, its a Safe Class SCP that can talk and was in an In RP channel.

As for the Fear RP, it looks like in the video that only one person was near infamous with a gun, and a second person at a distance, but infamous at the time was looking at someone's build (AKA he was distracted) which explains why he wasn't looking at chat. Also Infamous wasn't Expecting CI to be out as it is Defcon 4 in the video, so CI weren't even called out yet. On top of all of that the people Fear RPing were BEHIND Infamous, so how could he have known there were two guns on him with all the other factors I listed.

In Conclusion i believe that Infamous' Current punishment is in the right, he does deserve a Verbal but not a Warn. Also Ci can learn a thing or two from this by expecting people not not always look in chat 24/7 (hell I don't half the time), and be in front of the person you are Fear RPing so then they KNOW they are being Fear RPd.


[ SCP RP ] Director of Research & Security || Armored Shield Award Winner || First Head Warden & HOPO || Security Artillery Unit || D-7025 || D-Class High Council || Former Head of Security || Former Admin || Former Event Team Member



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This sit was already handled in game by a staff member. If you believe that said staff member handled unjustly or unfairly, you should be reporting them. Staff's decision in a sit is final, after all.

As for this situation, metagame is not applicable because even IF he got told it through Ts3 he could've been in an RP Channel, and as 527 is a Anomaly which is both Humanoid & Sentient, and is allowed to assist Foundation staff it could've warned him just fine.

"Without morals, are we truly any better than the things we've set ourselves to contain?"

EX-Site Director   EX-Super Admin | EX-Event Team Lead | Otter Lover Regardless of what SMT Says, not a furry. R&D Senior Inspector


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6 hours ago, [GL] Zeus said:


Infamous was on a Non Combatant class and if you notice in the clip there were 2 guns actively pointed in his general direction at 12 seconds (Aguila and Liberty).
From Rookieblue "Voice chat distance is FearRP distance, barring closed doors, walls, and any other cover. They must be within line of sight."
He was in the line of sight of the 2 E4 therefore this would constitute FearRP and im pretty sure Rookie has stated  "Additionally, there isn't a requirement to yell out FearRP, but it makes it much easier for all involved

I understand the argument here about the 527 but with regards to just in general FearRP saying that you shouldn’t follow it cause we don’t yell it out doesn’t make sense. It was put in chat for a solid 5-10 seconds before the hostage ran. The fact that E4 have a COS doesn’t really help as well.


                                                                             Chad of many names       Professional Shit talker


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I know i said i wouldn't add on here but i thought this should be brought up since no one has noticed.
No one in the video attempted to cuff or strip items within the 9 seconds of the video. Usually (from my experiences) once someone says fear rp they immediately cuff and strip comms, but the CI in the video doesn't pull out cuffs or strip comms at any point which IMO should be enough time to do both.
Hopefully this helps out.

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Former Assistant Head Of Maintenance & Engineering

You're a winner kid, don't you ever forget that.

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1 minute ago, General Borealis said:

I know i said i wouldn't add on here but i thought this should be brought up since no one has noticed.
No one in the video attempted to cuff or strip items within the 9 seconds of the video. Usually (from my experiences) once someone says fear rp they immediately cuff and strip comms, but the CI in the video doesn't pull out cuffs or strip comms at any point which IMO should be enough time to do both.
Hopefully this helps out.

The plan was to get them to put their hands up, which is the first step for multiple hostages, you can watch me type it out.


2 hours ago, Phillers said:

This sit was already handled in game by a staff member. If you believe that said staff member handled unjustly or unfairly, you should be reporting them. Staff's decision in a sit is final, after all.

As for this situation, metagame is not applicable because even IF he got told it through Ts3 he could've been in an RP Channel, and as 527 is a Anomaly which is both Humanoid & Sentient, and is allowed to assist Foundation staff it could've warned him just fine.

im not complaining about the sit, the sit was fine, but that stuff just seemed to run through my mind and i completely forgot, and the fact that he was high command, given multiple chances to look in chat, and he saw us multiple times before turning and running away.


Senior Admin/Forums dip/Support Supervisor | former the following: HTF/E4 Head | Only Anubis award winner | Former Nu7 HFTO and CI OFTO | Sec MSGT+Pertinax

Owns: Omi-9 'Last Remnants' | Farmer Tucker | Farmer Darius XIIReznov Klushie | Foxx       On:  Alpha-8 |  S.T.A.R.SIota-13 'Luxxy's Soldiers' 


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2 hours ago, Phillers said:

This sit was already handled in game by a staff member. If you believe that said staff member handled unjustly or unfairly, you should be reporting them. Staff's decision in a sit is final, after all.

As for this situation, metagame is not applicable because even IF he got told it through Ts3 he could've been in an RP Channel, and as 527 is a Anomaly which is both Humanoid & Sentient, and is allowed to assist Foundation staff it could've warned him just fine.


9 hours ago, Sprinklertek said:

I was in fact the moderator on the scene. I decided to go with a verbal because it was clearly miscommunication from both sides. J0LT was typing in chat which could have been easily overlooked and in the clip not all of the CI were actually pointing there guns at him.  I also see no evidence really of meta gaming and in the original staff sit this was not said so that part I have no idea what happened.  The thing that really ticks me off is that people are saying that is "staff bias" which it defiantly was not. I handed out a punishment which is the necessary punishment for this report according the staff handbook and it seemed like a complete miscommunication in the clip and when Infamous was there he explained the situation and even admitted he did not see all the CI and did not see the chat. Also 527 can talk so it was not metagaming for the Fish to tell him that there was CI there.


 Former Security 2LT | Former EWD|  Former OM5|Former Medical SM|Former Reznov Klushkie| Former SCP-RP Senior Moderator


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8 hours ago, [GL] Zeus said:


Infamous was on a Non Combatant class and if you notice in the clip there were 2 guns actively pointed in his general direction at 12 seconds (Aguila and Liberty).
From Rookieblue "Voice chat distance is FearRP distance, barring closed doors, walls, and any other cover. They must be within line of sight."
He was in the line of sight of the 2 E4 therefore this would constitute FearRP and im pretty sure Rookie has stated  "Additionally, there isn't a requirement to yell out FearRP, but it makes it much easier for all involved

I understand the argument here about the 527 but with regards to just in general FearRP saying that you shouldn’t follow it cause we don’t yell it out doesn’t make sense. It was put in chat for a solid 5-10 seconds before the hostage ran. The fact that E4 have a COS doesn’t really help as well.

this is FACTS. doesn't matter if it was a simple mistake... we've all been through this and have been punished, even if it was a mistake. although they may be a nice person, they did break a rule....

Former Head of Janitorial | HCZ man geerlvl 70 life wizard | Roblox Clothing Designer 


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