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Josh's LT Application


Do I deserve to be a PD LT?  

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Rockford Police Department

 Low Command Application


InRank You are Applying For: LT

Game Name: Josh

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:104301095

Current Rank: SM

How long have you been in your current rank?: Around 3 - 4 months

What timezone are you in?: CST

How many Warns do you have?: 2

Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum):  Through out the time of being in Gaminglight, I've learned so much, and probably will never leave Gaminglight for a LONG time.  For a long time now I have been a PD unit and also is the thing that kind of got me attached to Gaminglight, and TBH that makes PD my start of a great journey.  As it does say its self I'm not going to be leaving anytime soon, nor be  a SM, and soon hopefully a LT. I do also say I have great Low Command/Commanding : Example  -  Retired ST Vice Commander - Reserve ST RTR HVYR SCTR JTR BTR  LTC Josh 1424 - Retired  US LTC Josh - Retired Ranger Lead Josh -  Former  USMC  FORECON COL Josh  -  Former USAF AFSOC CPT Josh - Retired USDI CPT Josh - Retired USMP MPO Josh :. Point that I'm making is, if and when I do become the rank of LT in PD, I'm not going to be no where near as new to commanding and leading like some of the other LT and up. I would also say I am semi-well known through out PoliceRP, MilitaryRP, and ImperailRP. Another couple of other points I could bring out is : 1 - Have never been demoted, or striked in Military. 2 - Never really have been yelled at as a PD unit. 3 - Have been in 7 different department's prior to this (Left them). 4 - only in currently right now 2 departments (FBI and PD) 5 - Have been staff in 3 Gaminglight servers, and event team in 2 of them. 6 -  Never have been Banned from any Gaminglight server. These reasons I do believe, I deserve LT.

You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes 

 "I will adhere to the ethical values of professionalism, integrity, responsiveness, sensitivity, respect and openness; That I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter."

Signed off by - SM Josh 1D31




Edited by [MillRP] [PoliceRP] Josh

Currently SM Josh 1B65 | Trooper Josh 1T
"A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better then a master of one"
Recently retired USM CPT, Deputy Head Dispatcher, Police RP Moderator, POL Level 10 (High Com), CPT Josh 1L65 and SCU SGT Josh 1R65 | Staffing: Ex Senior Moderator IMPRP - Retired Moderator PRP x2, MILRP - Retired Event team IMPRP, MILRP | Biggest Ranks: Retired Storm Trooper Vice Commander - Retired COL USMC MARSOC and FORECON Head - CPT+ in all branch's of US in MILRP - Experience in 9 different Departments PRP | Member Since late 2018

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heres the thing from my POV. 

- i havent seen you on PD for the amount of activity a LT requires (could be timezones)

-you just came back


No hard feelings josh i enioy  having you around and all that but i just wish I saw you more active and i think you need more SM time before i +support

(not gonna -support yet cause of timezone issue, if others say differently i will change it)

  • Gaminglight Love 1


Former: Dispatch Director | PD MAJ | SCU CPT | FBI SAIC/HRT/DEA | SCO19


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  • Head Admin


- Low activity
-Public poll


I'd like to see you in game more frequently and hear that you are training more cadets, I do my best to be in game everyday yet I haven't really noticed you that much (which is important if you are going for a command position).

Edited by Will (WTLM2013)
  • Gaminglight Love 1


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2 hours ago, Will (WTLM2013) said:


- Low activity
-Public poll


I'd like to see you in game more frequently and hear that you are training more cadets, I do my best to be in game everyday yet I haven't really noticed you that much (which is important if you are going for a command position).

- support

  • Gaminglight Love 1

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking." -Steve Jobs

"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game." -Babe Ruth

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." -Thomas A. Edison

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." -Dr. Seuss

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4 hours ago, Will (WTLM2013) said:


- Low activity
-Public poll


I'd like to see you in game more frequently and hear that you are training more cadets, I do my best to be in game everyday yet I haven't really noticed you that much (which is important if you are going for a command position).


  • Gaminglight Love 1





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4 hours ago, Will (WTLM2013) said:


- Low activity
-Public poll


I'd like to see you in game more frequently and hear that you are training more cadets, I do my best to be in game everyday yet I haven't really noticed you that much (which is important if you are going for a command position).


  • Gaminglight Love 1

|PD Captain|UMC LVL 2|Deputy Dispatch Director|

"I love the rain"

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I would love to +support, you have command experience and are a great sergeant major. The only problem I have is I don’t think I’ve seen you on the PD job once since you posted this. I recommend staying active for a bit longer next time before you post the app.

  • Gaminglight Love 1


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44 minutes ago, Solomon said:


I would love to +support, you have command experience and are a great sergeant major. The only problem I have is I don’t think I’ve seen you on the PD job once since you posted this. I recommend staying active for a bit longer next time before you post the app.

Like Solomon said you should try get active for a week or two then apply

  • Gaminglight Love 1


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- Support 

- Havent seen you in ages 

- Never on PD 

Overall I don't believe you should be PD command Yet as you aren't active on PD and I've just started seeing you on the community again so it would be better if you got back into the PRP Community and get on PD before Applying for PD Command. 

Good Luck 


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On 9/22/2020 at 8:33 PM, Will (WTLM2013) said:


- Low activity
-Public poll


I'd like to see you in game more frequently and hear that you are training more cadets, I do my best to be in game everyday yet I haven't really noticed you that much (which is important if you are going for a command position).

I like you josh just be more active and you will get a +support from me

 PD SM | SWAT LT | SL Consigliere 

MLG Pro Negev player 



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  • Head of Staff
2 hours ago, Cammy said:

- Support 

- Havent seen you in ages 

- Never on PD 

Overall I don't believe you should be PD command Yet as you aren't active on PD and I've just started seeing you on the community again so it would be better if you got back into the PRP Community and get on PD before Applying for PD Command. 

Good Luck 

Good dude and good SM but not active

Edited by frog milk

ImperialRP SMT | Head of Staff       

Head Forums Diplomat

Former High Admiral | Former DT Commander | Former State LTCOL | Former SPRT Commander

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On 9/23/2020 at 1:33 AM, Will (WTLM2013) said:


- Low activity
-Public poll


I'd like to see you in game more frequently and hear that you are training more cadets, I do my best to be in game everyday yet I haven't really noticed you that much (which is important if you are going for a command position).

judging by your experience you would most likely make a good command member in PD but activity is also a vital factor in being command, personally I've never seen you on and having an inactive command member would just be terrible. so  -/+ support in general 

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On 9/23/2020 at 2:33 AM, Will (WTLM2013) said:


- Low activity
-Public poll


I'd like to see you in game more frequently and hear that you are training more cadets, I do my best to be in game everyday yet I haven't really noticed you that much (which is important if you are going for a command position).


"When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor. " - Elon Musk

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(Sorry for replying to my own App)

Everyone that replied to this, thank you for your feedback! I know im just coming back from Imperial RP, and since school is starting its even more hard to get on. But, here is the schedule you might see me on.

Sunday : Can normally be on after 3 - 5 CST and go until around 8 CST (Got school next day)

Monday : Thursday : Can not be on (dad rules), unless there rare cases like if its raining, or parents are gone all day.

Friday : Can be on around 4pm - 6pm CST to 2am+ CST the next day.

Now, ik it seems dumb to kinda show this, but when I can get the chance to get on, I do. Also im juggling FBI and PD, and yes I recently came back. And I know this might seem very stupid to post this, as some people can take this as "can be on enough for command", but I do not intend that. I am normally active on forums and discord at all times. The actual reason im posting this if for command and people who might be in other times zones. I completely understand every single one of your -supports, and dont want any of you to change it. If I were any of you, replying to this, I would completely -support it too.

- Josh


Edited by [MillRP] [PoliceRP] Josh

Currently SM Josh 1B65 | Trooper Josh 1T
"A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better then a master of one"
Recently retired USM CPT, Deputy Head Dispatcher, Police RP Moderator, POL Level 10 (High Com), CPT Josh 1L65 and SCU SGT Josh 1R65 | Staffing: Ex Senior Moderator IMPRP - Retired Moderator PRP x2, MILRP - Retired Event team IMPRP, MILRP | Biggest Ranks: Retired Storm Trooper Vice Commander - Retired COL USMC MARSOC and FORECON Head - CPT+ in all branch's of US in MILRP - Experience in 9 different Departments PRP | Member Since late 2018

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On 9/22/2020 at 8:33 PM, Will (WTLM2013) said:


- Low activity
-Public poll


I'd like to see you in game more frequently and hear that you are training more cadets, I do my best to be in game everyday yet I haven't really noticed you that much (which is important if you are going for a command position).



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On 9/22/2020 at 5:33 PM, Will (WTLM2013) said:


- Low activity
-Public poll


I'd like to see you in game more frequently and hear that you are training more cadets, I do my best to be in game everyday yet I haven't really noticed you that much (which is important if you are going for a command position).


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On 9/24/2020 at 8:25 AM, Cammy said:

- Support 

- Havent seen you in ages 

- Never on PD 

Overall I don't believe you should be PD command Yet as you aren't active on PD and I've just started seeing you on the community again so it would be better if you got back into the PRP Community and get on PD before Applying for PD Command. 

Good Luck 



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