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Add -GL to any SCPs that are made just for Gaminglight - Accepted


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What are you suggesting? - Add -GL to the end of any SCPs that are made specifically for this server, such as SCP-5208-GL

How would this change better the server? - Lessens any confusions between the 5208 (and its actual conterpart) and any other SCPs that would be added that dont exist.

Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - No, not really.

Who would this change mostly benefit? - Everyone

Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A

lol, lmao even

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28 minutes ago, Gunther said:

Yea, at the time 5208 didn't exist, and still technically doesn't, but now 5208 is a raccoon. +Support


                                                                             Chad of many names       Professional Shit talker


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1 hour ago, Gunther said:

Yea, at the time 5208 didn't exist, and still technically doesn't, but now 5208 is a raccoon. +Support


EX MTF Omi9 RCT WAK RC22 | MTF Nu7 CPL WAK O07C | MTF E11 PFC WAK | Event Team Member

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1 hour ago, Gunther said:

Yea, at the time 5208 didn't exist, and still technically doesn't, but now 5208 is a raccoon. +Support


~Your Local SCP Lead AdminAka: Rekti-High
The REAL Don Godfather 527 | CEO of the Minge Team | The Baby Joe | Leader of the Fish Mafia

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16 minutes ago, Rookieblue said:

Or we could just change the number to something that doesn't exist again, which I would be more in favor of.

Well sir, the issue with that is in theory eventually that number will exist. Take the example of 5208 as pointed out in this post. Of course, it would look nicer to not have “-GL,” but it would be a cat and mouse game of constantly changing if we went through with your approach. 

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-Support, just do what Rookie said.

"Without morals, are we truly any better than the things we've set ourselves to contain?"

EX-Site Director   EX-Super Admin | EX-Event Team Lead | Otter Lover Regardless of what SMT Says, not a furry. R&D Senior Inspector


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+ Support I like what both you and rookie said. 

 “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi 

Retired Director of Intelligence(2023) &  Former Epsilon-11 Commander (2020/2023)

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