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Maddog Player report


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Your in game name: Rico

Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:524703515

The player's in game name: Maddogg

The player's steam ID (required):STEAM_0:1:125339230

What did the player do: Unrestrained a hostage being held at gunpoint - No Value of life

Evidence (required): 

What do you believe should happen to the player: A very stern talking to and a spanking delivered by Yobo - or whater ever fits the crime here

Any extra information: There was NO RP here, if the hostage was at gunpoint, with 2 guns at his head, no state trooper is going to sprint in and attempt to unrestrain them

Edited by RicoTheGoat
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4 minutes ago, Max Holland said:

There was 1 minute left in the robbery, meaning gov move in. Meaning negotiations are off. That’s why they moved in and unrestrained him.

Yeah, sorry but I'm gonna -Support this. Negotiations could've been called off when you shot your Negev. They were kind enough to play your game until one minute. However, removing restraints in the middle of a firefight is a bit of a lack of value for life.

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+/- Support

Negotiations were brought down to a minute which means gov can move in.
However, there is no way in hell a officer would be able to move in an uncuff the hostage while 2 gun were drawn, just doesn't seem right and semi-failrp. 

PoliceRP: Former PD LT.

ImperialRP: Starkiller, former 8th Brother, StarFighter Vice Marshall, 501st CPT, and Admin.

MilitaryRP: Captain Price, former USAF Lieutenant Colonel.
JVS:  Former Darth Vader

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+/- Support

  • Unrestrained the hostage while gun(s) were still on him. 
  • Government was moving in so semi-failrp.

Ender | Former SWAT Lieutenant | Senior Low Command | SWAT FTO | Previous PoliceRP Administrator 

COL Will 1L52 to admins: Max, you ain't going to scare them, you are on a female model and stuttering...

"So what're you doing?" - @SWAT LT Ender 22-D "Putting my clothes back on". - @SWAT SFC Nao 27-D

"There's a fine line between right and wrong. And somewhere, in the shadows, they've sent us to find it."

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-support i was here for this 

 maddog actually wanted to  to let you guys get the money and get the hostage out safely but other tac unit heads wanted    to move in he got an order to   release  the hostage   

plus i am pretty damn sure  this was  handled in game  

other thing i want to let you know there was no guns on the hostage the guy with the awp was aiming at the dogs  soo    that being said he had every right to unrestrained him 

Edited by Hannah


                        SWAT PVT Hannah XR39-CPL Hannah King  XC65 - Hannah King 



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+/-  support 

Regardless if gov were pushing,  you should always try to preserve hostages life. Unrestaining while 2 guns pointed at him does show no value for life...

'you may see my struggle, but you won't see me quit'

'Success depends on the second letter'

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14 minutes ago, Sion said:

+/-  support 

Regardless if gov were pushing,  you should always try to preserve hostages life. Unrestaining while 2 guns pointed at him does show no value for life...

watch the video til  the end they pointed there guns at the dogs  thats when he ran to the hostage so he basically tried saving him  


                        SWAT PVT Hannah XR39-CPL Hannah King  XC65 - Hannah King 



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5 hours ago, Hannah said:

-support i was here for this 

 maddog actually wanted to  to let you guys get the money and get the hostage out safely but other tac unit heads wanted    to move in he got an order to   release  the hostage   

plus i am pretty damn sure  this was  handled in game  

other thing i want to let you know there was no guns on the hostage the guy with the awp was aiming at the dogs  soo    that being said he had every right to unrestrained him 


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5 hours ago, Hannah said:

-support i was here for this 

 maddog actually wanted to  to let you guys get the money and get the hostage out safely but other tac unit heads wanted    to move in he got an order to   release  the hostage   

plus i am pretty damn sure  this was  handled in game  

other thing i want to let you know there was no guns on the hostage the guy with the awp was aiming at the dogs  soo    that being said he had every right to unrestrained him 

Also What were taxes at or how many SS were there?

Edited by K1LLER

Killer | Gaminglight Member Since 2016 | Retired PD Colonel l State Major l SPRT Co-Commander l FBI Assistant Director l  UMC Level 4

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5 hours ago, Hannah said:

-support i was here for this 

 maddog actually wanted to  to let you guys get the money and get the hostage out safely but other tac unit heads wanted    to move in he got an order to   release  the hostage   

plus i am pretty damn sure  this was  handled in game  

other thing i want to let you know there was no guns on the hostage the guy with the awp was aiming at the dogs  soo    that being said he had every right to unrestrained him 



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- Support

Guns were not pointed at Maddog.

Because you shot the president as soon as we moved in. this means that his aim was always at the pres not Maddog. Because if it was on Maddog he would of had to retake aim too shoot the president... "Toby has been made wanted by... Carson Wealer" If the gun was pointed at Maddog it would of hit him first.

As soon as me and Max moved in on K9 Your attention was on us and not them your gun moved away from Maddog and towards the center of the vault door of us rushing in.
If Maddog was truly under gunpoint the negev would of shreaded him..

It was 1 Minute left all bets were off and the whole pd force and Matthew with a car rushed in. 


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7 hours ago, Yobo said:

- Support

Guns were not pointed at Maddog.

Because you shot the president as soon as we moved in. this means that his aim was always at the pres not Maddog. Because if it was on Maddog he would of had to retake aim too shoot the president... "Toby has been made wanted by... Carson Wealer" If the gun was pointed at Maddog it would of hit him first.

As soon as me and Max moved in on K9 Your attention was on us and not them your gun moved away from Maddog and towards the center of the vault door of us rushing in.
If Maddog was truly under gunpoint the negev would of shreaded him..

It was 1 Minute left all bets were off and the whole pd force and Matthew with a car rushed in. 


That bald Aussie Guy

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18 hours ago, Hannah said:

-support i was here for this 

 maddog actually wanted to  to let you guys get the money and get the hostage out safely but other tac unit heads wanted    to move in he got an order to   release  the hostage   

plus i am pretty damn sure  this was  handled in game  

other thing i want to let you know there was no guns on the hostage the guy with the awp was aiming at the dogs  soo    that being said he had every right to unrestrained him 

My gun was on the Hostage at the end as soon as they rushed in i awped him in the head then went for the dogs 

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Changing to a + Support

yes and no on the importance that the  negotiations were off, still can't unrestrain someone when guns are on the person/previous negotiator. It's semi-failrp because of that though. 

  • If you actually review the video, frame by frame you can see Maddog was still under FearRP because the combat had not started yet. 
  • Other person still had gun on him. President is unrestrained before any combat happens and before the guys shoot at the dogs. 

https://gyazo.com/d7383254faaeebb174390f3aa5c9ebc2 - [ Unrestrained while AWP was on Maddog / President and right before actual shooting/combat started. ] 

https://gyazo.com/e1bde1fd4ccfdf9189e681fb806d0b81  - Weapon [AWP] was still on him. 


Definition of Combat - 

fighting between armed forces.

Definition of FailRP -  [to the closest, understandable description]

an event surrounding an action that your character commits that is not probable.

Ender | Former SWAT Lieutenant | Senior Low Command | SWAT FTO | Previous PoliceRP Administrator 

COL Will 1L52 to admins: Max, you ain't going to scare them, you are on a female model and stuttering...

"So what're you doing?" - @SWAT LT Ender 22-D "Putting my clothes back on". - @SWAT SFC Nao 27-D

"There's a fine line between right and wrong. And somewhere, in the shadows, they've sent us to find it."

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38 minutes ago, Ender said:

Changing to a + Support

yes and no on the importance that the  negotiations were off, still can't unrestrain someone when guns are on the person/previous negotiator. It's semi-failrp because of that though. 

  • If you actually review the video, frame by frame you can see Maddog was still under FearRP because the combat had not started yet. 
  • Other person still had gun on him. President is unrestrained before any combat happens and before the guys shoot at the dogs. 

 - [ Unrestrained while AWP was on Maddog / President and right before actual shooting/combat started. ] 

https://gyazo.com/e1bde1fd4ccfdf9189e681fb806d0b81  - Weapon [AWP] was still on him. 


Definition of Combat - 

fighting between armed forces.

Definition of FailRP -  [to the closest, understandable description]

an event surrounding an action that your character commits that is not probable.

if his weapon was aimed at him why did  he  miss his shot?  and you cant aim an sniper at 2 people     that doesn't make any sense  plus he got orders and attemped  to save the president from  heads of other departments  


                        SWAT PVT Hannah XR39-CPL Hannah King  XC65 - Hannah King 



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On 5/12/2020 at 1:18 PM, Dredgen said:

+/- Support

Negotiations were brought down to a minute which means gov can move in.
However, there is no way in hell a officer would be able to move in an uncuff the hostage while 2 gun were drawn, just doesn't seem right and semi-failrp. 


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4 hours ago, Ender said:

Changing to a + Support

yes and no on the importance that the  negotiations were off, still can't unrestrain someone when guns are on the person/previous negotiator. It's semi-failrp because of that though. 

  • If you actually review the video, frame by frame you can see Maddog was still under FearRP because the combat had not started yet. 
  • Other person still had gun on him. President is unrestrained before any combat happens and before the guys shoot at the dogs. 

https://gyazo.com/d7383254faaeebb174390f3aa5c9ebc2 - [ Unrestrained while AWP was on Maddog / President and right before actual shooting/combat started. ] 

https://gyazo.com/e1bde1fd4ccfdf9189e681fb806d0b81  - Weapon [AWP] was still on him. 


Definition of Combat - 

fighting between armed forces.

Definition of FailRP -  [to the closest, understandable description]

an event surrounding an action that your character commits that is not probable.


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Truthfully this is a complicated matter, however it was already handled in-game. Maddog come speak to me in TS when you are available.

PoliceRP I Head Admin I PD: Colonel I Retired SWAT Commander Deputy Sheriff 

ImperialRP I Retired Grand Inquisitor 47th Battalion I Chimaera Legion I

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