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Jay's False Warn Appeal- Accepted


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Your In-game: Killer


Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:108296102


The admin's name in-game: Jay


The admin's steam name (If you know it): [GL] JUICY1_1JUG


What warning did you receive: FailRP (Killing Someone In Cuffs)


Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://prnt.sc/rqku4l - the warn https://prnt.sc/rqkyp4 - Proof that we had a hostage, as during the sit they did not believe I had a hostage, but I put proof saying I did and they did not listen


Why do you think this warn was false: I think this warning is false because, I had a hostage in my taco bell and I put the hostage in my bathroom but somehow Trooper LT Wolf saw my hostage most likely through the windows and called for backup which then I ran behind my counter and pulled out a gun and started shooting them once I shot LT Wolf a few times, he ran (SWAT was already on scene) and SWAT went to breach so I jumped out the drive thru window and walked in the front door walking pass the SNR because PD guns are worse than CERT / STATE / SWAT and whoever else was on scene  and I wasn't really scared of an SNR. I ran past the SNR to go to my bathroom to go kill my hostage which I didn't know my friend ran in the bathroom already and shot down the hostage but for some reason someone cuffed him in the bathroom where my hostage was so I had no clue who was who since I was on 4 FPS and LT Wolf was in the door and I decided to spray him down but while I was spraying him down he walked backwards lining up with my friend so I had to turn my head to shoot LT wolf and after LT wolf died I was just very laggy and choppy and I had no clue he was already dead so I kept shooting which then killed my friend and I turned around right after not even realizing I killed my friend after as I was also just spraying down the bathroom to try to kill my hostage but I had no clue who was who and I turned  around and sprayed down SWAT, and CERT which then I died to a PD unit as I was very weak. During the sit I told my side and it seemed like this staff member was not even reading what I typed because I said It was cross fire when I killed my friend and then later in the sit he kept saying, You killed your friend which I already said I did but it was crossfire. I also asked for a higher up admin at least 4 times and the staff member was just about to warn me until masterson came up in a car and I asked masterson to take the sit and we went over the footage, and Jay and Lemon kept saying I turned my head to shoot my friend but I turned my head to shoot LT Wolf as he moved and got right in front of my friend. I know your not suppose to kill your friend while in cuffs but like I said earlier it was cross fire mainly because I had 4 FPS which everyone else did as well (or close to that) and I thought my friend was the hostage (even if they don't look similar I really can't tell the difference when i'm 4 FPS) and LT Wolf also lined up with him so even if it was my hostage they would still be dead and I did not know it was my friend in cuffs, since he didn't say anything in discord that he went to go kill the hostage or he was cuffed so I had no idea that my friend was in custody already.


Any extra information: Not Really, but like it was really confusion and lag so I really don't find it necessary for it to be a warn it could've at least been a verbal but that whole sit I felt like Jay was just taking Lemon's side the whole time and was not listening to anything I was saying.

Edited by K1LLER

Killer | Gaminglight Member Since 2016 | Retired PD Colonel l State Major l SPRT Co-Commander l FBI Assistant Director l  UMC Level 4

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Gonna go out on a limb here and +support. I was on server during this time and the lag was HORRENDOUS. My ping got to 3200+. The story sounds very likely and Killer is a good guy, I'm he wouldnt do it on purpose

Retired as IRP assistant head game master, IRP SNR admin, PRP admin, IC Commander, SRT 2LT, EMS Head Deputy, FR DEFR

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Waiting for @Jay? or @Jay KAPP. Whichever is the right account. 

Ender | Former SWAT Lieutenant | Senior Low Command | SWAT FTO | Previous PoliceRP Administrator 

COL Will 1L52 to admins: Max, you ain't going to scare them, you are on a female model and stuttering...

"So what're you doing?" - @SWAT LT Ender 22-D "Putting my clothes back on". - @SWAT SFC Nao 27-D

"There's a fine line between right and wrong. And somewhere, in the shadows, they've sent us to find it."

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ok so my side

i claim @Dropperlemons sit and he said that killer killed a guy in cuffs and i said ok and i brought killer and i got both of there sides and then dropperlemon should me video and so i watched the video 4 times and it clearly showed killer killing a guy that was in cuffs and killer is saying that he didn't he was trying to kill the person they kidnapped but killer was no where near the person he kidnapped and it just shows in logs that he killed a person in cuffs and running past the officers so after and in the video it shows that killer ran into the bathroom and after killing wolf he aims a the guy in handcuffs and kills him so.. I told killer that he did kill they guy in cuffs then he wanted another admin and then master-son came and he watched the video and said basically the same thing i said to killer and then i prospered on giving killer the warn for failrp 

( @Dropperlemon has the video ) 


Edit: i did listen to you i told you that one of your friends killed the hostage and but it doesn't change the fact that you killed someone in cuffs 

Edited by Jay KAPP
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8 minutes ago, Jay KAPP said:

ok so my side

i claim @Dropperlemons sit and he said that killer killed a guy in cuffs and i said ok and i brought killer and i got both of there sides and then dropperlemon should me video and so i watched the video 4 times and it clearly showed killer killing a guy that was in cuffs and killer is saying that he didn't he was trying to kill the person they kidnapped but killer was no where near the person he kidnapped and it just shows in logs that he killed a person in cuffs and running past the officers so after and in the video it shows that killer ran into the bathroom and after killing wolf he aims a the guy in handcuffs and kills him so.. I told killer that he did kill they guy in cuffs then he wanted another admin and then master-son came and he watched the video and said basically the same thing i said to killer and then i prospered on giving killer the warn for failrp 

( @Dropperlemon has the video ) 


I said why I ran pass the gov, is I went to go kill the hostage, sure I wasn't near the hostage but usually when the hostage dies some tac would be "we got the hostage killed" and I did damage CERT / SWAT and when I went in the door my goal was to kill the hostage then turn around and gun down all the Tac units flooding in through the door which is easier to kill all of them because they are stuck.

Killer | Gaminglight Member Since 2016 | Retired PD Colonel l State Major l SPRT Co-Commander l FBI Assistant Director l  UMC Level 4

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Where they PD cuffs? If so it valid. If they were restrains it false. Also, if he was in pd cuffs, he was a hostage.... you would usually warn someone for failrp if they kill an arrested guy that is enroute to DOC. 



'you may see my struggle, but you won't see me quit'

'Success depends on the second letter'

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1 hour ago, Dropperlemon said:


As you see he completely passes all gov and only shoots wolf because he was in the way and then when wolf dies in the door way he TURNS and starts shoot at his friend

+ support

In the video Lt wolf was in the bathroom with killers friend and killer had no way of knowing his friend was cuffed so he ran in that room to kill wolf who was the initial target of this shootout and to kill the hostage that was already dead.

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1 hour ago, Jimmy James said:

+ support

In the video Lt wolf was in the bathroom with killers friend and killer had no way of knowing his friend was cuffed so he ran in that room to kill wolf who was the initial target of this shootout and to kill the hostage that was already dead.



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This is because i was the one in cuffs (I'm Derick Just a FYI). But yeah i killed the hostage and killer was still outside so then i got put into cuffs and me in Killer were not in a Discord, TeamSpeak anything at the time so we didn't really have anyway to talk to each other so there was no way of him knowing that i was in cuffs or that the hostage was dead. But another thing is i was standing right behind LT wolf cuffed so him running inside of the bathroom spraying a negev trying to kill the hostage that he didn't know was dead and accidently killing me because i was right behind Wolf doesn't seem like a warn able offence to me.

Derick | Gaminglight Member Since 2016 | FBI Deputy Director Derick RA3 | 

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  • Head Admin
On 4/1/2020 at 3:17 PM, Jimmy James said:

+ support

In the video Lt wolf was in the bathroom with killers friend and killer had no way of knowing his friend was cuffed so he ran in that room to kill wolf who was the initial target of this shootout and to kill the hostage that was already dead.

Even after I watched the video, I still have no idea what happened so I'm surprised that Jay and Dropperlemon were able to..


Edited by Will (WTLM2013)


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Go into the ban panel (at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. Fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it.

PoliceRP I Head Admin I PD: Colonel I Retired SWAT Commander Deputy Sheriff 

ImperialRP I Retired Grand Inquisitor 47th Battalion I Chimaera Legion I

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