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Bambob01's Support Application


should i be support  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. should i be support

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In-Game Name: Bambob01

Steam Name:[GL]Bambob01

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:105047825

Are you a Moderator+? Yes

How often are you on TeamSpeak? Everyday without fail

Do you have a working quality mic? Yes

What timezone are you in? GMT But im awake for my time zone and EST time zone

Why would you want to join our Support team( 100 words+) I think I will be a good fit for the support team because I used to be a previous member and I took all my support cases seriously I am a dedicated player to the community and I don't ever want to leave even after all my time here I am still having fun. Also I think being on the staff team will help out the other support members as I don't mind doing the cases and I really do think that they could use the help as everyone is always busy and having one less busy person is always a great help to the team and to the members of the community I can bring my good attitude to the team and also my knowledge of the rules

How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way? I am quick on my feet and can bring up things I need to remember I also have a dedication to my role and love helping others since im never too busy to help I can do support sits

How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our support channels? Hello, im Bambob01 from the gaminglight support team how may I help you today

Have you read our rules and do you promise to uphold all those rules to the best of your ability?Yes/I agree

Edited by Bambob01
adding steam id
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I don’t think he should get accepted and denied for one reason his app feels rushed. 

Jeff Jr Support+

Edited by Jeff Junior
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