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9/11 Tribute


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If you haven't heard, me and 12+ people marched to remember 9/11 and to show that there can be an event set of by non-staff without mingyness. It was a hell of a lot fun and honorable to lead the march and to just be apart of it. Its good to see the good side of gaminglight come together and celebrate our nation and freedom. 

Special thanks to:

LT Tom Brown: Who allowed this to happen and provided an escort

CPL Mighty: Who led the second half of the march

Chappie and Elvis Johnson: who provided marching music along with the national anthem

and Everyone else who participated! 





Edited by DiddleMcSkiddle
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These is really nice of you guys. As @DiddleMcSkiddlesaid, it is nice to see the good side of gaminglight coming together to  remember the people who died on 9/11. Good job guys!

PoliceRP I Head Admin I PD: Colonel I Retired SWAT Commander Deputy Sheriff 

ImperialRP I Retired Grand Inquisitor 47th Battalion I Chimaera Legion I

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I was only 1 when this tragedy happened and I remember my parents telling me when the news spread all around the UK it stood still. Just like all over the world, it was a moment that was truly tragic. I wish all those Americans the best and we are always here for you! The greatest alliance in human history will stand strong together. 


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