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Loli Austin & CHIKEN Warn Request


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Your In-game: Zayn
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:148654009 
The player's name in-game: Loli Austin, CHIKEN PD
The player's steam name (If you know it): N/A
What did the player do: Prop Climbed inside their base to reach a higher level for vantage point over PD and any raiders.
Evidence (REQUIRED): http://prntscr.com/jprgr3 | http://prntscr.com/jprgw8 | First picture is length | 2nd is with only one prop supporting the structure
As seen here, their long walkway is supported by ONE ramp at the far side, which is technically prop climb since nothing is holding it up, I had verbally warned CHIKEN last night and told him I'd be fine if he had it supported. But obviously hadn't listened. [Austins props but CHIKEN could have told him about it] 
Once called out for prop climb, Austin did also call me salty seen here: http://prntscr.com/jpr9ca 
What do you believe should happen to the player: Warns should be given out | Loli Austin = Staff Diss / Player Diss [x] Prop Climb | CHIKEN = i have no clue
Can't wait for all the Loli's to -Support xD


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those are not my props and calling someone salty is not really diss if that hurt your feeling you need to stop playing games overall I lost all my respect for you zayn if you guys think calling someone salty warn me I don't really mind I guess I got to watch what I say

Edited by ^5austindoble2013
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It is my base and my props! Zayn first of all i have nothing against you and i hope you dont take anything to offense. yesterday i had the same base and Zayn was on admin and came by and said i was prop climbing. There was a part of the base that was just floating in mid air and i can agree it was prop climbing at the time...after i deleted it i believe he said alright idk about this one ( the one hes now reporting me for) but i think its ok. (i dont fully remember his words) Today he pmed me during a money silo raid at my base to remove it or ill get warned (he wasn't on staff at the time he was dead). I then told him if he could get an admin to tell everyone to stop and i would fix it. Later that day we have 2 super admins and three admins confirm the base was perfectly ok. Super admins were Felix and fame. I can see how it would kinda be prop climb and i would not fight the warn but i mean it was confirmed to be ok and im not doing it on purpose.

Edited by CHIKEN
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First its all connected to the sall, then all welded together, the wall thats next to it is also connected.


Doesn't really work like that. nothing is supporting it from the bottom so in reality, the platform would collapse, you'd just fall through.

Ok zayn first of all i have nothing against you and i hope you dont take anything to offense. yesterday i had the same base and zayn was on admin and came by and said i was prop climbing. There was a part of the base that was just floating in mid air and i can agree it was prop climbing at the time...after i deleted it i believe he said alright idk about this one ( the one hes now reporting me for) but i think its ok. (i dont fully remember his words) Today he pmed me during a money silo raid at my base to remove it or ill get warned (he wasn't on staff at the time he was dead). I then told him if he could get an admin to tell everyone to stop and i would fix it. Later that day we have 2 super admins and three admins confirm the base was perfectly ok. Super admins were Felix and fame. I can see how it would kinda be prop climb and i would not fight the warn but i mean it was confirmed to be ok and im not doing it on purpose.

I never came back after I told you it was prop climb, Today I told you that you were prop climbing and i had already verbally warned you for it so it should be a warn. Never promised a warn lol. I'm sorry but whether they say it's ok or not. It's still TECHNICALLY prop climb.


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Doesn't really work like that. nothing is supporting it from the bottom so in reality, the platform would collapse, you'd just fall through.

I never came back after I told you it was prop climb, Today I told you that you were prop climbing and i had already verbally warned you for it so it should be a warn. Never promised a warn lol. I'm sorry but whether they say it's ok or not. It's still TECHNICALLY prop climb.

You rely on advice from higher staff members. Contact someone higher than those who said the base was fine to get final approval

SCPRP Head of Staff

Lead Discord Administrator 

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You rely on advice from higher staff members. Contact someone higher than those who said the base was fine to get final approval

Im sorry zayn but i have to agree with Th3 if a higher admin says the base is completely fine than i believed i should not be warned

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The disrespect is a reach.

I personally wouldn’t count that as prop climb my personal opinion.

I mean you weren’t on staff at the time and the staff on duty according to his story said it wasn’t Im assuming that’s why you took it to the forums cause you couldn’t get someone to warn him in game.

Cause normally this isn’t something you take to the forums when staff is on.


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The base looked fine to me, however I do not like the base as it is extremely un fair to Government. That base is practically impossible to raid because there was like 10 of you and the base was almost entirely made out of fences with small walkways that pd could walk through just to get lit up. I don't see a problem with the "prop climb" allegations, though I do think the base needs some serious work. I will speak to SMT addressing OP bases that criminals have been making lately and get a response.

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The base looked fine to me, however I do not like the base as it is extremely un fair to Government. That base is practically impossible to raid because there was like 10 of you and the base was almost entirely made out of fences with small walkways that pd could walk through just to get lit up. I don't see a problem with the "prop climb" allegations, though I do think the base needs some serious work. I will speak to SMT addressing OP bases that criminals have been making lately and get a response.

No rules were broken tho, and we had to make an OP base for 8 money silos lol

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ehh idek know what to give  so I will go with fames answerer

The base looked fine to me, however I do not like the base as it is extremely un fair to Government. That base is practically impossible to raid because there was like 10 of you and the base was almost entirely made out of fences with small walkways that pd could walk through just to get lit up. I don't see a problem with the "prop climb" allegations, though I do think the base needs some serious work. I will speak to SMT addressing OP bases that criminals have been making lately and get a response.



                        SWAT PVT Hannah XR39-CPL Hannah King  XC65 - Hannah King 



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The base looked fine to me, however I do not like the base as it is extremely un fair to Government. That base is practically impossible to raid because there was like 10 of you and the base was almost entirely made out of fences with small walkways that pd could walk through just to get lit up. I don't see a problem with the "prop climb" allegations, though I do think the base needs some serious work. I will speak to SMT addressing OP bases that criminals have been making lately and get a response.

"Crack open a cold one mate, no worries mate, come to the outback mate, gonna go to maccas and get some brekky mate"

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these bases are getting way out of hand. Completely ridiculous.

All these bases do is cause so many issues. They loophole rules and cause stressful situations for staff. 

Please for the love of god, make a rule against these horrible bases. 

Edited by Will Newel
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these bases are getting way out of hand. Completely ridiculous.

All these bases do is cause so many issues. They loophole rules and cause stressful situations for staff. 

Please for the love of god, make a rule against these horrible bases. 

Once again, to be 100% honest, you shouldn't +Support something when no rule was broken, Before we put ANY base to use, we check up with the staff that is online, then we look over the MOTD. We check up with everything, him getting a warn even after getting admins to check it before putting it to use would not be fair on his part.

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these bases are getting way out of hand. Completely ridiculous.

All these bases do is cause so many issues. They loophole rules and cause stressful situations for staff. 

Please for the love of god, make a rule against these horrible bases. 

Will making these bases are the only way possible to defend against swat/srt/cert and we usually still die to them with like 10+ of us... They should make a rule for not allowing bases like this when no swat or srt are on i could agree with that.

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