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Zayn's MAJ Application


Should I be a VCMDR For Medical Corp?  

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Name:  Zayn Yukiteru


SteamID: STEAM_0:1:148654009


Current rank: Captain


How long you have been in your rank (The rank you currently are) : 3 and a half weeks


Rank Wanted: Major [MAJ]


How many warns do you have? 16 [most are to be removed]


Do you have a Working mic? Yes.


Permission(Not required If applying for Lt-Cpt): Commissioner Nolan 1K-88


Why should you be promoted? : I strongly believe I should be promoted for my excellent work in PD, I believe that time in PD as a certain rank isn't as important as the amount of work done in that time. From only the first week and 5 days, I have done so much to be a better officer, from doing 1-2 hour training with OFC's to prepare them for their time in PD, showing them how to breach, do traffic stops, doing /me's, how to use radio, all basic 10 codes, how to do a J turn in a traffic stop and a few other training methods. I also believe that I have shown growth and improvement beyond what was expected at my current rank, Captain. Upon receiving my Captain rank I have learned many new things and matured more into RP and kept rolling with OFC's like a lower rank would. I have lots of respect for the PD and only want it to grow and as much as possible. I believe that I deserve the next step to prove to you that I can take the big step to help the department. I have worked hard and treated this department as my own. I have worked with honesty, dedication and promise to continue my work with integrity. I know you won't regret picking me as I ensure you can trust me to not mess up. Personally I believe I have the requirements to even apply for this position. Another reason I want to be the a Police Major is because I want to expand the scope of my responsibilities and be able to be put in positions that further influence me to change my current position. I want to be a Major because it is the next step in the Police Department and I want to open up future possibilities for myself, such as possibly at some point becoming High Command. I will constantly train newly introduced officers to be the best, respected and well mannered officers on our team. I will train everyone how to successfully raid, work with tactical units, and how to respond to certain calls and situations. Denied or not, I will continue to live up to the departments expectations. Since becoming Low Command I have supervised and evaluated many lower ranking officers and kept a close eye on most civilian gangs like most police should do, I've reviewed many of these gangs to make sure they do not oppose any threats. I always respond to every police report I am able to and make sure they are dealt with accordingly and properly. I also do my best to assist in any / all of the goals and objectives of this department. Whether it's to take down a code red suspect or taking down a gang in a house raid. I always evaluate crime trends, making sure the city is safe and stopping any crime before it reaches the public being first to report it and last to call code 4. Also to make role play even better for myself and PD, I always analyze a crime after sending off suspects in patrol cars by either /me's or trying to figure out what had happened and how. Always when responding to scenes I always make sure I know what's going on, then take command if no other command is at the scene, I direct all officers to change radio frequencies so we can talk about the situation between just us, then we'd establish an inner and outer perimeter to prevent any citizens from entering the scene. I also believe I can make it far within the PD with reason being a SWAT Specialist in my personal life outside of Garry's Mod. I believe having a real officer with knowledge of formations, strategies and guidance. I strongly have faith and hope that I can turn this PD into something more greater than it already is. With personal experience from here on out I can only improve and learn and use my personal skills in game and teach other officers how certain things work such as tickets, arrest reasons, and how to professionally execute duties. I feel that it is important to not run all over the place as a command member, deal with one situation at a time then move to the next other than getting mixed up in 3 or more scenes at once. Every situation I am involved in gets taken care of immediately and recorded. If I were to receive and be accepted for Major I would show great leadership and seniority, by being very kind to younger and lower ranking officers, teaching and guiding them. I can ensure that I am currently exceeding the performance expectation for my current role. I have also developed steady relationships with many PD Officers and constructed well understanding with them, I personally think that Command should be in contact with lower ranking as much as I am and give everyone chances in situations and raids. I've spent countless hours on the Police Department patrolling and making sure everything is running smoothly, doing regular TeamSpeak checks, letting new officers know about the TeamSpeak and it's rules for officers. For the amount of work I have being done on PD could easily be singly handed out to 3 individuals, I work hard and make sure the job is done. I don't want to be promoted for the amount of "power" comes with Major, I would just like to move up and be respected, money and what I am able to do as a higher rank means nothing to me. I would only like to stay respected and do my duty as a police officer. Also this promotion would enable me to seek even greater challenges than I already face and come across. Sometimes the titles are important if you're addressed at a certain level, the people on the other side of the table will be more likely to accept direction or listen to opinions. I don't want to make this application super long as it already is, but thank you for reading and I hope I receive this promotion. 


You agree that complaining or breaking any rules put down by High Command will result in your complete removal from PD Command(Yes/No): Yes.


Notes: Typed this out as a professional application and in role play xD

EDIT: I know my time is kinda low, but I've been online everyday which is good activity. xD

Edited by Zayn


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  • Active
  • Mature
  • Great Role Model for lower ranking officers
  • Application is well made
  • Knows what he is doing as Command
  • Deals with situations well darn good
  • Deserves Major

"Crack open a cold one mate, no worries mate, come to the outback mate, gonna go to maccas and get some brekky mate"

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  • Manager

-/+ Support 

-You need more time as a Captain to be a Major(Thats what NoOne Said)




My only doubt is the need more time

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Former Police Deputy Commissioner and supervisor of Departments

Retired Police RP Head Of Staff

Military RP US CORE S-Colonel  

I can do what you can not, you can do what i cannot, together we can do great things - Mother Teresa

If you give up easily how are you supposed to enjoy the feeling of accomplishment and victory as well as fulfillment, If you give up then it will never lead way for improvement so don't give up keep swimming little fish - NoOne Yukiteru 2K18





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