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Mustard Gas Rule


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What you want to see? - If you get gassed you respawn

Why should we add it? -  If we are trying to Rp things out who can use defibrillator revive someone who got gassed?

What are the advantages of having this? - More Rp 

Who is it mainly for? - criminals

Links to any content -N/A

Edited by JMS
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                        SWAT PVT Hannah XR39-CPL Hannah King  XC65 - Hannah King 



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I have yet to see someone saved after coughing their burnt lungs out by a shock.

Mustard gas doesn’t kill tho but it can make you unconscious or very sick. It’s used to deter the visual sight of the suspects like pepper spray. So when there is hostages it can be used.

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okey this is for every ofcours u would +support xD

i am +supporting to 

but the respawn is just bad ide to be honest. Then u can just do suicide missions and just try to make it to the end of the bank raid and then u dont need to care about getting arrested if u do a bank raid 


- but if they take this in as a rule i relly want them also to make it fearrp if u stay there to die cuz it is then technically suicide in my eyes 

this ruels is bad and should not be put in the MOTD

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Where is the roleplay with your lungs getting blistered and then you slowly getting suffocated to death and all of a sudden getting dfibbed then sent to jail

for real no rp you should be going to the hospital

Also it's op you gas everyone rushes with 255 armor while we lost 50 of are 100 armor 68 health or if you throw 2-3 gas cans we all die 

Edited by ^5austindoble2013
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The gas barely ever kills you it's not meant to it's meant to force you out of where you are if we did this we'd all run into gas get killed and say it was gas so - supoort

Your right the gas never kills until you throw in 2 or just one brings you down to like 40 armor and 80 HP as you have 255 armor and you can just pretty much two shot us after with the nova, and if were in a bank raid and we get gassed we should run(we have nowhere to run) but we cant you will just kill us so fast if we run out, same thing happens in the store you guys gas and we already lost.

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