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Asuna / Steven Staff Report


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Proof is REQUIRED in order to make a staff report!

Your In-Game Name: Zayn

Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:148654009

Staff member's In-Game Name: Asuna Yuki

What did they do? Called first response Nazi's

Evidence (REQUIRED): https://youtu.be/XTsAjIRaShg?t=1353 + http://prntscr.com/ikqvzw 

What do you think is an acceptable punishment? that's up to who ever is over looking this tbh staff demote / staff restrict


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As usual the yukis being a pain and wait I can almost here the sound of them claiming we are harassing them...

Your not funny and that comment was not necessary. Stop being disrespectful.



@Steven King / Asuna Yuki Already apologized to Gaur and we came to an understanding. We spoke to a super admin about comment and he dealt with it. So you’re going to make a staff report on the leader of the Yuki, and everyone who virtually doesn’t like him is going to +Support. If you want him warned so badly, go to an administrator and get him warned for Player Dissrepsect. I’m so confused and lost on why this has to be brought to management. You want Asuna demoted or staff restricted for a simple comment that she made because she was so pissed about First Response throwing 6 gas grenades. Seriously that’s so dumb you can’t even tell me that’s not over powered. But it’s cool because I’m starting to see some PDS point of view of things. Y’all think just because it’s PoliceRp PD get to have every advantage to every situation so they can rek criminals every time. Sorry but thats not how it works. When I’m on PD I don’t use gas gernades I don’t need thats stuff but I still raid people’s bases effectively even by myself or with one other ARU we can do way more then what you did. We simply asked to add gas masks to our custom class and a bunch of people flocked to that post and said no. Why? Because if we have gas maskes you guys will have to kill us the legit way. Not with gas. Not a single person got a shot off on me. I lost 100 armor and 100 health to pure Mustard gas. If no one sees a problem with this then I’m probably just crazy. 

Also you threw Mustard gas  in the middle of the street so don’t tell me your following the handbook.  You then claimed you don’t have to follow th that handbook at all, that you choose too. That’s where you’re mistaken. You have to follow the handbook, and if not expect a new SOP in  the future. 

So i don’t even have to voice my Support but


Also, I’m not going to talk to anyone who is constantly yelling over me and not letting me talk. It was late and I wasn’t going to scream to match your loud voice. 

First response has no clue on how to use Mustard Gas. They just threw 6 of them non chalantly into our base and acted as if it was nothing. 

Even Nolan already talked to Asuna about the Nazi jokes so nothing is going to happen here. I don’t care how many people +Support this post leave the Yukis alone and stop harassing us and making rude and disrespectful comments. I find it funny that Zane made this report. 

I can’t believe how much stress the Yukis are put through on a daily basis. It’s insane. Expect a Police RP meeting with all of Senior Management and all of the PD and all of the Yukis because THIS is out of control and must be stopped. 

Bottom line:

Grow up

Stop harassing us

Stop throwing 6 Mustard gassed into one base 

Stop throwing Mustard gas in the middle of the street

Stop ruining our fun 

Stop targeting the Yukis.


Edited by Fame
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Your not funny and that comment was not necessary. Stop being disrespectful.



@Steven King / Asuna Yuki Already apologized to Gaur and we came to an understanding. We spoke to a super admin about comment and he dealt with it. So you’re going to make a staff report on the leader of the Yuki, and everyone who virtually doesn’t like him is going to +Support. If you want him warned so badly, go to an administrator and get him warned for Player Dissrepsect. I’m so confused and lost on why this has to be brought to management. You want Asuna demoted or staff restricted for a simple comment that she made because she was so pissed about First Response throwing 6 gas grenades. Seriously that’s so dumb you can’t even tell me that’s not over powered. But it’s cool because I’m starting to see some PDS point of view of things. Y’all think just because it’s PoliceRp PD get to have every advantage to every situation so they can rek criminals every time. Sorry but thats not how it works. When I’m on PD I don’t use gas gernades I don’t need thats stuff but I still raid people’s bases effectively even by myself or with one other ARU we can do way more then what you did. We simply asked to add gas masks to our custom class and a bunch of people flocked to that post and said no. Why? Because if we have gas maskes you guys will have to kill us the legit way. Not with gas. Not a single person got a shot off on me. I lost 100 armor and 100 health to pure Mustard gas. If no one sees a problem with this then I’m probably just crazy. 

Also you threw smoke in the middle of the street so don’t tell me your following the handbook.  You then claimed you don’t have to follow th that handbook at all, that you choose too. That’s where you’re mistaken. You have to follow the handbook, and if not expect a new SOP in  the future. 

So i don’t even have to voice my Support but


Also, I’m not going to talk to anyone who is constantly yelling over me and not letting me talk. It was late and I wasn’t going to scream to match your loud voice. 

First response has no clue on how to use Mustard Gas. They just threw 6 of them non chalantly into our base and acted as if it was nothing. 

Even Nolan already talked to Asuna about the Nazi jokes so nothing is going to happen here. I don’t care how many people +Support this post leave the Yukis alone and stop harassing us and making rude and disrespectful comments. I find it funny that Zane made this report. 

I can’t believe how much stress the Yukis are put through on a daily basis. It’s insane. Expect a Police RP meeting with all of Senior Management and all of the PD and all of the Yukis because THIS is out of control and must be stopped. 

Bottom line:

Grow up

Stop harassing us

Stop throwing 6 Mustard gassed into one base 

Stop throwing Mustard gas in the middle of the street

Stop ruining our fun 

Stop targeting the Yukis.


i tried to solve the issue between us but he keeps doing it and i will go to smt i have tried to get them but only on was zeeptin if you wacth that full video u will see the other side

and gas is used to weaken the enemy 

andyou guys ruin the police i get 3 report a day that say the yuiks keep breaking rules and they want to leave the sever 

Edited by Jake Croft
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i tried to solve the issue between us but he keeps doing it and i will go to smt i have tried to get them but only on was zeeptin if you wacth that full video u will see the other side

and gas is used to weaken the enemy 

andyou guys ruin the police i get 3 report a day that say the yuiks keep breaking rules and they want to leave the sever 

Lmao, you have no clue what your talking about. Who is reporting to you about Yukis breaking rules show me evidence of this. Just rewatched the video I counted 7 Gas gernades. You say gas is used to weaken the enemy? Okay how come it killed me. If it’s used to weaken the enemy how come you used 7 instead of 1?! You don’t know what your doing!!

We don’t  break rules Nolan has even said this. We always have a reason to kill someone we don’t just Rdm. So many dissrespectful comments in this video and calling us minges oh yeah expect a meeting because I’m so done 

i can’t be asked with this anymore you guys need to be respectful 

Edited by Fame
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Lmao, you have no clue what your talking about. Who is reporting to you about Yukis breaking rules show me evidence of this. Just rewatched the video I counted 7 Gas gernades. You say gas is used to weaken the enemy? Okay how come it killed me. If it’s used to weaken the enemy how come you used 7 instead of 1?! You don’t know what your doing!!

We don’t  break rules Nolan has even said this. We always have a reason to kill someone we don’t just Rdm. So many dissrespectful comments in this video and calling us minges oh yeah expect a meeting because I’m so done 

i can’t be asked with this anymore you guys need to be respectful 

we threw  three gas and guar threw more so then steven called a admin and they said a admin sit so u guy were healing and so we got are stuff back and you guy keep shooting you guys killed gamik why the admin says stop shooting so we just threw more gas

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we threw  three gas and guar threw more so then steven called a admin and they said a admin sit so u guy were healing and so we got are stuff back and you guy keep shooting you guys killed gamik why the admin says stop shooting so we just threw more gas

I’m not going to argue with you. 

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+support I am really mad about that is in called for

+Support. I want the Yuki's gone. Personaly I like them sometimes but they are causing major problems in this community and is making this community argue with one another. If they cant follow the rules like every other family they need to be dealt with.


After I get home i will get my evidence and post a staff report on Mika Yuki for not taking admin sits professionaly.

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Ah well this was dealy with by gaur by a higher staff? so this going on the froums because?

Like legitmatiely you guys hate us and dont you even lie i have other member tell me.

IF you want evidnce of harrasment check the staff resignation posts.

We just got done after thsi happened and i already talked to nolan and gaur but when you throw 6 gas grandes oh my bad 7 thats over kill you told us you dont have to follow the same rules as everyone else we have video prooof of that.  

Gaur as a witness saw you guys thowing so many gas granades like it comeon 

and my saying is wrong you used the gas liek they did in the french and inidan war the 9 mile line my god was there a lot of gas there and i dont deny it wasnt the best choice of words but when you guys abuse time  and time agian dont even get me started on the defiulators and the forcing us  to RP


Its not an excuse but i was drinking pretty heavliy due to the fact that i was tired of the bs and police targeting me so i said screw it come at me while im drunk 

I mean two things happen when im drunk i get very angery or flirty and well i was pissed if you got video of the entire night check the chat i even adverty it and ooc it so everyone would know 

+Support. I want the Yuki's gone. Personaly I like them sometimes but they are causing major problems in this community and is making this community argue with one another. If they cant follow the rules like every other family they need to be dealt with.


After I get home i will get my evidence and post a staff report on Mika Yuki for not taking admin sits professionaly.

IDK what more you want to say ive held meeting  had management talk to me everynight and im not even kidding had community meeting and staff meetings about it . Just admit it the police hate us becasue were a challaenge.

  Besides woulnt this be a player report and not staff becuase i wasnt on duty i will get jonny raider to upload his video of you gassing us to hell. 

Show the part of the video where i told you guys im not doing this roleplay and tried to leave after you multiple gas granades. I tried leaving peacifully  no i was gunned down after leaving. We have the choice no to RP with you becuase if you dont agree then we can force RP on you and that will be a swell time sir i got some ideas that i need to use 



besides i told the moderator bring all the yukis as a whole and that was that we even said the admin sit it done we will take it on the forums 

Edited by Steven King / Asuna Yuki



Now listen up, any skill that surpasses reason, still comes from reason, right? Skill isn't some kind of miraculous power. It is a talent that only works when the flow of energy inside of us and the flow of energy in our hearts are in perfect synchronization. To perform Yukis duties one must have a strong mind and the ability to focus. It should take over your being and come pouring out of your soul! If all we do is worry about following rules, then our skills will never progress.


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look at the video 1:53 and see that person walking across while their cloaked? didn't report them /

Also, your other member was blocking the bus from leaving with his body 


Your comment at 2:59 to 3:08 


Gets even better their recording in a public channel xD bannable


Then you proceed to say 4;10" oh one of the yukis wants to talk to me its blue or someone " hmmmmm it was me after i got done talking to management because im trying to work out a solution with everyone and you're saying screw management and screw the yukis.


at 6:12 you called to gaur saying "yukis keep threating us" well sir you pointed a gun at me and i dont like guns so what the hell did you expect 

At 9:00 you said their a possible jailbreak and were all gung-ho even your members said no there not but you insisted ( this proves you want to do combat with us, But sadly we dont)


at 10:00 there an

another member:"AK at the Banik im going to grab gasses for you."

Jake "is the yukis?"

AT 11: 53: "wheres the roleplay???and you could make a meme about this and here comes Asuna shooting up the whole PD. Wheres the role play???????"


AT 12:20  pull out a gas grenade at the DOC with fellow officers in the immediate area and said " DO we need some toxic in here" are you shitting me that's more than enough proof to show you are grenade happy Hell the FBI agent said it was code for and you proceded to still run in and say " awww but i was gonna throw... I was gonna gas them"


AT 12;50 you ask your teammates " Should we ask Nolan to initiate Martial law?" what the hell reason would you have to start it?


AT 13:17 you are still driving around code two with no actual emergency" so this is abusing police authority but gg Even the FBI agent was questioning what you're doing and in my opinion, at this point, you are a gas happy bully to other players but let's continue 


At 13:40 you turn your lights off while the other vehicle next to you had thiers on like what even


At 13:50 another member said "... Guar just said he doesn't care if we use gas if their shooting at us" oh really is that how its gonna be now 


At 14:12 idk what the hell you did but you abused something to see in our base you even hit your panic button because?

Also one of your members Said "Wait for me we can just gas it up" so you arent even going to freaking rp this out 


At 14:25 " Dont go to jakes panic it s going to get gassed"


At 14:37  You are spawning gas mask for other people which its only meant to be for your class 


AT 14:48  No weapon out just throwing gas with out confirming how many are inside gg but there's one gas

Even  your guys   said" oh god its the yukis"

Screaming gas it gasket gas it 


At 15:04 there's the second one

At 15:09 third one "It's the ****ing yukis"

At 15:16 "just gas the shit out of them"

At  15:41 combat healing i believe one of my guys were in the back at a base with a keypad and block so directly out of line of fire 

At 15:58 flash bang goes out my god at this point number 3


At 16:08 Forrest tells you guys to stop the raid admin sit you said " no" well that interfering with an admin sit buddy 


AT16:49 you guys are such combat healers say what? no direct line of fire and we didn't have the code to the where the silo was sexy legs did


At 16:59 he killed him so he could get more gas just great


AT 17:12 doing it again 

Note im walking out  leaving the rp scene its pure on abusive at this point then 

i have ya boi point a sniper at me


Big mistake also note i didn't wish to participate because i know how it was going to turn out and blah blah but still sent officers to me 


Gaur siting there with a  tool gun cloaked and he was before but whatever 



At 17:40 Revives this butt while shots at him "i dont give a **** they do it to"


At 17:53 two more gas out and telling admins  to remove the base

so what is this 5 and 6 at this point 


At 18:33 still gaur is still cloaked at this point and is confirmed to be-be in RP

AT 19:19  Asking to "reset" their grass count


Hell, after we left you, said "oh no their at it again yukis rdming in spawn "


Excuse me after i defended you from other players making fun of you about your speech impediment




Image result for ANIME GIF LAUGHING

Edited by Steven King / Asuna Yuki



Now listen up, any skill that surpasses reason, still comes from reason, right? Skill isn't some kind of miraculous power. It is a talent that only works when the flow of energy inside of us and the flow of energy in our hearts are in perfect synchronization. To perform Yukis duties one must have a strong mind and the ability to focus. It should take over your being and come pouring out of your soul! If all we do is worry about following rules, then our skills will never progress.


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look at the video 1:53 and see that person walkign accross while their cloaked? didnt report them /

He has errors turned off so all the CERT for him is invisible... I asked the same thing. (Echo isn’t staff so he couldn’t cloak himself)



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+Support. I want the Yuki's gone. Personaly I like them sometimes but they are causing major problems in this community and is making this community argue with one another. If they cant follow the rules like every other family they need to be dealt with.


After I get home i will get my evidence and post a staff report on Mika Yuki for not taking admin sits professionaly.

What rules are we breaking?


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combat heaing u can here that you were healing before the admin and disrespect

what dissrespect and we were healing when the admin came not before not after oh and what about you guys killing each other and reviving each other? No value of life? FailRP biggest hypocrite I’ve ever seen 

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combat heaing u can here that you were healing before the admin and disrespect

check my updated post bby<3

what dissrespect and we were healing when the admin came not before not after oh and what about you guys killing each other and reviving each other? No value of life? FailRP biggest hypocrite I’ve ever seen 

But see this is why i left i was like screw this im out

if you wacth the video some one was healing in there before the admin said stop shooting and you keep guys keep shooting it clear in the video just wacth and 

you know what the hole post is about steven called me a nazi




Now listen up, any skill that surpasses reason, still comes from reason, right? Skill isn't some kind of miraculous power. It is a talent that only works when the flow of energy inside of us and the flow of energy in our hearts are in perfect synchronization. To perform Yukis duties one must have a strong mind and the ability to focus. It should take over your being and come pouring out of your soul! If all we do is worry about following rules, then our skills will never progress.


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combat heaing u can here that you were healing before the admin and disrespect

what dissrespect and we were healing when the admin came not before not after oh and what about you guys killing each other and reviving each other? No value of life? FailRP biggest hypocrite I’ve ever seen 

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the part were it starts you can hear a medkit and we do for the money silo we can ask him to start it that is a major crime it a valid reason to make it active

what please rewrite your sentence i dont understand what your saying

what dissrespect and we were healing when the admin came not before not after oh and what about you guys killing each other and reviving each other? No value of life? FailRP biggest hypocrite I’ve ever seen 

check my updated post also download a copy of this video i want it just in case its deleted 

the part were it starts you can hear a medkit and we do for the money silo we can ask him to start it that is a major crime it a valid reason to make it active

after picking apart your sentence and referring to the video im going to use my reasoning skills to to say you were responding to my comment about the panic button 



Now listen up, any skill that surpasses reason, still comes from reason, right? Skill isn't some kind of miraculous power. It is a talent that only works when the flow of energy inside of us and the flow of energy in our hearts are in perfect synchronization. To perform Yukis duties one must have a strong mind and the ability to focus. It should take over your being and come pouring out of your soul! If all we do is worry about following rules, then our skills will never progress.


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