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WackDakAttack's Event Team Application


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  1. 1. Should DakAttack be Event Team

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In-Game Name: WackDakAttack

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:585904892

ULX Rank (Donator Rank/Staff Rank): Diamond

How long have you been playing on the server: Since mid-June of 2022.

Have you read the SCP-RP Event Team Guidelines: yes.

How many warns do you have? (Screenshot): Only one (Forums won't let me send a screenshot, click the green text for the warn link thingy)

Why do you want to join event team: I see all the cool events being held in the server, and I've had plenty of cool ideas in my head for a long time as well. I would love to be part of the team so I could bring some spice into the server and liven things up a bit so that peak hours aren't very bland.

Why should you be trusted to be part of the Event Team: I've only gotten one warn during my time in the server, and I feel that I know the server rules well enough at this point since it's been nearly a year since I first joining SCPRP. I might be a little ambitious with some of my event ideas, but I think that being ambitious is much more favourable than having basic, unimaginative ideas that might not go over too well with the server.

Are you familiar/experiences with ULX: No, but I am willing to learn how to use it properly.

Describe an event you could create (Be specific):

NOTE: this is from one of the entries I sent in #event-ideas on the SCPRP discord


SCP-173 Learns Mitosis


In a revised entry for SCP-173, the entity in question seemed to multiply and create second version of itself, and those were separated and given their own containment cells. Eventually there are 61 different instances of SCP-173, and the Foundation sends them to the moon or some shit. I wish to alter this. Here’s how the event will go:
During a routine test involving SCP-173, the researcher, escorts, and D-Class will notice that there are two instances of SCP-173 in the containment chamber. Luckily, there are two Security members with the researcher, so they and the three D-Class are able to hold the two entities in place. Obviously, one of the Security guards calls for both GENSEC and MTF assistance over the Foundation Force comms. Security is quick to respond, but as MTF make their way through HCZ, the power goes out for all but a moment, and when it returns, there is now a third instance of 173. Only two members of Security have responded to the call so far, so one of the three instances ends up snapping the researcher’s neck. This sends all but one Security and a D-Class into a panic, and one of the two still calm enough to think ends up staying to delay the three instances while the other quickly closes the cell doors. MTF arrives shorty after this, and the lone survivor gives a brief rundown of what just occurred. By this point, everyone else in the CC is dead, and more instances are being created until the doors can’t hold all of them anymore. Six or seven instances of SCP-173 breach containment, and the MTF team is left scrambling as there are not enough in the group to keep all of them at bay. The site goes into a full lockdown, all of the combatant classes are sent to find and terminate each instance of SCP-173. In total, the event would have 10 or so instances of 173, and the leader of each group sent out to kill an instance will be provided with an Ethereal. However, D-Class are bound to escape. And in the confusion, one happens to trip the power, and now the task of eliminating all the rogue instances of SCP-173 becomes a lot more difficult.

TL; DR: 173 performs mitosis and the site scrambles to take control of the situation as shit hits the fan.



Another cool idea I have:


SCP-527 v. Mobile Task Force


As many of you are aware within Site 23, SCP-527 is a safe class SCP allowed to roam freely within the site and poses no threat whatsoever to the Foundation. He is just a human with the head of a Puntius Semifasciolatus, commonly known as the Gold Barbed Fish. 527 is very strange, having the gift of near invulnerability, and acts equally as chaotic and quirky. Despite this, many Foundation personnel seem to really enjoy his presence. Recently, however; many members of the combative forces have been unloading mag after mag into 527, knowing full well that he is nigh invincible and that bullets will not do much to him. Despite this, SCP-527 feels the excruciating pain that any normal human would feel when taking a high calibre bullet to the body, and is forced to endure this pain constantly, sometimes for hours on end for the sake of combative personnel amusement. One day, SCP-527 has enough. He feels that as a harmless Safe Class SCP with perfect sentience, he should be treated ethically and humanely. He decides to contact the Ethics Committee, and a court case is created. It is titled SCP-527 v. Mobile Task Force, and 527 goes up against the Mobile Task Force as a whole. Some branches like Research and Security (just as an example) are immediately supportive of SCP-527. But the O5 Council decides to side with MTF, stating that no SCP, no matter how sentient and safe, should be given rights. And so, the biggest court case in the history of the Foundation is set in stone. Even Class D personnel are permitted to watch the case unfold. But who will come out on top?


TL; DR: The fish SCP has enough of being mag dumped into and goes to court against the entire Mobile Task Force. The O5 sides with MTF, and even D-Class are allowed to witness the chaos that is SCP-527 v. Mobile Task Force unfold.

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+ Support.

This guy had his computer sold out from underneath him and was aspiring to get another computer JUST so he could come back on and play. After this long hiatus, he is back and actively trying to be more active and make a difference. Always gets on after work so should be able to help with late night thing.


Chief of Security (CoS) 

| Armored Shield Award Recipient


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Dak's been around the server for long enough to know the culture of what kind of events people enjoy and is a cool, creative dude in general. I like the event ideas too, especially mtf v fish.

Former MTF Nu7 VCMDR Admin

Former GenSec CPT / Deputy Head Warden

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5 hours ago, Baby Arm said:

+ Support.

This guy had his computer sold out from underneath him and was aspiring to get another computer JUST so he could come back on and play. After this long hiatus, he is back and actively trying to be more active and make a difference. Always gets on after work so should be able to help with late night thing.



Current : SEC JFTO 2LT Mean WD Tessarius Flavia MAGI

Former RND HFTO ARCH Mean / V1 Griffith I / CI 2LT Mean  / E-11 DoCE MSGT Mean / RRH Analyst X ray 23 D5 DHFTO 2LT Mean MTF G9 Jötunn GD4 


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13 hours ago, Baby Arm said:

+ Support.

This guy had his computer sold out from underneath him and was aspiring to get another computer JUST so he could come back on and play. After this long hiatus, he is back and actively trying to be more active and make a difference. Always gets on after work so should be able to help with late night thing.



 FORMER:  Foundation Doctor , RFA SIC/OA1 , SEC SFC, WD-V Eqvites Antonius MONK CI DHLS , CI SM , RRH Analyst , D5 MSGT , Maintenance ME

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On 5/7/2023 at 1:58 AM, Baby Arm said:

+ Support.

This guy had his computer sold out from underneath him and was aspiring to get another computer JUST so he could come back on and play. After this long hiatus, he is back and actively trying to be more active and make a difference. Always gets on after work so should be able to help with late night thing.




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I am going to be leaving a +Support

Recently I have seen you around a lot and seem like a great guy with a lot of motivation towards your branch.

I believe you would not only make great events through time and experience but also great PT's for GenSec.

I would love to do a Gensec x Delta-5 PT with you should this be accepted.

Good luck.

Current: Senior Admin | Forums Diplomat | Alpha-1 COL | Senior Event Team | Tea Enthusiast 

Former: Delta-5 LTCOL / HRO / G9 | O-1 LTCMDR


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On 5/10/2023 at 9:35 AM, Ellipsis said:

I am going to be leaving a +Support

Recently I have seen you around a lot and seem like a great guy with a lot of motivation towards your branch.

I believe you would not only make great events through time and experience but also great PT's for GenSec.

I would love to do a Gensec x Delta-5 PT with you should this be accepted.

Good luck.



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Thank you for your interest in the Event Team!
Congratulations, the Event Leadership Team has decided to accept your application. Contact any Senior Event Team or higher to be trained. 
Good luck, we look forward to working with you!
- Tyler D


DHOR Tyler I Event Team Leader [ETL] 

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