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John Kyle

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About John Kyle

  • Birthday 11/23/2002

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  1. Would love this. Tired of having to teach everyone how to rebind manual siren lmao.
  2. + Support The models now look like a child under the age of 4 tried to freehand the Mona Lisa and spilled his chocolate milk all over his pencils which proceeded to turn them into Kirkland off-brand watercolors but instead of water its a disgustingly rich and viscous Chocolate milk. In my opinion that is. Maybe not the ones in the post but different ones for sure.
  3. + Support Active Great communication skills Great commanding skills Good problem solver
  4. +Support -Active -Has great experience -Great references
  5. I will + support this I feel as if it should be FailRP but the inmate section of the MOTD should reflect this, being as it’s not on the current version I feel his warn should be removed but the MOTD updated to make incidents like this warnable without having to question whether it is valid or not. I get a lot of rules are common sense but in this situation it should be written down.
  6. Huge + support active Knowledgeable Mature Been SM for quite a long time Responsible Very good at communicating issues to LC when they are brought to him (surprised he wasn’t field promoted to LT)
  7. + Support - Mature - Takes job seriously - Great at training - Personally don't see you on but that's probably just my irregular schedule.
  8. Huge +Support - Active - Mature - I always see him doing his job correctly - Definitely ready for LC
  9. - support. Your LT app was accepted January 22nd. Exactly two weeks ago, not enough time. But other than that you’re a good command member. Edit: would like to see a little more activity as well.
  10. Huge +support granted he did just come back. I do believe that he will, now that he is back for good, be as active as he used to be. He is one of the best command members I’ve had the pleasure of working with and am glad to welcome him back in.
  11. Rank You are Applying For: COL In-Game Name: John Kyle SteamID: STEAM_0:1:56300451 Current Rank: MAJ How long have you been in your current rank?: About 15 1/2 Weeks What timezone are you in?: Central How many Warns do you have?: 5 Permission: Dep Comm. Adams Why should you be promoted (200 words Minimum): I have spend quite a significant amount of time as PD low command and have learned a lot about how to hold yourself in front of enlisted and how to properly use increasing levels of severity when it comes to punishment for wrongdoings, or reward for outstanding behavior and knowledge. I have improved greatly on being able to notice smaller details regarding the way PD acts and handles different types of situations. I am excellent at going 1 on 1 with PD to let them know if they need to improve on something or if they are doing too many things that are not acceptable without calling them out in front of everyone. I have a lot of experience in command positions with my previous positions running a department and once before being Low Command on PD. I know a lot about the community and have been a part of Gaminglight for a very long time, so I am well versed in the rules of the server and also the guidelines of PD. I consider myself to be a great communicator and have always been more of a lighter approach into guiding PD. I feel as I am ready for the position of COL and hope to continue my journey with PD as long as I possibly can. Thank you for your time. You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes
  12. The MAFIA PLATINUM! They should just have soldier and boss since not many platinum play mafia. Its a waste of space to have all those mafia jobs.
  13. + support Things like this shouldn't be joked about, especially on a public RP server.
  14. Leading up to this call DOC had already called staff several times and I personally had to deal with several people placing weed plants in DOC as inmate. During this specific call I did see several plants and only one of them was yours however I was told by a DOC member online at the time that they had continuously told ALL inmates not to place weed plants, so pairing that with the fact that you aren't necessarily a new player I decided to issue a warning. That's really all there is to this situation.
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