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Everything posted by Georgie_

  1. +Support No reason for this whatsoever.
  2. I'm going on a trip to Los Angeles, and starting my LOA today, from 11/25 and expect to return on 12/2 of next month. Hope you all behave while I'm gone! I'll be available here and there in Discord if anyone needs to reach out to me, George.#6361. Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and see you again on the server at the beginning of a new month.
  3. Accepted! Thank you for your application and interest in Security Juggernaut. You are now able to join the Security Juggernaut job! Please refer to #security-requesting-tags in Discord, and request tags for Security Juggernaut.
  4. There's a huge difference between bragging about rank, and expressing yourself showing that you're proud of your accomplishments. Knowing Williams, he does work hard for what he earns in Security, and I'm sure the same goes for his time in MTF. That being said, Williams has my support to join Alpha-1 Williams, best of luck in your application.
  5. -Support This doesn't warrant a ban or any form of punishment whatsoever. This appears to be that someone found something to report Thin on, so they're running with it as far as they can.
  6. Accepted! Thank you for your application and interest in Security Juggernaut. You are now able to join the Security Juggernaut job! Please refer to #security-requesting-tags in Discord, and request tags for Security Juggernaut.
  7. +Support It's inherently annoying that our weapons don't do nearly as much as the melee weapons do at the moment. Hopefully SMT comes up with a solution soon.
  8. It’s been less than a day, let the SMT work on the update to be fine tuned and make it how it should be. HP and AP for some classes need to be fixed
  9. Accepted! Thank you for your application and interest in Security Juggernaut. You are now able to join the Security Juggernaut job! Please refer to #security-requesting-tags in Discord, and request tags for Security Juggernaut.
  10. Under Review Thank you for your application and interest in Security Juggernaut. After reviewing your application it appears that you haven't provided a proper SteamID. A SteamID looks like the following; STEAM_0:1:36180961 Any further questions please ask them here.
  11. Accepted! Thank you for your application and interest in Security Juggernaut. You are now able to join the Security Juggernaut job! Please refer to #security-requesting-tags in Discord, and request tags for Security Juggernaut.
  12. Wish you the best of luck with MTF Command, I know you’ll do great! See you around the server my dude
  13. Georgie_

    GAM3's Ban Appeal

    You were on the TS server somehow today, avoiding the ban possibly by VPN? You only join TS to gaslight, and make other peoples time here a miserable one. Also even bragged about all the negative things that you've done on the server. You need to find something else to do, as this appears to be the only hobby that gives you enjoyment -Support
  14. Keep in touch my dude. You better hop in ta from time to time!
  15. Georgie_

    The End Of Ape

    Someones cutting onions. For real though, good luck in college sir. It truly was a treat being involved and seeing all the things that you and I pulled on the server. There wasn’t one where I didn’t laugh my ass off. Wish you the very best in life. Godspeed King
  16. +Support because I said so To be honest though, this is getting annoying to see.
  17. Georgie_

    Jack S - LOA

    Name: Jack S Warden Name (If applicable): Caligula Rank: DHOS Date (MM/DD): 9/18 Date you will return (MM/DD): 9/21 Previous LOA (If applicable): Not stated to me Reason (can be private): Jack stated to me that he is unable to gain access to his computer during the times stated above. Filling out this LOA on his behalf.
  18. Name: Georgie Rank: Colonel SteamID: STEAM_0:1:36180961 Current Sub-Branches your in: Wardens, FTO, Riot Control, Sniper, Juggernaut Why should you retain your rank?: I am personable with everyone, what I mean by that is I relate to people in their interests in order to improve, as well as strengthen relations between Non-command and command personnel so we can make ourselves look more approachable. I believe that the responsibility that comes with being one of the top two in CMD (with exception of HCMD), is that I believe that I am looked up to a lot, and people often come to me a lot whenever they have questions. With that being said I'm led to believe that I'm approachable to Command personnel with what they have to talk about, it can be anything really. I get along great with Enlisted and NCO's also, and they also come to me with anything that they have. I take initiative in addressing Security issues, whether that is internal, and including departmental issues with other branches. I see myself also as a mediator when it comes to issues with others and I use my experience to deliberate and help settle differences with each other. Also I also give input with big decisions, as well as new ideas that are being worked on within the branch. I believe that I find myself a valuable asset to HCMD, as well as Site Admin when it comes to those assisting in big picture ideas. Thank you.
  19. The fact that how limb damage is now, as well as the fact that Class-D can crouchspam messing up their hitbox to gain an advantage, is an exploit in my opinion. Limb damage needs to be increased, or at least make a rule forbidding crouchspam to gain an advantage. Telling people to aim better when the server's stability can be unstable at times, is not a good argument to keep limb damage as it is. +Support
  20. What are you suggesting? - Upgrade the SCMD office clearance level to LVL4, because Security SCMD just got LVL4 keycards How would this change better the server? - Would prevent current LVL3 personnel from going inside of SCMD office. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - None Who would this change mostly benefit? - Security SCMD Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/a
  21. Bruh another one jk see you when you get back
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