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Everything posted by 𝙁𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙯𝙚

  1. So im looking into some recoring software to record my games if people try to bamboozle me in a sit or some but I always search the internet for the best ones but you end up in a ditch or some. So that is why I bring the question of what recording software you use for your gmod/games and what do you recommend using. preferable a free one if possible. thank you, ~`Freeze
  2. If someones mentions riots I always picture the people who go screaming around with text signs for no good reason like 'Police Brutality is a reality' after they get arrested but never for an actual RP reason for lets say one of the laws from pres is not okay or of some sorts, this creates minges and we dont want those kind on the server. -support Id change my -support if there actualy could be thought of something that will make people RP
  3. U got anything in mind or need me to create something outa ma mind
  4. Like spection said this post is a example why it aint needed, you dont need 10 people writing a different opinion when its a - support if they feel the same. everybody is just quoting the first - Support because a different comment is not needed
  5. I agree with alot of people, Alot of problems we gave indeed and alot of people annoyed, I think every Yuki understood that when the Yuki Family was banned for the second time. Most of the old leaders are gone/banned and the remaining people are here to start it up again and bring the family forward as a respactable non-problem giving family, we have learned our lesson, we are here to try it again, a new,fresh start. It broke my hearth when the family got removed and I just want to see it back in a new bright light with a future ahead, anyone who misbehaves we will deal with. This is not the old Yuki but a new one, better rules, better everything. What do you say? Lets give it a try. +Support
  6. I dont have any friends... oh wait @mom @dad @dog Did I win?
  7. - Support, just not needed, we aint gonna make for every subject a different group
  8. So we used to have this button in the tab groups (Forums, Store, Bans..ect) where you could click on that directs you to one of the GL servers in Garry's mod, and I remember this being very usefull, you turn on your pc and go to the forums and click on the button in no time, get a drink or go to the bathroom and everything is set up and your ready to go when you come back, dont know what happend to it but I was very handy in my opinion give me your opinion down below!
  9. Another one is have tactical units know if your doinging something Had problems witha few undercover people about this yesterday 'lets break into the bank without telling SWAT or SRT'
  10. Had some laughs with you man, great guy and good luck with what ever your gonna do next
  11. -/+ Support + Friendly + Mature + Knows how to lead The thing is that I see you alot but not as much on PD and I think thats the main reason for others to
  12. Alton means that what u wrote was with 10/10 confidence
  13. How would you even know there is something up there unless you would have put it their yourself, tbh I think you should be warned instead of Zayn if what Zayn is telling actualy happend
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