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Everything posted by Spection

  1. I'm not sure, Maybe Los Angles if I can afford it, for now, I want to live in my House
  2. I have 13 Fish but they are in a pond. No other pets
  3. I see him act like this all the time. I've tried to help him but it didn't work.
  4. -Support -He is allowed to spawn in busses as long as he donated -Wasn't the one minging -Basically, a lot of shootouts happen and this was one of several. -He wasn't driving -People decided to minge I'm not sure what Fame has to do with any of this besides spawning a bus but even still that's not against the rules. Bus drivers can spawn them in so letting him not able to prevents nothing because the same thing will happen. Fame can't control other peoples actions. They choose if they want to shoot. This report wouldn't be made if Fame hasn't spawned in a bus? Yet you could just go to the Bus Driver job.
  5. -Support -In The Video You Fading Door Abused -It's A Kill Box
  6. Spection

    Adding petrol

    +Support -Would Add RP -Pursuits wouldn't last forever
  7. -Support The 10 codes are not that hard, every department uses them, and this is an American server. ARU was removed as we feel it doesn't suit the theme, so by removing the 10 codes, you are just taking something that adds to the theme of the map. Yes, they are hard to remember but you have to use them. They are faster and for some people, easier.
  8. I really want that mouse but wireless.
  9. It's just adding another department for things that can already be dealt with accordingly.
  10. I don't see the reason for staff needing to see their hours. Just write it down on a piece of paper like I do. This might just cause more issues and competition that is unneeded.
  11. Sorry, the guy's name was right above yours and I click the wrong one.
  12. Congrats on 1 year! Happy early birthday!
  13. Congratz. You must be really dedicated to the staff to say this long. I hope I reach 1 year. And stay at GL forever
  14. Oh Gosh. Please don't. I have heard that song one too many times.
  15. +Support -Active -Mature -Friendly
  16. Does your ban say harassment? You started MassRDMing and PlayerDising. Staff had let me know you have been causing issues. You were also spawning in props as a dead person You wouldn't undo them got me stuck so I had to use my toolgun to delete them. And would not respawn after being shot at least 30 times. You NLRed more than 3 times. And you are just a MassMinge. You also when on your killing spree while I was in an admin sit and when PD was right there. You copbaited. You even falsely called staff saying we had too many 1 way props when we only had 4.And you shouldn't make things up as I never killed you and you never pointed your guns at us.
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