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Not Daft

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Everything posted by Not Daft

  1. 1. Didnt know what the skybox was so i flew around in it. Good thing i was one of the only players xD 2. After I switched to milrp I accidentally godded the entire Seal team during war trying to god a TMod named Seal 3.Accidentally crashed the server now i realise why im not staff anymore
  2. I have been with Gl for a long time, parts of it not in game but on forums and TS, and I know I havent been active lately but im moving on to different things until a new GL server opens. 1. Prp isnt my thing 2. Im bad at milrp 3. people are hostile to me on prp making me depressed Also I created a faction on a minecraft server that has over 20 people now so i wanna focus on that Im not leaving forever just until something new comes up. PoliceRP isnt BAD just not my thing due to some people being hostile, some issues with the server (No offence intended towards server), and inability to be steadaly active. Milrp is OK but I feel like its dieng and I always get sniped or bombed by a OP custom class(Not complaining dont flame) I 100% am fine with being removed from my Milrp rank (Which I held for half a year of inactiveness?...) and my SS rank. My favorite server was WalkingDeadrp but it shut down and all my accumilated money and guns (I had the top money spot, aswell as the best weapons ingame u could) were lost, as well as my VIP, and a bit of me died inside. (JK) Ill come back when the next GL server opens (Aslong as it isnt darkrp or something thats grinds my gears) farewell my bruddas
  3. Sorry for what happened man! also Valkyrie is gone from GL
  4. +1 Support Great guy over all top notch canidate
  5. Vault 420... no more needs to be said
  6. Not Daft


    Daft Punk Republic of Christians in RP, yes it is a religious gang but due to me not wanting to piss people off i will not go into detail on the forums! (+ its all a joke not meant to be holy or anything) Join for baptisms to fiend off the unholy cops during OP checkmate Members: Daft Punk (Grand Priest) Nick B (Priest) Aaron (Im not sure if he is in yet) Secret Agent A and Secret Agent B (SCA) Shikotan (Priest) JPN (Holymofoitshim???) Comment below and put ur name as "Christian (Text here) " and you will be Initiate Priest Just for fun gang since the new OP taking place. No bullys allowed. If the gang and its ideas offend you then ignore us! No being a jerk allowed
  7. That "staff" doesnt know the rules then
  8. Hunyaaa i have 700 ecks dee get on my level scrub jk good jo b
  9. *ANOTHER DISCLAIMER: This is a repost of my old post which SOMEONE randomly locked with no reason given and it hurt my feelings legit because of the hour i put into making this* *I put this in general because idk where to put a gamemode suggestion* Basically, I have an idea for the next GL Gamemode= Half Life 2 RP. Im pretty sure ive seen this before on the server list or something, but this is my version of it: Similar to policeRP, but with more factions, and police get to bring out there inner brutality :) Also since HL2 stuff is already ingame, not many downloads needed! :)))) Factions : The surviving citizen populuce (Goal: Survive and stay out of combines way, and try to help rebels) Rebels (Job: Save citizens in danger, fight the combine, and guard their bases) Combine [Could be named Civil Police if wanted] (Goal: Keep citizens in check, hunt and kill any rebels) Map: rp_city17, features houses, apartments, secret underground locations (possible locations for rebels). Combine prisons, Combine HQ, a mayors office (Mayor would be Breen, of course) Lots more... it is detailed (has rebel propaganda, aswell as combine propaganda) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=150899249 (the one i described... but might be too laggy) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=499775246 A version of city 17 https://garrysmods.org/download/24685/rp-uptown-v3-1-publiczip A old map that i personnally love but u might not... Special features : One could be food, which citizens and rebels would be desperate for. More ideas welcome! Combine checkpoints (You know, those things you couldnt pass in HL2 in the start), which would be manned by 1 or 2 combine, to make sure no one is messing with it Vehicles : Combine could be allowed to access a APC, and maybe high ranks (Which would go to SA, Manager, And of course, Valk <3) could use Combine helicoptors (we would use Airwatch 2) Rebels and Citizens could craft (MAYBE buy, but RP wise, they would have to build it from parts, maybe use some addons from the old falloutRP) HL2 vehicles (So NO downloads ) (Also NO Driving delay! HOW BOUT DAT!) Ways to earn money: Hack combine checkpoints and steal data, Auto sell it to rebels. Sell scraps, food, and spare parts from scavenging. Ways to get food: Just from the food station in HL2s city 17, but thats not enough.. they wont supply to rebels... so raid for food :D! Parts and Scraps: Use GL's scavenging tool, but MODIFY it so you can scrap car props, which could respawn after a time period Weapons and stuff : Raid Combine stations, raid checkpoints, kill combines descretly and loot guns Combine Could be a DARKRP rank system, where anyone could be a combine or combine commander Or you could go something similar to policerp, but like this: Normal PD would be metro police, and the SWAT equivalent would be Elite combines Prison guards would protect from raids, where soldiers go out and hunt rebels Ranks wouldnt really exist because combines dont have ranks i think... Someone with a mic could be over watch. Preferably someone with a funny accent Thats all for now Dont randomly delete this post i worked on it 0
  10. Normally I would say USN (not RN because im not a commie jk), but USAF is the way to go with space and air stuff
  11. Ill stop replying too but if your reason for me not being the parking lot is it daying PD only your not PD your ARU. so technically all the ARU and FBI were KOS And the carjacking was because, Someone stole my car, so my SS pitting him and then the criminal got out and shot us, he got shot back, then you arrived on scene and RDMed me for standing there
  12. I told you I was meeting with my SS because anywhere else some minge would follow and kill me (I have had that happen its not just some stupid excuse)
  13. 1. a Moderator can not authorize that 2. You could... idk.. ASK me to leave rather then threatining to murder the president?
  14. 1. The current evidence provided only shows that you killed me as president. You havent presented any evidence besides you claiming I was corrupt 2. Corrupt is me making abusive laws like "All hobos are KOS " or "everyone is AOS", or me executing citizens and demoting police. what YOU did was corrupt as you RDMed me for protecting myself against a assassin. Your a high ranking PD and should know basic rules, and honestly how hostile you are to me is making me feel unwelcome and harassed. 3. Your accusing me of corruption for being in the DOC parking lot which is actually allowed since im meeting my SS in a secure location. You then threaten my life and pull out a gun, which normally no matter the rank or branch would get you court martialed IRL. If i pulled this crap when I was ARU i wouldve gotten a strike right away with no sit. 4. I was shooting at the criminal from behind a car because I had a pistol and needed to defend myself. You then said my life was under threat AND HEAD SHOTTED ME POINT-BLANK WITH A AWP. Thats 1.Treason/corruption 2. AttemptedRDM 3. Failrp
  15. Its mostly just context leading up to him killing me
  16. Your In-game: Daft Punk Trump Your SteamID:STEAM_0:1:60544212 The player's name in-game: ARU MSGT Injoker TR*2 numbers* The player's steam name (If you know it): Injoker probably What did the player do: RDM me as mayor which is 1. Treason 2. Police Corruption. Evidence (REQUIRED): I know this isnt the actual log but if you cant trust your mods then who can you trust https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/919168432844856907/8AF7D109B54BC34C84132DB3D4D2F3AEE3B4C798/ What do you believe should happen to the player: Kicked out of ARU at the most because how is murdering mayor ok? Any extra information: His excuse will be " he was failrping" I honestly dont know how he got ARU if he doesnt know the rules. What happened is I first spawned in and told my SS to meet at DOC, the most secure place for a FOB so people dont find me and RDM me, and I was in the parking lot WAITING and the ARU threatens to kill me if I dont leave (Treason and telling me he would RDM), then I left with my SS once he got there and we went to the Mayors mansion. Someone was shooting and it was a total mess of bullets everywhere. I pulled out my gun to shoot at him and then, the most BAFFLEING thing happened. HE told me that my life was indanger then pulled out a AWP and shot me point blank. I survived but was baffled why a ARU would attempt RDM. Then as me and my SS were leaving due to you know not wanting to be mass rdmed by ARU. Then we decided to look for my stolen car. We found it driving and pulled it over. He pulled out a gun and adverted assasination and shot me and my SS up. We survived but ARU arrived, Saw his dead body, and then pulled out a AWP and killed me. He claimed Staff gave him permission and kept calling me a corrupt mayor in OOC and saying i was severely minging. I was in no way corrupt (Corrupt being making false laws [abusive laws], breaking role play rules, (Bitminers, wrong gun, illegal stuff), and abusing powers). I did not do ANY of those and overall he is unfit for ARU
  17. I know how you feel as I once suggested this but -Support because of the reasons mine was denied: 1. Skybox wont work 2. Could be abused / stolen and become a minge thing 3. Most helicoptors are hard to pilot and would be a pain in the ass to use as no place to land and you cant go afk for even 1 second with out it crashing our hitting something
  18. 1st: Culvers (A burger place, you may or may not see it, also serves AWESOME icecream and fries) 2nd Taco bell and my fuddruckers if it counts
  19. yea, and i feel it is more cleaner than M9k, and i like how it shows the stats of guns
  20. In this order: CW, TFA, M9K, then all the rest, Mostly TFA CSGO though
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