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Everything posted by Antonio

  1. What do you want to see? - rule being added where during the raid of any government building gov and crime need to be inside the limits of buildings to start shooting each other. Why should we add it? - crime is literally being sniped from miles away without any means of counter and srt and many tac can get to places where normal crime can't. This makes raiding as a crime stressful. What are the advantages of having this? -this is to make raiding gov buildings some sort of balanced. It doesn't help that crime is outnumbered every single time and at least now we can worry about people inside of buildings and not get sniped from far away. Who is it mainly for? -Crime/Gov Links to any content -N/A
  2. People we need something new it's a same shit everyday spawn rob die
  3. It's been 2 years and they added lot of new features on server so l dont think one addon can cripple server lmao
  4. Mega +Support It's basically impossible to escape as a D Class on peak hours.
  5. What you want to see? - Arena being added back to server. Why should we add it? - it would bring more fun in server as whole. What are the advantages of having this? -For those who don't know Arena is a addon that takes you to different maps to 1 vs 1 any selected player in it if they eccept the invite you can choose any guns you want to fight with or even melee. Who is it mainly for? -Everyone Links to any content - N/A Arena was in server before and l think everyone liked it .
  6. +Support Ya boost the exp it is hard to escape anyways.
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