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Everything posted by Antonio

  1. +Support Give this man what is he asking for .
  2. Congrats man you found one time where gov was outnumbered and you can ask any umc or sl members you guys always deploy gas in doc raids or any other raids.
  3. Have you seen what is going on when crim raids? we basically getting purged with us getting shot from every single directions with barrets and srt sniping us from spawn roofs and roofs where we can't get and it doesn't help that crim is outnumbered every single time like bruh.
  4. Fat -Support How can you talk about balance and fairness when there is 20 vs 6 ratio where crim is outnumbered every time and if l am correct you guys already building fortresses and towers where gov can snipe and l saw you guys use gas plenty of times like what???
  5. +Support He is very mature and knows what's he doing l think he is ready for LT best of luck.
  6. +Support Ya just add a tab where you can put a job name and set a tax however you want it's kinda annoying as it is right now.
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