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Everything posted by Antonio

  1. +Support new players really asking for money cause of how much it cost to get it back lots of servers have it on 1k or even free
  2. we had gym system before and it was headache
  3. Antonio

    CC Error

    Go all the way down to costume jobs there should be costume error sections folow format and they will be able to help you.
  4. +Support yes you might be sometimes childish but this doesn't mean you dont deserve a chance best of luck to you.
  5. +Support its been long since its been closed off maybe SMT can give it a go.
  6. Ya but you guys forgetting that crim is outnumbered on daily basis if it not big family that gets 3 or 5 people daily and robbing places together its really 1 or 2 vs 10 police or more sometimes. and the way recoil works in server it is really hard to get a shots when they moving like a flash +they have shields that basically making them unkilleble if you are not really good shot.
  7. What you want to see?-l want to see increasing gen store robbery money from 100k to 200k or even 300k if SMT feels like it. Why should we add it?-because robbing a store for 200sec and getting swarmed by 8 or 10 cops just to get 100k is not that fun or motivational. What are the advantages of having this?-maybe it will be woth it to rob gen store if you get good money and even help new players get more money out of it. Who is it mainly for?-Crim
  8. +Support knows what he is doing he is really active too.
  9. Sometimes l dream about cheese.
  10. +Support events is kinda lacking for couple of weeks we need this man asap.
  11. +Support as a criminal main 1 granede reduces my hp and armor half to none. Of course gov mains -supporting how typical.
  12. +support hight commands have hight armor and op guns and when they throw grenades fighting them with half hp is really frustrating
  13. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/QmeAWpIzuxzqa/spok?invite=cr-MSxOQUgsMTU4MDI2NTg5LA Excuse my performance
  14. -support this server takes doxing very seriously even if it was joke.
  15. -support we mugged 15 other cops l dont know what's make you think we targeting you mate.
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