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Everything posted by Roulette

  1. ??????????? TRIZIUM??????????????????
  2. Don't know you too well but you were head of D4 when I first got trained, see you on the flipside. O7
  3. I'm 15 and in department command. I literally see no issue if the person is mature.
  4. -support Currently unfit for RRH. Immature to an extent from my interactions with you. If your behaviour improves over your time in E11 then you will probably be fit for SF, but you do not seem like someone I can work with.
  5. Name - Roulette Steam ID - STEAM_0:0:140339228 Discord Name - roulette#7881 Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security) - E11 2LT - D4 Vanguard List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, etc) - None Why do you want to join Delta-5?: I want to have more options than just playing E11 and I think Delta-5 would be the best pick due to the most active command (Specifically the commander) being in this branch. Why should we let you into Delta-5? (50+ words): I have good combat skills due to my place in D4 along with good leadership and battle strategy. I have a decent relationship with a few people in D5 so I'd also love to join them and possibly get in to RO since I love the speed boost they get. Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values? Yessir.
  6. +Support Mature for his age, Follows orders well, Rarely minges and stops when told to (Only does so with friends around), Great friend in E11, Would be great to work with in SF.
  7. Thanks for the feedback on this, it's helpful asf. I'll try and take this into consideration if my app is denied and join a few util branches/write some more words next time.
  8. In Game Name: Roulette Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:140339228 Discord ID: roulette#7881 Squadron you are Applying for: Engineer Current RP Ranks Held: Epsilon-11 2nd Lieutenant, Junior researcher, Delta-4 Judiciar 'Zeus', Deputy head of Combat Engineers (E11,) Junior Maintenance, NU-7 Recruit, Delta-5 Private. Has anyone recommended you to apply for the RRH program?: Foxtrot 27 & Foxtrot 21. (Few others recommended me but I can't remember who) How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof): None. Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: I want to join RRH because I am currently a massive D4 main and I would love to diversify my playstyle and get some more experience within the foundation before looking to get promoted more (Also the reason I joined research.) Along with that, I would like to work more closely with site administration due to some of them being pretty chill, along with the rest of RRH (Few of my friends are in the unit). Why should we accept you: I should be considered to be accepted into RRH due to my pvp skill, ability to lead and overall quick thinking in high-intensity situations (Such as making split second decisions to win a fight) and extreme activity even on low-playercount times due to my timezone and abundance of freetime. I also have a lot of experience with PVP with being in D4 and all-in-all experience handling infoleaks and knowledge of being an SF. Conclusion: You can't add too much to 'Why should we accept you' without just repeating things other people have already said so what I can add is Professionalism where it matters and overall experience in most fields. He made Graduation
  9. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SSjfcKusE1IFoU-nHCNfg4nteffduMhR4CVxd8o0PjA/edit?usp=sharing First test log
  10. Where does it state that this isn't allowed? Since when were unwritten rules a thing? How was he even supposed to know it was a rule break? its only a command report to a point and it probably shouldn't of even been that. People saying "You should be able to see that its against the rules" Is just stupid, people need to be TOLD this. +Support, Weirdest warn I've seen in a while and the first of its kind I've seen ever.
  11. Did you just put 096's face on full display in the document?
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