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Everything posted by Alexxxx

  1. that do be kinda a r/woooosh moment Finnley
  2. Alexxxx

    Wesss 2LT App

    o i didnt read it fully but still come back
  3. and ? what if he came out of reserves yeah maybe some changes came but he still has his experience and his knowledge about leading troops. I understand that he needs to be more active and all but i wouldnt play on 1 job the entire day +support
  4. Alexxxx

    Wesss 2LT App

    it did come here echo lmao im waiting no cap
  5. the app is a bit short but just because of that that doesnt mean he would make a bad VCMDR he is really fit for the job he is competent has alot of experience and really cares about his red bois +major support
  6. yeah that what blunt said the app is a little short but i can see u being a VCMDR
  7. Its just time consuming when u need to switch and switch and switch and with the "they can just switch" people might need long to load in again and they might miss their promotion because of that and just really uneeded in my opinion and it takes alot of money to keep a server up -support
  8. In my opinion that would make no sense to not see force users since u cant play mind tricks with DT either in lore mind tricks didnt work on DT they were trained for that + we have visors that can see every cloaked being even if force user or not
  9. and the HP is a bit too much + upgrading the health is a bit too much in my opinion
  10. What is your ingame name?: Alex. What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:186567623. What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: Ensign. What specialty are you applying for?: Gunnery Officer. What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: Admiral Classy. What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for? I will make sure that all of the Weaponry systems of the ISD are in Perfect Shape . I will try to improve the activity of the branch since mostly all of the people that were apart of the Gunnery officer branch were either Inactive or left Naval and i definetly want to change that not only the Gunnery Officer branch itself but the activity from naval overall. I want people to see the gunnery officer branch as a serious branch as acting proffesional, Approching situations in a proffesional manner. I want the people to see the Gunnery officer branch as a branch to look up to. I will make sure that all of the Gunnery officers dont mess around meaning not abusing their guns because gunnery officers have some unique weapons in their loadout that u could abuse and could really harm the Gunnery officers reputation and i want to prevent that happening. Why should you be trusted with this position?: Because i am a DT 1LT Aswell as having past command experiences from various other servers then Gaminglight. I have the experience that not everybody has gained. I have been playing starwars rp for about 3 years now since then i never stopped playing starwars rp thats how i got my experience all servers had new various things that maybe others servers dont have which was really great earning knowledge. Why do you want this rank?: I want to help the gunnery officer branch since the roster only has 1 active gunnery officer currently and i will make sure that will change. I want to make sure that all of the Weaponry systems of the ISD are in top shape such as the Turbolasers, ION Cannons and not just let Mingy people abuse them for example people going into Turbolasers and just messing around in there such as shooting the Turbolasers with literally no reason. Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: Yes i understand. What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: The main Priority of a Gunnery Officer is to make sure that the Turbo Lasers are in top form and of course making sure that all of the weapon systems are in top shape which that is our main priority but i will still be manning ATC, Patrolling, Bridge Because i am not excused from getting a sector assignment because i am a Gunnery officer im still apart of naval.
  11. Alexxxx

    Romeos LOA

    Name: Romeo Rank: EXP Callsign: AR07 Date of LOA Leave/Return: 09/25/20 - 09/29/20 Reason (if private write N/A): Because of Position in other server and IRL stuff.
  12. +/-support. +Nice guy. -not that active. -used to be a bit mingy but not anymore +dedicated. +Knows how to take responsibilitys. if u get more active will change to +support
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