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Everything posted by JackForPrez

  1. +Support This individual is a very active member of IC and I see him on all the time. He is also a very nice individual and always participates in Events and Missions. Also, while I was on GM he was a pleasure to work with as a host of a mission. He understood that things take time and he gave me ample time to set it up. Overall, I think it would be sensible to make Scooty an Officer within IC due to his dedication to this server and community as a whole. They will be lucky to have you.
  2. ++Support You seem committed to the idea of becoming a member of the Gunnery Officers. You’ve shown you commitment to the server and Gaminglight as a whole which is impressive. However, i do have to say you could add more meat to the bones, meaning that you have made some excellent points however you could explain it in a touch more depth. Also +Appreciation for making you app look so nice it just made it so much nicer to read.
  3. From what I’ve seen of you when I’m on Job you appear to be well kept together individuals who is aware of his current roles and responsibilities. You also appear to be good at following. Orders and a dedicated member of Navel. You also seem to be very eager to improve yourself and be an active member of Navel You do seem to be committed to the idea of being a Gunnery Officer. However just ensure your apply for it because you want it and not because you feel pressured to join a sub branch early if you don’t want too. But, if that is the case ignore this its jut a thought Also, app could be a Lillie bit bigger and explain some of your points in depth like you said you were an NCO you could say what you did as an NCO etc…. However, as someone who struggles with literacy issues myself i get it if you can’t really think of anything else. Either way great points just explain them a bit more like the effect on the battalion, the skills you developed. Overall, Please enjoy one big +Support, Good Luck
  4. I don’t think the app is that short tbh, could be longer though.
  5. +Support -Very Active member of Tank Troopers -Generally a nice guy -Very Squared away with protocols -Great Leader Overall, Enjoy my full support
  6. Whenever i see this guard on, he always seem enthusiastic and attentive when he is on his VIP. Best of Luck
  7. From my limited interactions with this player, he is a really nice guy and he seems to be squared away. App could have a bit more to it but good luck. Overall i give you my Support, Good Luck
  8. I completely Agree with all if what Joker has said. Also, you are just a really genuine and kind guy and i think you’ll be a perfect fit for the Officer Corps of Tank Troopers, They are lucky to have you.
  9. Was a great Officer in Shock and Climbed the Ranks very quickly
  10. ++++ Major Support Online frequently friendly not afraid to hold people accountable Great ERU Lead
  11. +++ Support Great and Active shock and in ERU
  12. [In-Game Name] JackForPrez [Call-sign] MP4 [Rank] 1LT [Which lore squad member are you applying for] DT M36 [Why do you believe you deserve this position] I feel as I deserve the position because of the hard work and dedication that I put into the DT Battalion and I have worked hard to get to this position. I also try and be on a lot so I am on daily (work dependant) on the server. I also complete every order I am given without question. If I do make it into the position I will ensure that I uphold the Standards of being in TI-23 and I will treat it as the great honour in which it is. I also aim to exceed all expectations of me whenever I can. I also believe I have trained extensively within DT with that being doing things like: learning the SOP, Trying to attend all trainings done by the officers, representing DT in Special Operations Missions etc... Moreover, I have shown consistency throughout my time in DT and holding up the values for DT. As I represent DT every day when going around the server whether that's helping out a brand new ST that has loaded into the game and doesn't fully understand how it works or making sure the V.I.P that we're assigned is well guarded and we don't let them down. I also believe that as much as I can I try and spark communication between the more Senior NCOs and the Junior members of DT as this in combat means they will be a more efficient fighting force as they feel more comfortable with their fellow Death Troopers. I also feel as If I try and make myself open to fellow DT or anyone that needs to talk about anything whether that's an Issue or there's something they want to vent about, regardless of whether I get this position I'm always here and always will be, on job or not. Finally, I think I am ready for the Role of DT M36 and I will be more than willing to learn the future challenges that will come as DT M36 I also believe I can complete the Task Expected of me as a Member of TI-23. [Why do you want to be a part of Unit TI-23] I want to be a member of TI-23 because I want to be a member of an Elite Squad that is close knit. This is because I believe strongly in Communication and being given the opportunity to work in a small team I would be able to strongly utilise this as I would be able to be the teams medic and support in battle. But we would all have the ability to support each other outside of combat as we would be able to know each other closely. I also want the position of DT M36 because I can then better use my equipment to ensure the V.I.P is safe at all times, also so my squad is safe. Also, if I was entrusted as DT M36 I would then have the ability to do RP in combat situation which is really fun and I would also be able to be a vital aid when performing operations in DT as a whole. Also, I think if I got this position I would be vital for Black Operations Missions this is because the 69th Battalion isn't allowed to be on these missions so my Medical Specialties will be crucial for mission sustainability. Finally, I want to be M36 because he was the first person I met in DT when it was held by [REDACTED] and it gave me a really big interest in DT and then TI-23 when I found out that the squad existed in game. Then I have learnt the advantage of having a combat medic in Death Troopers and since I picked up that knowledge I've wanted to become him. [What does Unit TI-23 do] TI-23 "The Undying" are an Elite Squad of Death Troopers that are considered the the Best of the Battalion. Each member had there own unique set of skills and equipment that help them complete the objective. They would complete missions that would be of High Importance to the Takin Initiative. An Example of this is when F16 and her Squad where tasked with escorting a Large Kyber Crystal to be used in Operation Star Dust. However, they where attacked in the Cargo Bay and only F16 made it away but she was later killed after a Valiant Effort to try and stop the Rebels. Also, DT L21 was entrusted with Guarding Grand Admiral Thrawn and the Tie Defender on Jhothal. DT F16 - In lore she is a Commander and the Squadron Leader of TI-21. She is responsible for her Squad and would give them orders in battle and working out the most efficient way of completing the objective. F16 is equip with a DP-23, detonator, flash bang, booster bacta kit, deployable shield, and a E-11s. DT M36 - DT M36 is the Squad medic it was his job to ensure that the inquires of people in his squad were treated swiftly delivering the first aid to the squad. M36 is equip with the E-11D as a primary weapon, Booster Bacta Kit, bacta kit, armour kit, shield generator and duel RK3 pistols. DT M36 is also capable of of performing more advanced medical procedures like field surgeries. He is a valued asset to Ti-23 as he allows them to be more self sustained and capable of launching counter offensives due to his ability to over heal. DT L21 - DT L21 is the Demolitions Specialist and is responsible for demolishing anything required to complete the objective. He also has the capacity to act as an Engineer with his fusion cutters. DT L21 was also equip with an E-11D, Thermal detonator, a detonator, a DLT-19 and Dual RK3s. DT C37 - DT C37 is the Close Quarters Battle Specialist (CQB) in this role he is the primary DT for Breaching and Combat inside buildings, to do this he has specialist equipment like a DP-23 Shot Gun, a deployable shield and a flash bang. He is also equip with the standard equipment for TI-23 like the E-11D and the Dual RK3s. DT V07 - DT V07 is the final member of the squad and he is the Elite Marksmen. In this role he is responsible for providing Overwatch to TI-23, he will do this by relaying information down to the Squad and providing covering fire. He is the first in to his overwatch position and he will not leave it till the rest of his team has Evacuated. Like the other members of TI-23 he has his own specialist equipment that help him be self sufficient this includes an E-11s, Deployable shield, Dual RK3s and an E-11D for when he is needed for close to mid range combat. (^^^ Sorry if that's Death by lore, I really like reading DT {and all} lore) [How active can you be] Daily for at least two hours but days I'm not in work I try to be on at least 6 hours. [Do you understand that if you are accepted into Unit TI-23, you will be on a 1-strike system] Absolutely, I am to be held to the highest standard Thank you for Reading my Application I know it's a lot - MP4
  13. - Support Great guy but only recently made Captain I think a few months you'd be ready but not at the moment. Good luck though I'm not sure if the apps are open yet though...
  14. -Support From what I've met great guy, but the application is way too short. Good luck tho
  15. +++++ MAJOR SUPPORT Great guy always active and i think will make a great Commander
  16. +++ Support I’ve seen him around the server always appears to be a responsible sable individual and I think he will go far in Shock. If you can try and make your app a little bit longer though but i don’t think that should hold you back if you keep it up.
  17. So, if you have 90+ players you can’t really use NPCs as a GM, this makes the lag awful. So my suggestion is if a GM permits it they may break the MOTD where they are not allowed to attack another Imperial force for 20 Mins. This is so they’re are able to act as a ground force to a-pose the Imperials. This will allow for events to be more interesting as there will be more opponents and it will allow for more ‘battle spacing’ due to the enemies can spread out. Further Detail: They will only be allowed to use the default weapons, unless the GM permits it then other weapons are allowed They will be required to listen to the GM so if he tells then in the /event or /comms [Open Frequency] etc… to withdraw or to stop fighting etc.. then they must abide by this. Hopefully, this will reduce lag and mean that the GMs can still make fun events even with a high player count. Let me know what you think.
  18. DT loves Crunch You will be missed
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