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Everything posted by JackForPrez

  1. Also @RussTimeIt says it was done on your Behalf, are you able to provide any information?
  2. In-Game Name: JackForPrez l MP4 Steam Name: [GL] JackForPrez SteamID: STEAM_0:0:507145431 What is your discord username (Ex: Zerg#6515): JackForPrez#1885 What is your staff rank in Gaminglight? Admin How often are you on Teamspeak? Daily (most of the time work dependant) for at least about 4 hours How often do you use Discord? I check discord throughout the Day at every point I have a break in work. I will also have it open throughout the evening and ill look through discord. Why would you like to be a member of the Support Team? (150 word minimum)? I want to be ale to help the community as a member of support, I have been a member of the community for a while in RP and as Staff and I feel as if I can bing the experience I have gained into staff. I also want to bring my real world experience into the Support Team to help assist Members of the Gaminglight Community. I also consider myself to be extremely patient, this would be useful for support because if somebody has a problem and they are well versed with computers it will require a more patient approach. This could be things like drivers, clipping software and installing adding and Packs. I’m also available to help around the clock. Overall, I want to do more to give back to the community and servers, which I love, wheather I’m trusted with the role of a support member I will still do my best to help the community. How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our tickets, or support channels? Hello [Username], I’m JackForPrez welcome to the Gaminglight Support how can I help you today?
  3. I feel a you need to improve the ideas but I’d be happy to help if you catch me in game and in ts
  4. Very Good Application! +Support For an NCO Application you have absolutely smashed it! I think someone is this committed deserves the position of SGT. I look forward to seeing you as an NCO and if you keep this up you will go far.
  5. -Support Blacklists aren’t appealable. However, if this was out of no-where like you claim, then I recind this -Support.
  6. - Support You are an active member of the community, I will give you that. However, I have not really had a good experience with you. You always seem to overreact, you also seem to be overly power hungry. Furthermore, I've overheard you insulting the leadership of navel on several occasions (DT have a human behind them). It is hard as a VCMDR and to balance RP, Command Loggings, Revamping docs and aiding in leading a battalion, show them some respect. That is the main reason for my - Support.
  7. +Support I love this man he is very responsible and I think he will make a great Diplomat.
  8. My advice add more to the app! But good luck
  9. Overall + Support You have been a good and active security officer. However, I feel as if you could perform more sims and trainings within DT as I most often see you with shock. I think you are a very kind individual and I think you are a good leader.
  10. +++ Major Support You were a great Shock Vice Commander and you were given reserves for a reason. It also shows that you are well versed with the rules of shock and you have adapted well with the rules of DT. You constantly reach out to DT to do Sims andTrainings and you meet your SO assignments. You would make a great Kelly’s.
  11. This didn’t last long lmao
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