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Everything posted by TheAmericanMan22

  1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HaX27KFQT0Rc96yQcLhDuQb-5-9zwUcsFjC7fbDP9NU/edit?usp=sharing
  2. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LGg-rN-fQjxYP48cBP90reUun1Q5OZ87qjONIwAxSWA/edit?usp=sharing
  3. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oQx8jJN6O79vRYhFlhcjFO5MHpXWHVRX8zu49OrNAKc/edit?usp=sharing
  4. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p5SjhnN1Ajpu_HFi3xEiTnwiiWbZOamD0ADWq03RJp4/edit?usp=sharing
  5. From my personal experiences with things like this. I just verbally tell the person how the axe and pickaxe thing work. Everyone has been told that the axe and pickaxe are not KOS. The only exception for this was when a player with the axe uses it as a weapon or abuses the one fence glitch in dblock to hit a guard or player. I don't know if that was the case though and have also previously got into a sit with omen for something like this. But after watching the clip that was provided. I can see why he'd think that it was a gun and kill him and can also see why stolas would warn him. +support Going to support this, because it was an honest mistake, and everything matches up. It's only KOS when it damages a player.
  6. Just recently took a report from a Gensec PVT that was titled as "Other" with nothing written down. Once I tped over to him to see what the issue was he asked me to train him for Nu7. Firstly, I explained that I as a staff member am not allowed to train him nor was I in Nu7 at all. Secondly, I had to explain to him that he had to be a LCPL in order to even be trained. After I explained everything to him, he explained that was all and that the whole reason he made the report in the first place. I laughed it off after I was done the sit, and thought it was pretty silly and was thinking if this has ever happened to any other staff member. That's all I really got for a story besides all the minges and rule breakers that we deal with everyday.
  7. Some serious offenses you got in those warns, but people can in fact change. So, I'm not too harsh on that bit. Although, I feel that your staff situation answers are a bit dull in my opinion. I also feel that you should at least give yourself a bit more time to settle in and build yourself a more positive rep for yourself. -Support
  8. Not sure how I feel about NCOs getting the ability to tranq, but I’ll +support
  9. Ah. This guy. It wasn’t me that got killed, but I witnessed it. So, Core was laying mines down as Lamba-9, and this dude decided to run all the way over to them and intentionally shoot them to tk Core. I witnessed it all, so I used my phys gun and brought him into a sit room. I asked staff chat and they told me to put that in the warn. So, I got other staffs opinion on it first. It was blantly obvious what his intentions were, and I still have the medal clip of it. He tried saying that the only reason a shot went off was because he “coughed”. But he clearly aimed down and shot it on purpose.
  10. Before I even say or do any kind of support. I want to hear the other side. If it truly was for sit glitching then I don’t know why you’d be blacklisted from a job. A ban of some sort seems more reasonable.
  11. +support If you don’t get senior mod man… Serum deserves this rank. He’s active and very professional. Never had any problems with him. He’s a closet furry as well. :smug:
  12. +support Listen y’all. Savage is a furry they should automatically get it. Jk jk. But in all seriousness. Savage is more then ready, and I think that they deserve the rank.
  13. I would support this, but I feel like it’s not gonna stop the people that break NLR unfortunately. Plus, if you use something like the Russian roulette swep, die from goomba stomp, or by some other cause that can void NLR. Then I don’t feel like having a timer at the top of my screen.
  14. +support I 100% support this. Id love to see how this follows through, and always wanted to try something out like this.
  15. +support I’ve seen this happen way too many times, and it’s just being very lazy. I called a D4 out in TS once for doing it, and they didn’t care at all and said it was “easier”. They also flammed me for not thanking them, but with all honesty Id rather take the extra 10 minutes to drag the scp back to their CC to actually roleplay. That’s what I came to this server to do. Have fun and roleplay. I think this suggestion should 100% be enforced, and was actually planning on making a forum about it as well. I feel that they should be more strict when it comes to the ethereal. People have been starting to take it out at any chance they get, and don’t even attempt to actually fight the scp that spent at-least a half an hour self breaching. People shouldn’t be taking out an ethereal for one single scp that has just reached LCZ. It’s unrealistic if you ask me.
  16. +support Good situation answers in my opinion. I've had nothing but positive and friendly interactions with him. He's hella active as well, so I see him all the time. I think he's deserving of the rank, and he's mentioned that he's had previous staffing abilities on Gmod as well. So, I feel that he will know what he's doing and catch on quick. Good luck my man, and I hope to be able to work with you soon!
  17. +support I remember Chinese showing this clip in teamspeak last night. There’s no way something like that is possible
  18. Name: American Warden Name: N/A Rank: Warrant Officer Length of LOA: 07/06 - 07/13 Reason for LOA: Vacation. Will be out of the country with family.
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