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Everything posted by Giga

  1. What is your in-game name?: Giga What is your steam name?: [GL] Giga What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:555437807 What is your discord username (Ex: Rookieblue#2667): WOHOA#4844 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain): I do not have experience with staffing in other servers. Although I have been staff in GL for a pretty good while and I'm experienced with that. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly): Around 6 months Ago What date did you make your forums account?: May 26 2022. How many warnings do you have on all GL servers?: 2 Warnings What is your donor rank? (User, Silver, Gold, etc): Admin/Gold Are you a staff member in another community?: Nope. Have you read the staff handbook?: Yes. Timezone: GMT+2 What rank are you applying for?: Senior Admin Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum): I have been staff for quite a while now, maybe or maybe not what somebody could call experienced enough for Senior Admin but enough for me to make this app. I have been trusted through Event Team, forums diplomat and the rank of Admin. I have gained a lot of experience that I had no idea of and made a good amount of mistakes, throughout my time being on the staff team and the server in general. I believe that I can share that experience with new or even experienced staff members being a mentor and generally help staff members that either are having a hard time making a decision or are not sure about a rule that a sit was made about. I have helped a good amount of new staff members on my time being an admin and even a bit on Senior mod and believe that I can make that number a lot more getting to be a mentor. I try my best to not bias any situation and be fair at all times, getting both sides of the story and I'm looking to inforce that in my time mentoring. I don't want to be the person that others look at as a higher up but the person that others look at as a higher up that can help them if they ever have a problem with staffing. Scenario questions: Q1: How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?: At first I would gag them and get the reporters side of the story, then I would ungag them and give them a chance to give me their side of the story if they are still cursing at me I would gag them again warn them for MRDM|Staff Dissrespect and then ban them for 5 days since they have MRDM'ed. Otherwise would get both sides and decide on the punishment although it would probably be the same just without the staff diss part, since they MRDM'ed at the first place. Q2: You are involved in a staff sit that involves 5 different players. The players begin to get frustrated and the sit becomes very toxic and unproductive. What would you do in this situation?: I would first separate them all and get each player's side, I could also invite another staff member so the sit could be more productive and much quicker. Then I would ask the staff member what he got told and then decide on what's the best punishment within the reason the sit was made for and what sides we got. Q3: In your opinion, what is the best way to handle a situation involving a player that clearly does not care about the punishments they are receiving?: If somebody doesn't care about their punishments I won't keep the sit going long, besides there's no point to it when players just don't care. I would keep an eye on them and spectate them for a while, if they repeat what they were just warned for again and again. I would ban them for NCWS and NITRP, how long will be depending on what they did and how many times they did it. Q4: There is a player abusing a known bug, and he has been reported to staff. He swears he followed the server rules when you talk with him. What's the best way to handle this?: There's no way to tell weather the player was lying or not, just by talking to them. I would first ask for proof from the reporter, if there's no proof given there shouldn't be a warn given since exploits are not really shown in logs. If there is proof I would explain them the rule and give them a warn for exploiting. According to what bug the abused I would give them an additional punishment.
  2. Either a screenshot or a clip.
  3. -/+Support Need evidence provided
  4. +Support Could add a disconection log
  5. Giga

    Player report

    +Support -Clear Evidence Though if you could get an advanced search log screenshot it would be perfect (to make sure what job he and the others were on).
  6. Have a good one Yato, it was an honour knowing you. o7
  7. +Support +Great guy +Has been around for a good while +Good app -Could add some more details on the Events I have never had a bad interaction with you , good luck with your app.
  8. +Support -Some Scenarios still look pretty rushed +Great guy +Friendly + The "Why do you believe that you deserve the rank?" is pretty good
  9. Damn, you too??? You were a great Nu7 CMD overseer, thanks for everything you've done while I was in the branch. Take care and I wish you nothing but luck with whatever's next.
  10. +Support -Good app -Good answers -Seems to have dedication towards the server -Experienced with staffing on the server
  11. Giga

    Giga's TE App

    What is your In-Game name?: Giga What is your SteamID (e.g. STEAM_0:1:55975235)?: STEAM_0:1:555437807 What is your rank? (Medical and/or Maintenance): MP How many strikes do you currently have?: 2 How many warnings do you have on GL? (Post a screenshot of your warnings): 2 Who gave you permission to apply?: Glaze Why are you a good fit for Trauma Engineer (75+ Words)?: I've been in maintenance and medical for quite a bit now. Although I could be a little inactive, I am experienced and I'm looking to get back to maintenance. I like roleplay situations and I always try to roleplay at its best. I'm a MP, HLPR bot and MMF and believe to have been trusted in maintenance and utility at its whole. Also I've been a EM in medical for a while and know how to perform top tier roleplay surgeries. With all that being said I believe that I'm fit for the position. Scenario Questions: Q1: An MTF Nu7 Corporal is in dire need of surgical attention (5% health) but an MTF E11 Captain has asked you to come to SCP-966’s containment cell and fix its doors. What should you prioritize?: I would prioritize on performing a surgery on the Nu7 since there would be maintenance personell on site going to fix the CC or getting alerted if the SCPs break out. WE NEED OUR COMBATANTS ALIVE so we don't get hurt. If the CC isn't fixed by the time I'm done with the Nu7 I will then go and assist. Q2: SCP-106 is on its last advert and is about to breach. As you are enroute to 106’s cell, a squad of MTF D5 Gladiators requests that you squad up with them. What should you prioritize?: Prioritizing would be based on codes if we are on Code Blue to Orange I would fix 106's CC if it was from black to ragnarok I would assist and squad up with the G9. Although if there was other maint on I would be prioritizing squading up since D5 is the best MTF branch!!!!!
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