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Everything posted by Giga

  1. +Support -Great guy -Good app (Could've written a bit more) -Active -Gets captured a lot
  2. In-Game Name: Giga Steam Name: [GL] Giga SteamID: STEAM_0:1:555437807 What is your staff rank and the server you work in?: Admin in SCP-RP How often are you online on the forums?: I check forums multiple times everyday. (Mostly on GMT hours) Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat?: I've been staff in SCP-RP for a good amount of time and managed to reach the rank of "admin". Throughout my time of being staff I believe that I've been pretty active on both forums and the server that I'm staff in. I have responded to a fair amount of posts throughout my time in GL. I've always tried to be as fair as possible when deciding to + or - support applications, appeals and suggestions and tried my best to help with any problems. As a forum diplomat I would be able to do even more in forums to help not only SCP-RP but GL in general. Throughout my experience I have understood the rules and punishments of the forums and believe that I'm trusted to handle this position. Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, please describe a situation that required you to make a difficult decision?: I believe that I have good judgment. Throughout my time being staff I have took a good amount of RDM/Fail RP/Metagame/NLR sits, every time being as fair as I could to new or experienced players. Always making sure to get both sides of the story, checking warns and playtime and tried my best to never let bias get in the way of the decision of a punishment. How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming in various topics due to getting banned from one of our servers?: I would've first gotten evidence of the spam post (a clip or screenshots) and then hide the posts. I would've then contacted the person spamming posts and told them that spamming is against the rules of forums and they can appeal there ban in the respective server's "ban appeal" section. According to what was said in the spam posts I would've decided if there should be a punishment (warning or content restriction).If they didn't stop spamming, I would've contacted the Head Diplomat(or SMT if they are unavailable) and informed them of the situation requesting a content restriction of the user spamming. How would you deal with a situation where two users are aggressively arguing with each other in a warning appeal?: I would've first hide the arguing posts. Then I would've told them that they should only be + or - supporting a warning appeal, if they want to argue or talk about the post farther they can take it to DMs/PMs. Then I would've contacted the Head of Diplomat and tell them what happened in the situation. If they didn't stop I would've locked the topic and waited for a SMT member to decide on accepting or denying the warn appeal.
  3. +Support -Great app -Great guy to be around -Fairly active on forums
  4. +Support -Active on forums -Great app
  5. +Support -Good app -Active -Friendly -Great guy to be around Marcus is very dedicated on joining staff and I believe that he's going to make a great member of the team.
  6. Giga

    Giga's D5 app

    I love Kangaroos, G9 and Spooky models. I also Have perms to not follow the format SteamID: STEAM_0:1:555437807 Name: Giga Love you Trizium.
  7. +Support I will help destroyer bully Ven.
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